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Old 17-01-2011, 02:49 PM
Posts: n/a
today in my juicer i put broccoli carrots apples and cucumber. mmmmmm it was so good i drank it in about 10 minutes. if you put an apple or carrots in with some leafy greens it tastes very good too. a good way to get a large dose of raw veggies and fix your sweet tooth at the same time, not to mention how good it is for your digestive system to have juiced veggies.

I've been thinking about a juicer these last couple of days but was wondering how leafy greens would actually taste juiced, and whether a juicer would be worth the investment (some are very expensive). Your description of greens and fruit to sweeten it up sounds interesting. Thanks!

I had a veggie burger first the first time last night, grilled it while I grilled my wife's chicken. Other than being a bit bland it was actually ok and filling, especially with all the regular condiments I usually have on a burger like tomato, onion and lettuce.

Kaere, I agree. It seems like something picked off a tree could only be good for you. I recently had bloodwork done (annual company health fair) and all was good including blood sugar count so I wont worry too much about eating too much fruit for now.

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