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Emmalevine 09-01-2011 10:34 AM

Kundalini support
Hi all

I am really getting quite alarmed by what's happening to me. It all seems quite normal in terms of what I've read about Kundalini but it doesn't change how scary it feels. Is anyone else going through this and want to post for support? I know there's another Kundalini thread but that is more for info purposes. I thought it might be good to have a support thread if there are people out there who want to share stories and give/recieve support.

My vibrations appear to have risen because when I close my eyes my ears instantly buzz with intensity and my third eye starts to vibrate, then a vision appears. Earlier I saw a white light and what appeared to be an angel figure, which was nice, but just now I saw what seemed to be a fire (orange and red lights and possibly a figure burning in the centre). All through the night I had moving visions - I wrote about them in the Spiritual Development thread.

Anyway, although I'm sure this is a good and positive thing I feel a little freaked by all these sudden visions and ear buzzing. Would welcome hearing from anyone experiencing or who has experienced anything similar wityh Kundalini.

Emmalevine 09-01-2011 11:05 AM

I want to go to sleep but everytime I close my eyes I get another vision. I saw a figure and then some sort of animal. I'm close to tears please help! Has anyone experienced this? I feel really freaked out.

star-child 09-01-2011 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Starbuck
I want to go to sleep but everytime I close my eyes I get another vision. I saw a figure and then some sort of animal. I'm close to tears please help! Has anyone experienced this? I feel really freaked out.

Hello I used to get that, I actually told them to go away and they did lol. At the time I didn't feel ready to see the visions (I saw animals and people) but now I sort of regret it.

Evaah 09-01-2011 01:25 PM

I don't have experience with this because my Kundalini hasn't awakened yet, but have you tried asking for relief from your Guides/angels/higher power?

Uma 09-01-2011 02:43 PM


I think you need to let go of your fear and just allow the process to unfold, trusting the Divine to do what it has to do to purify that part of you.

I'll share a very personal experience of a throat chakra opening I had. For weeks during meditation the energy would get stuck in my throat and I had a choking sensation. I thought I was actually going to choke, and die of choking so I would stop the meditation. But each time I meditated the same thing happened. Finally, I decided, if this is meant to take me higher I will allow it to choke me, God's will be done. As soon as changed my attitude, the energy was able to cross over the threshold of the throat and move into the brow...and that led to one of the most profound spiritual experiences I have ever had in my life. So much energy was now streaming through my throat chakra that anyone could actually see waves of energy moving in my physical throat - it was so intense it was pushing the physical muscles. There was no more choking sensation, just a beautiful soft loving wave of spiritual energy massaging my throat as it gushed upwards towards the brow like a flood after a dam has burst... and after it had done its job, a new consciousness opened up to me.

This is the way it works - first the energy does the clearing, then a new consciousness opens up. So I believe this is really a grace-filled time for you and an exciting opportunity. And your part of the job is to get ego attachment out of the way - "fear" and learn how to surrender to the grace that is trying to manifest in your inner world.

God bless
p.s. about "visions" in general I'm going to PM you

Uma 09-01-2011 03:05 PM

pps. I want to add something about free will too. We have a God-given right to say to Kundalini (which is the power of God manifesting in a human being):

"Please make it stop, I don't want this experience."
"Please slow down. It's too intense."
"I take back what I said, I'm not ready for change."
"I take back what I said, let's go ahead."

So you can control the experience and Kundalini will comply. It might be like turning off a fan, just takes a little while for the blades to stop spinning. Just be warned that if you don't respondcan be supportive too to what's prompting you from within, the same sort of prompts will come to you through people and situations in your life. I know you were looking for "support not info" but to me the right sort of info can be supportive too as it might help to calm you down so you can deal with it from a more objective space....

And to other people reading this thread:

Visions produced by forceful means such as hallocinogenic drugs, or Kundalini experiences that are not spontaneous but forced through breathing techniques (which in rare cases are ok if the person has been training for it for a long time under supervision of a qualified master); or visions due to some psychotic experience due to brain impairment are highly unlikely to be true Kundalini experiences and therefore will not respond the same way.

For an illustration of a genuine "visual" Kundalini experience that leads to self-realization, read Swami Muktananda's classic autobiography Play of Consciousness: http://www.amazon.com/Play-Consciousness-Autobiography-Swami-Muktananda/dp/0911307818

Emmalevine 09-01-2011 03:10 PM

Thanks so much everyone. I've had my son home so not had the chance to give my symptoms proper attention but I'm definitely going to ask them to ease off. I don't want to stop or block what's happening but I just need some space at the moment. Uma yes you're right, and nothing wrong with supportive info..

Sira 09-01-2011 03:17 PM

One observation to reduce the fear factor: we are activated through about all possible colours to make us full rainbows of Light. There was a time when I needed to assimilate black and that experience was a startling one, because I was meditating and all of a sudden this black came at high speed and entered through my third eye. Well, I stopped meditating there and then and asked my guides what just happened. They said that it's okay (goodness, I'm hearing Black Velvet on the radio right now!), black is just another frequency of Light and very useful to have during astral travel.

DulcePoetica 09-01-2011 09:53 PM

I get freaked out sometimes by the symptoms. I am overwhelmed by the process and it seems to happen so fast sometimes I can't keep up! When I get overwhelmed, I give myself permission not to acknowledge the visions (or whatever) in the moment. I get so excited by the process I am going through that I want to remember and understand every detail. But sometimes it is just too much to handle without an emotional breakdown.

