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Old 16-01-2011, 07:19 PM
athribiristan athribiristan is offline
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Yes, absolutely!! I have always devoted myself to working for the light, but lately I have really felt called to share with others. The more of us who vibrate with Love and Light the stronger it will become until we DO reach that critical mass.

Our cheif obstacle is the sheer momentum of the negative energy patterns that the world is in right now. The brighter we shine, the more fiercely the forces of darkness will marshall against us, but with each flame that is added to our numbers the darkness fades and the shadows grow a little shorter.

Now IS our time to bring the Light to the world. By coming together here and in other ways and inspiring each other we are already doing it. It sounds as though many of the people on this board are already involved in their local areas, but if not get involved in the community.

Love and Light,
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