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Old 14-01-2011, 01:57 PM
NightSpirit NightSpirit is offline
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Originally Posted by Mystfied
A couple of years ago my husband was rushed to the hospital and underwent life saving surgery,which didn't go well to say the least ,he came out being hooked up to machinery to keep him breathing,and was in a coma and not expected to make it through the night.

After a week and no change and none expected the Dr's wanted to disconnect all the machines as they were convinced there was no hope
So all the family came home and said their goodbyes and I was the last one in the room and asked the nurse if she would move the tubing to the side so I could give my husband one final kiss and hug .I told him how much I loved him Thanked him for our years together and laid my head on his chest and put my arms around him for one final hug and low and behold within a few minutes up came his arms and he put them around me...I thought the nurse was going to pass out and myself also..his heart rate increased,and his blood pressure came up....
Needless to say I didn't let them turn off the machines and after a six month stay in hospital I brought him home,and yes he's still here with me ,not in the best of shape but he's still here...And I feel blessed with everyday we may have as I know there numbered
Was it Divine Intervention your darn right it was...

And playing softly in the background was a song by Diamond Rio...One More Day...


I soooo love these amazing miracles....thank you Divine Father
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