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Old 12-06-2014, 07:49 AM
starling starling is offline
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Originally Posted by Lisbet
I am new to dowsing and tried map dowsing to find a missing cat. I was able to find a place quickly with clear yes's and no's.

My question is, what are the chances of false positives for a novice dowser? Is it possible that my subconscious is giving me false answers?

I haven't tried door to door or anything so I have no idea if my cat is truly in the area I found on the map.

I haven't read the other replies here but my own approach here would be that you are emotionally involved in the subject which MAY affect your results(it certainly would mine)

If you are new to it, unless you are significantly better at it than me, I wouldn't pin all your hopes for success on it.

Hope you find your cat.
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