Thread: Strange House
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Old 08-07-2014, 02:03 AM
Posts: n/a
Strange House

So when I was a kid of about 7 or 8 my mom and I used to go on daily walks through the town. One time when we walked through a wooded area behind the mall I saw a small cottage. It was pretty run down, but there was smoke coming out of the chimney as if someone lived there. I can't identify the smell that came with it, but it was very repulsive. Every time we walked through there after that day it was gone. Like it never existed. I always assumed that it had been torn down.

Fast forward about 10 years. A former friend and I were taking the same walk, and I smelled that horrid smell again. It was strong enough to make me vomit and I felt compelled to look into the woods. At the same spot was that same cottage. Smoke coming out of the chimney and I stopped my friend and asked if she could see it. She told me she had no idea what I was talking about. I suddenly felt compelled to run to the cottage and go inside. My friend had to physically pull me away and out of the woods.

I never saw it again. Anytime I went past that area, whether walking or driving, or biking, it was never there.

Anyone know anything about this?
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