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Old 28-09-2014, 09:55 PM
David K
Posts: n/a
The mist of time.

Its morning; around 6am.

It’s cold and damp as I walk along the pathway that leads to the wood. The wood is still and shrouded in darkness.

The moisture is heavy; the air is a velvet carpet, and a thick mist is lying on the floor.

I walk into the wood. I touch the two centennial trees guarding the entrance. I marvel at their size; my fingers follow the rough patterns of the bark. They are cold to the touch and feel very solid.

As I walk along the path, my feet disappear into a low-lying mist. It looks as if am floating.

The wood is still, there is hardly a sound, not even from the early morning birds.

I follow the path to the centre of wood. There is a little clearing covered in rich green grass, and a fallen tree blocks my way.

I sit on the fallen tree. As I sit down I breathe in the cool damp air. I deeply inhale the intoxicating mist.

I close my eyes and fall within. I am one with the wood and all the nature around me.

This is me, it’s you; one with nature; one with everything…………..
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