Thread: These Labels...
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Old 17-03-2015, 11:04 AM
LadyMay LadyMay is offline
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Originally Posted by VikingWarriorOnWheels
I'm having a hard time with these terms: Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow...
After recently becoming intrigued by the notion of naturally gifted individuals being born with an extraordinary role in this life... Can't this be true of anyone? What if, for example, an Indigo is born into a conservative, Christian family that expected academic success, following rules, doing what you're told, etc. and these natural abilities are stifled and deterred before the child can even develop nonconforming thoughts or intuitive abilities? What if they don't discover spirituality until later in life? Does this make them any less of an Indigo than a child who's family raised them in a spiritually supportive environment?

I was born into a family like this. Worse even. Didn't deter me. I just ignored them all lol.

Indigo intuition is stronger than the circumstances they/we find ourselves in. That's kinda the point.
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