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Old 10-01-2011, 05:37 PM
Posts: n/a
Smiler writes,

I would not worry my friend dont see it happening to you! A soul exchange is when pre -birth it is organnised that ..
one soul will stay for a set period of time ( for varying reasons ) and at a certain age another will take over! ( for varying reasons)
Its quite rare .. Normally first soul had a near death experience for this to take place, please note NDE are not all soul exchanges , just to make that clear!

Hope that helps .
It is interesting especially if you ever see it..As I said its rare !

I am beginning to get the impression that these event's, if not contracted can take place at times when life is threatened in some way or indeed actually end life scenario's such as drowning, heart failure The chances seem to be that on successful resucitation a different or changed person emerges.

Possibly after a traumatic event, you are not the same person, I am sure many of us relate to that.

Is this what you are calling a soul exchange, or is it much more significant than this?

Smiler writes,

I have had a doctor ask about a patient that was clearly a total swap .. and I have seen a boy changed completely after drowning.. The soul introduced itself to me clearly, verbally and externally by name and said name of other boy and what was happening ( it was not a little voice either).. A shock at time as I knew the boy before hand!
Its not something people are comfortable with .. which is understandable why it is not spoken about.


This has a strong resonance with what norseman writes here,

norseman writes,

See what you make of this. About ten years ago, I had a quadruple heart by-pass operation which involved being "dead" for several hours, maintained by a heart-lung machine, while the "plumbers" re-arranged the piping.
I came out of that with a different personality according to family. I left my profession in industry, signed up as a mature student in university, and began my spiritual life wandering the moors, teaching part-time in the university to make ends meet.
The twist is that this operation happened on my birthday - so I have been "born" twice on the same day. Different soul ? - you tell me.

Sangress writes,

In my case, usually to avoid an early death.

So we get to see a glimpse of the reasons for soul exchange,

Sangress writes,

I think it should be spoken about more often. Less fear and more understanding or preparation for such things would be beneficial for everyone.
I think half the reasons people don't deal well, other than the obvious social and lifestyle changes, is because a lot of people are uneducated about what to expect or how to go about a soul exchange.
If its done in a way that isn't really natural complications can occur like parts of someones body being stuck in someone else, parts of a personality being "spliced," memories getting mixed up....etc

I do agree, hence all my questions.
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