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Old 30-10-2014, 01:46 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Running Zack
I found a PDF of the book online and have been reading it for a little while, it makes sense that castor oil could work. I'll finish more of the book and likely order some off Ebay, although it's too bad I'd have to wait several days for it to arrive.

As a few members' posts predicted/hinted at, the nausea has come back within the past couple hours although it's mostly confined to having a really weak feeling in my stomach again. I remember having this feeling for almost an entire Summer in 2008, and later included/led to asthma attacks and severe anxiety for years. Parts of this Summer feel like a reflection of 2008, so I'm getting scared lately over what else could happen. Of course, talking and worrying about it so much really doesn't do me any favors.

Slippery Elm Bark and Chamomile tea can be found at a local Health Store or Organic store, every store should have the chamomile tea. These would be good to use daily to prevent ulcers and to aid in healing as well. They work fast but not as deep as the Castor Oil Packs ...... the Anxiety attacks need be faced directly! Some authors who have PROVEN techniques for this are: Vernon Howard, Guy Finley, Carl Jung (Man And His Symbols) , Thich Nhat Hahn (Mindfulness) . These take daily effort and practice, but the benefit exceeds the time spent!
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