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Old 07-07-2014, 04:51 PM
Awakened Queen Awakened Queen is offline
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Originally Posted by ScarlettHayden
Nah, I'm used to it now. I do these movements on a daily basis for at least a twenty minute session. If I don't energy gets trapped and starts to explode like a pressure cooker.

I accidentally got stabbed in the foot by a nail once so I stopped doing them for a few days so it could heal and I had problems with proper regulation of body temperature because of the hot/cold energy, also I would get woken up in the night by energy going up my spine.. that is if I slept well at all over all the full body muscle vibrations and the weird paranoia. In the end I had to tell my foot not to step on itself as I resumed the exercises and it complied haha. I was better after two days. So that was a lesson learned. Doing them every day keeps the weirdness at bay Honestly nothing really freaks me out too much anymore.. I think I have cleared out a lot of unconscious fear.

I just hope I don't have to do them for the rest of my life.. lawd.

I'm not sure if I saw somewhere else round here.. meeting your twin kickstarted Kundalini too right?

Oh man, I wish I had known about this when I was going through my awakening. My whole body was burning up at night. I would wake up in pools of sweat. So kriya balances the kundalini energy?
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