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Old 05-12-2014, 05:16 AM
wstein wstein is offline
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Originally Posted by kkfern
it is not finite. it might get dirty but it is a lesson to clean it up.
It IS finite, there is only so much air. More air is not being added nor it part of some infinite expanse of air.

In the short term, the air doesn't go anywhere. It is renewable which means with some care it can be reused many times. It can get filled with stuff making it unsuitable for the purposes which it is currently being used. If you at all believe in history, that has already happened on this planet. At one time there was very little free oxygen until some phytoplankton started putting it in the air. Oxygen is a poison to the kind of life that existed at the time, much of the biosphere died. Of course a different biosphere appeared that tolerated oxygen. There is no guarantee that next time it will support life. Spirit won't be concerned but a lot of incarnations will be.

My point was that BECAUSE it is finite, it can get dirty. If it was infinite, anything finite would be unable to affect it. Finite in this context includes the sun, the planet Earth, life, and of course humans.

Originally Posted by kkfern
there you go again thinking in the worst case scenario. the glass is half empty and soon we will have nothing left. the air itself will be gone.
Actually not a bad scenario at all. Simple, certain, compete. Pesky humans would be gone. Too bad about the rest of the biosphere...oh well. Its happened before, it will happen again.

For someone who claims to have spirit eyes, you are sure quick to only point out the Earth eyes part of things.
no sugar coating here, I tell it straight as I see it
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