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Old 04-08-2014, 09:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Well, here is opportunity, ciel. What would you tell spammos here.

"Tut tut... 'stiff upper lip', you can do it... hi- ho, carry on."
"Yes... it's a miserable life, carrying all that burden of sin... but, onward!"

Hi Morpheus,

I would suggest to that person that they surrender to Jesus, take his yoke upon themselves and learn from him. When we stop trying to do things in our own strength, we have His strength to help us overcome. But doing things in God's strength doesn't mean there won't be challenges. Peter faced challenges, as did Jesus, ''the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak''.''Not my will be done by your will''.

I'm not even remotely saying that we have to carry the burden of sin. I wonder what it is that is stopping you from seeing that? I am suggesting, that from what Jesus said and his disciples taught, that we all have a choice of whether we are going to walk in complete surrender towards him, or if at some point, we will turn our back on him, because we aren't willing to let go of the things he asks us to.

I'd still like to hear how verse like those from Hebrews 6, and 2 Peter 2, and what Jesus says about ''he who endures to the end shall be saved'', fits into your understanding that salvation is not something one can lose?


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