It seems to help sometimes, to simply be aware that I am experiencing a lot of things that are beyond my current understanding and leave it at that. I need to allow time for rest too, so I can't 'process' everything all the time.

Ciqala 09-01-2011 11:26 PM

Starbuck! Great thread to start, thankyou, I was hoping the other Kundalini thread would turn into support as well, although it is more information.
I have gone through the intense part of kundalini awakening, still am going through it, if I have any advice to give, try and view it as a loving experience, with an open mind :) I know how terrifying it can be.
Do some relaxation exercises, lay down and calm your body and mind, and try to erase the fear of what you are experiencing.

Breathe through the intense parts, inhale, exhale deeply, take your focus off the intense feelings, relax your body, relax your mind into a state where you can just be unattached and aware from a distance of the intensity that is going on.

Repeat positive affirmations to yourself, talk to yourself in your mind positively when these things are occurring, even talk to the kundalini, for an example of one of my own pep talks “this is a loving feeling and is not dangerous, I am not afraid, and I will allow this as it is in my best interest” sometimes i say to it, "oh my! how intense, but it feels quite interesting." you eventually... get to a time, when all the feelings you experience become normal and then pleasurable.

Breath in, breathe out, just focus on your breathing. What is happening is not terrifying, it is just alien to what you and your body is used to, thus viewing it in a relaxed and distant way, allows you to become more used to it, without the fear.
Be open to whatever comes.

When I first started out it felt like lightening bolts tearing through my body, hammering away painfully, not very delightful, extremely terrifying (since i didn't even know what chakras were, that was the whole reason i found this site), the sensations became more intense if I tried to stop them, or if my body contracted on impulse to stop the flow. I would recommend breathing through, and relaxing all of your muscles, your whole body, relaxing your mind, allowing the vibrations and sensations to go where they have to, and it becomes more calm feeling.
After a while, all of these things become amazing and pleasurable, the most pleasurable thing you would ever feel. It just takes getting used to things in an open mind frame, and conquering your fear!

You may notice lots of things around your ears, immense pressure, pins and needles, vibrations and loud ringing, energies. Do not worry. The sounds can become so intense, you may fear your head will explode and other illogical thoughts you may think will happen, but nothing dangerous can happen to you. Spend some time relaxing, and getting used to such things, and just focus on what is going on in a distant state. Breathe, and erase all fears from mind.

Do some grounding exercises as well. Try and get out into a forest. Do things that ground you to earth. If your kundalini allows you to enter public (for some feeling energies become sporadic) try and distract yourself from the symptoms by keeping busy, going shopping, talking to other people.

I found listening to music helped me. Also, when i delved more into meditation, the physical sensations lessened, and also helped me to become more familiar with the spiritual aspects.

Visions. Yup, some of the things that pop up can be shocking.
These visions cannot hurt you, and they are loving. If you want to take precautions surround yourself in white light, feel trust in Source, feel trust in the universe, protect yourself by smudging yourself and your house with sage, or wearing a protective crystal – or any other ways to protect yourself. That way you can know these visions mean you no harm. It can be freaky at first, but in time, you get used to the alienating feeling, and they all become pleasurable. You will just have to trust me on that, I guess. But it takes you to a step of trying to just observe things, without putting your own emotions onto it all. This ability to see things, becomes so loving and magnificent! Ask your spirit guides to surround you when this happens. Ask to gain a communication with your loving guides, and you will then switch a terrifying experience to be a loving one.

In all, it is dealing with your fear. Most times fear comes from somewhere deep within, most times it is just alien experiences that pop up, and we are not used to them. But then again, look at someone who is completely fearless, they would have no problem experiencing new and odd things. Which is why, fear usually stems from somewhere deeper inside of us, that we should deal with.
Have faith these experiences will turn out for the better, and there is no harm that could come to you.

You could ask for the experiences to be lightened, but in my experience, kundalini goes where it wants to go whether I wanted it to or not, trying to stop it, only made the symptoms worse, and the best thing I did, was master my fear, and go with the flow, and find trust. I am still not done with the process of Kundalini, but I find it exhilarating, amazing, pleasurable, and would hate to see the day it stopped! It’s an amazing process, I find, I am way more open to experiencing new things that I used to be firm on staying put in my place, because of fear of the unknown! I used to be terrified of astral travel, for example. Because of the alien feelings it brought up, the physical feelings seemed painful at first to me, and I did not know what to expect, so it took me long time to just get it over and done with. But when I finally just went through it, it became such an amazing thing.
When you trust in frightening events, it brings you far.
Combat your mind! I hope some of the things i wrote, will be helpful. If not, i am still open to being a support to you, and anyone else going through this, if it just means listening and being there!
Kundalini has become such an amazing, delightful, and even orgasmic experience for me. Not to mention the wide range of spiritual knowledge and talents it brings! What a bonus! It's hard getting through the initial stages, but you can do it!

I myself, went through severe panic attacks at first. I must have went to the doctor thinking i was going to die, every second day. I had to really work on mastering my fear in the ways i described, i'm sure there was more i did to get through, i will try and think of more, and post more when i think of it.
Overtime the symptoms lesson too!

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