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Old 15-12-2014, 01:49 AM
dryad dryad is offline
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Find something positive you can take from it all... you have alot of energy locked up in those negative emotions. If you can transmute it into positive energy just think what you could do with it. Instead of just letting it go....claim it. That is your energy. You earned it by rite of fire. And your going to do something with it. Purify it and then redirect it into your spiritual development. Helps with the lack of control issues too because your taking control back.

If your not ready to do that yet there is a technique I use sometimes. It helps you get to a point where you can do that. It involves placing temporary blocks so you dont feel the pain for a while. It gives you a chance to develop some emotional strength and perspective. If you dont remember what it felt like to be without the pain it is hard to choose to let go of it. Fear of the unknown and all. I use it in cases were healing it for you would take away the opportumity for you to learn something important. Like how to transcend fear and pain.
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