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Old 22-07-2014, 06:56 PM
BlackCat BlackCat is offline
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Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 17
Originally Posted by sea-dove
Note.. stuff like this doesnt develop over night.. it takes YEARS of energy body development (and probably a very good teacher too). The people who do this are not at all inclined to show it off due to their spiritual development which is part of these practices and this stuff isnt taught to everyone. These Masters can tell what someone is like. To get into one of these classes I had to send my photo in and be approved by an aura scan.

Some of these people are telepathic too!! Ive experienced that.

So I suggest if you want to see a good demo of this stuff.. watch out for grandmaster level people in the various things and their higher students who also teach.

To do these things.. it isnt about physical body strength (thou it is probably better to have a healthy physical body), it is more about the strength of the will and the strength of someones energy and ability to use it.

Thanks, it was very informative.

I believe that a person can’t have a weak body and strong energy – or more precisely, there is a limit to how strong your energy can get with a weak body. And that you can’t have weak energy with a strong body. But this is only what I think, you’re more experienced on the matter so you probably know better.

Maybe what’s best for me is to combine physical training with chi kung exercises (that are described in the book I mentioned). I’m still conflicted about it.
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