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Old 21-06-2014, 01:31 PM
Mathew James Mathew James is offline
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Originally Posted by ScarlettHayden
...For me I prefer to know something directly rather than speculate about something I have no knowledge of.. until then I have an open mind. What others decide to believe is up to them and I respect that entirely, as long as they don't try to force their beliefs upon me or others.

That makes sense.

But as Baile puts out there, "revelation through prayer" may be considered a direct contact by some people, while other people may see it as speculation.

I am just keeping an open mind and trying not to force my belief. I already know, no one on on this forum believes the same as me.

light is as a pillar on which is a lamp -- the lamp is in a glass, the glass is as it were a brightly shinning star -- lit from a blessed olive tree,
neither eastern nor western, the oil whereof gives light, though fire touch it not -- light upon light: The Light:35
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