Thread: co creating
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Old 31-12-2010, 11:23 PM
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co creating

dear all spiritual seekers...
I would like to experiment something.
I would so appreciate your input or advice on how to drive this.

some one told me, that America is planing to war with Korea. is it true?
I live tucked away from media resources.

I was thinking
The basic message of all spiritual or (other dimensional activities) all say
that our mind creates all that we come to experience.
So , can we all yogis and mediators and seekers and cultivators ... can we not all WILL it differently This war story.

If collectively we all consciously manifest peace ( take 5 minutes each day to manifest peace, send vibrations of peace, say it loud.. what ever be your method) we should reach a critical mass to sway the out come no?

We all talk about it, perhaps we can put this into action.
5 minutes of each day, or better yet before sleeping, so it goes deep inside..
send a message of peace.

Tomorrow is 2011, I think it is about time we humans get along
and stop this silly nonsense of war.

I would appreciate all constructive thoughts and ideas.

one beautiful , splendid, lovely, consciousness.
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