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Old 07-07-2014, 07:39 AM
Posts: n/a
Attempting at Lucid Dreaming, getting scared?

I used to have Lucid Dreams frequently as a child and still do randomly now. I am currently attempting to develop and strengthen my ability to connect with Spirit. Recently I have been reading books, listening to hypnotic recordings for lucid dreaming as I fall asleep, and even trialing herbs, all in an attempt to induce Lucid Dreaming.
On three different occasions, while I was mid dream, I have felt as if I was slipping into darkness, unable to move, and felt as if Spirit was around me, suppressing me. I became frightened and jumped ship each time.
After reading around these boards I am wondering if I was slipping into an out of body experience or astral projecting. Maybe even sleep paralysis, but each time I was actively dreaming and felt like I was bringing it on myself. I was able to pull myself out of it relatively easily by calling my Spirit back to myself, and woke myself up. However, it still scared me, and I am not sure what was happening.
Any ideas or input on what is going on?
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