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Old 12-07-2014, 06:19 AM
Posts: n/a
The pyramid is indeed the trinity, physical body, intelligence, and spirit. The pyramid or triangle as we see it right side up can also mean the 3 points of light, the light, truth and life, positive forces. Also the pyramid is sometimes seen as an inverted tree with the seed from the heavens trunking down and its branches extended into the Earth meaning that the light from the heavens is extending and penetrating the dark Earth (ignorance, fear). Its an amplifier. When something is amplified we see it as growing more powerful or producing power. Now an upside down triangle or pyramid shape is its dual opposite the dark trinity of darkness, falsehoods and death. Put them together and you get the star of David, this is where we get the esoteric '33' of the free masons. Now the 'illuminati' is not bad or evil it simply means 'enlightened one' ones who know. Now the free masons are indeed probably evil but then again every major world religion is corrupt by the beast which is the 'carnality of man' or the flesh body that stays in ignorance. Man kinds (carnal) number is six three score six.
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