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Old 25-08-2014, 04:48 PM
Lynn Lynn is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Past Pluto in the vastness of space and time
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Someone asked me why I do not just say "no touch" but there are some of us like me that come into life with it all turned on. We have no off switch to say I do not want this.....and we learn to ground and call in protection. I have embraced I am very much a "tool" to be accessed for the assistance of spirits and ghosts in need. While its not something I understood early on in life I now embrace that is whom I am.

This is why when I do platform work or public speaking work and one's go I so want to be like you Lynn I tell them a story in the day of me I have yet to have someone go cool sign me up. I do a lot of work helping those that have this ability learn to live with it and find that place of peace and balance. I too do a lot of work with those non living to bring them the same peace.

Growing up I honestly thought I was going mental at times, it is such a blessing that times are more open so that conversations like this can and do take place. I too embrace that to do the work I now do I had to have the path I did hard as it was at times it defined whom I am.

LOL next Sunday at the Metaphysical Meeting I will have to explain why I was so zoned out and well moody.

If the crow has chosen you as your spirit or totem animal, it supports you in developing the power of sight, transformation, and connection with life’s magic.
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