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Old 21-07-2014, 07:52 AM
Running Zack
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Nameless
One of the principles of spirituality is, "Take what you want and leave the rest." So, if something someone suggests rings true for you, then you might try it. If it doesn't, don't.

I think the idea behind that is that, obviously, we are all different, but 2, we are all vibration, and we are vibrating on different wavelengths. That explains why we have the preferences that we have.

The "I Love You" in the mirror was the first step for me in learning to love myself. It did feel forced, and it didn't feel good, but I kept saying it anyway. It brought up a lot of my emotional stuff for me, out into the open where I could deal with it. It is hard to deal with buried things.

I found out what I was telling myself, in my unconscious patter that we all have.

A belief is a just a thought you keep thinking.

A belief doesn't have to be true, but you can't find out if it is true or not until you question it. Trying to find the root of it is helpful, but even if you can't, you can question if the belief feels good or not. If it doesn't feel good, change it.

Spirit Guides: there is a section on the forum for spirit guides. I was raised Catholic until I was 12, so I already had a built in belief in a guardian angel. So, years later, when I came across the idea, it wasn't something I resisted, it was something I was familiar with. My belief is that we have a guide with us throughout our livetime, helping us and loving us from the Other Side. Most people have more than one, but everyone has at least one. So, whether you can hear them or not, you can talk to them and they hear you. If you listen to your gut, and follow your impulses, you might see signs of them. You also have the dearly departed that like to check up on you now and them (passed over relatives). They like to leave signs too. You have all kinds of help from the Other Side.

My first introduction to that was Sylvia Browne's, Adventures of a Psychic. It is maybe not the best written book in the world, but it gives an idea of what being psychic is and what spirit guides are, in a very pragmatic way.

Other Book recommendations:

Seth Speaks, by Jane Roberts
Ask and It Is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks
Soul Love, by Sanaya Roman

You can go on amazon and do a quick look feature, and read the first few chapters of any of these books, to get a sense of it you like them or not, but they are all channeled material and might give you a flavor of what a "spirit guide" is, although they never once call themselves spirit guides...

Take what you want and leave the rest.

Here is Seth on Beliefs:

My 2 cents: stop focusing on what you think your body can't do, and focus on what it can do and start appreciating that. Grab the other end of the stick...

Thanks, Nameless. I'll branch out to more of the forum and look up spirit guides, as well as trying to change my thoughts. The nausea was going on for almost all of today (yesterday by now, I guess) and was only gone when replaced with throat pain (not a sore throat, though) which I hope is just a returning cough from being sick recently. Either way, it all seems like an emotional thing I need to work out.
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