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ThoughtBroadcaster 14-01-2011 02:47 AM

does anyone know if chelation can cure ocd and other disorders like anxiety or have experiences with this miracle cure?

LightFilledHeart 14-01-2011 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by ThoughtBroadcaster
does anyone know if chelation can cure ocd and other disorders like anxiety or have experiences with this miracle cure?

As I understand it, chelation is not a "miracle cure", but a method devised by bona fide international healer Rosalyn Bruyere (she has a website...check it out!) to clear toxins, placque, heavy metals and other harmful agents from the blood. It might be possible that the presence of one or more of those elements could create mental and emotional disorders such as anxiety. I suspect the one to ask is someone who uses the treatment. I do know it works for the physical stuff, as I've seen people whose circulation was so poor as to render their skin almost blue-ish in color (!) come back to full health and vitatlity after a series of chelation treatments, but it does most generally take a number of treatments, and because medical science does not recognize it as a valid treatment (as is so often the case with non-invasive holistic treatment!), insurance will not pay for it :icon_frown:

norseman 14-01-2011 06:46 PM

Chelation is a well- known old process in industrial chemistry and in the removal of heavy metals from the body. I have a high body burden of Lead because I worked in a Lead Refinery. It ends up in the bone marrow. There are two alternatives - either you allow nature to take it's course and the Lead will eventually pass out through the kidneys. The alternative is chelation which mobilises the Lead and speeds up the process of elimination. The problem can be an overload on the Kidneys causing damage in that organ. That is the issue which must be addressed. Often the metal is "locked away" in the body but chelation releases it, possibly too quickly.
The common chemical used is EDTA [ do you really want to know what that stands for ? :D]

LightFilledHeart 14-01-2011 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by norseman
Chelation is a well- known old process in industrial chemistry and in the removal of heavy metals from the body. I have a high body burden of Lead because I worked in a Lead Refinery. It ends up in the bone marrow. There are two alternatives - either you allow nature to take it's course and the Lead will eventually pass out through the kidneys. The alternative is chelation which mobilises the Lead and speeds up the process of elimination. The problem can be an overload on the Kidneys causing damage in that organ. That is the issue which must be addressed. Often the metal is "locked away" in the body but chelation releases it, possibly too quickly.
The common chemical used is EDTA [ do you really want to know what that stands for ? :D]

All you say not-with-standing, I trust Mz. Bruyere's expertise and credentials as a healer to know how often, how much, and how fast to purge the body of such things. She invented the methods used for chelation therapy, so I'm sure she knows!

There is another method also, and a very simple one. You can simply sit in a hot tub treated with chlorine or bromine. The combination of the hot water and the bromine will leach heavy medals out of your body. I stumbled upon this method quite by accident when my late husband and I installed a hot tub in our back yard. Whenever we used it, he would suffer from an irritating itchy rash for the three to five days. At first we thought it a result of the chlorine, and so switched to bromine, but it did no good. One day while receiving a treatment from a homeopath, I mentioned it in passing. He asked if my husband drank soda in aluminum cans. I replied that he did. He explained to me that the acidic quality of carbonated beverages eats off minute quantities of aluminum, which you then ingest. After years of doing so, my husband had built up a hefty amount of aluminum in his system, ane sitting in the hot tub had the effect of leaching it out of his body through the largest organ, the skin, resulting in an irritating rash...! He said if he could stand it, it was actually good for him and he should do it, wait for the rash to resolve, wait a few days and do it again... wait again, etc.... until he stopped having the reaction, at which point he would know the heavy metals in his system were no longer present. He couldn't bring himself to do what the good doctor suggested (that rash was worse than poison oak, which, oddly enough, he was immune to, while I would get it just by LOOKING at the stuff...!) and the issue never got resolved. I think of that whenever I see kids drinking copious quantities of canned soda (ugh!! All that sugar and empty calories, not to mention alumninum!) and wonder if their mothers are aware of what they're ingesting. I'm told that today soda cans are lined with a form of teflon that keeps the aluminum from leaching into the soda, but I can't say for sure if that's true. I never drink the stuff!

michael55 14-03-2011 01:33 AM

What is chelation ?????????? Thanks in advanced

Silver 14-03-2011 01:38 AM

It's a process where you can either intravenously, via liquid ingestion or take pills with EDTA, among other things, which will help to release unwanted and sometimes harmful metals in your body. (short answer)

luvblooms 25-03-2011 04:44 AM

Geez....I was way off base. I thought chelation was another term for laying-on of hands?

LightFilledHeart 25-03-2011 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by luvblooms
Geez....I was way off base. I thought chelation was another term for laying-on of hands?

No, it is the intravenous introduction of blood cleaning elements that draw off heavy metals, placque and other harmful contaminants :wink:

SweetCaroline 02-04-2014 06:46 PM

I found out that I have very high levels of Mercury in my system... explains so many of my weird and wonderful symptoms. Started chelation tablets about a week ago and I am starting to feel a change in my body... hoping this is the answer to my prayers! =)

norseman 06-04-2014 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by SweetCaroline
I found out that I have very high levels of Mercury in my system... explains so many of my weird and wonderful symptoms. Started chelation tablets about a week ago and I am starting to feel a change in my body... hoping this is the answer to my prayers! =)

The important issue should be how did you get a high Mercury count ?
I also have a high body Mercury from working in chemical plants and laboratories dating back to the 60's.

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