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shepherd 03-01-2011 09:25 PM

True Self?
True self?

It seems some members are chasing a goal to be their true selves through various practises. You can see this on various threads where some members even gloat over others with surperiority as their meditational or spiritual ways have led them to now being their true self.

Which is what exactly?

Is this another ploy to get people to not accept who they are right now, this very moment as being true regardless of judgement from themselves and others through conditioning of what is supposed to be spiritual.

Joy, happiness, zen like behaviour? Is this really the true self or is just who you are right now which is ever evolving...the true self you had all along?

There is a danger too which comes with trying to be this spiritual zen like person and that is it has to be maintained and as we know, life isnt like that as it comes with dips, bumps and highs and lows and suppressing how you feel in favour of being spiritual has consequences which just creates anxiety and stress.

Is chasing the idea of a "true self" fruitless? Maybe not as the intention to be better in someway helps us evolve but there has to be a level of acceptance with who you are right now doesnt there?

Would love your thoughts on this elusive true self :wink:

Enya 03-01-2011 09:37 PM

I think... the true self is like a polished diamond... every facet is an aspect of the whole self and every blemish a truth about the self... it's not until you cut, polish and reveal the true diamond that you ever find the true self. Along the way, you have to accept and live with every aspect you discover... or you'll never know the whole self.

hybrid 03-01-2011 09:39 PM

if there is a true self, there is a false self.
then, a false self will be the self that take issues with life
and can't accept reality as it is. it thrives in beliefs.
the false self is the self that is undergoing an existential crisis.
the false self represents the cause of human problems both personal and collectively.

then the true self will be the the opposite of the what the false self represents.


Kapitan_Prien 03-01-2011 09:52 PM

I don't know Shepherd...I've wondered the same. Seems to be like the 'Enlightenment' term.

At the end of the day, for me at least, I don't know...and I don't care. My focus isn't on pondering over these terms or attaining them...my focus is trying to help my body heal and make my way through the world since having had a soul exchange.

shepherd 03-01-2011 09:59 PM


if there is a true self, there is a false self.

what if its just a "self" and the labels we give it are just judgements based on what we think is right or wrong?

hybrid 03-01-2011 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by shepherd
what if its just a "self" and the labels we give it are just judgements based on what we think is right or wrong?

how does it work? when a man is beating his wife, we will say leave him alone he is just in his own self.



Chrysaetos 03-01-2011 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by hybrid
how does it work? when a man is beating his wife, we will say leave him alone he is just in his own self.

He is still the same man but he was in an aggressive mode.
Our vices are still a part of us, we can change them but I think externalizations don't deal really with the issue.

In the end all those inner demons and angels are just false characters we have created.
It's not that we don't have good and bad parts, the problems lies in thinking that's it's some force outside of you.
Some of these demons and angels could have evolved in bigger ones/concepts?

hybrid 03-01-2011 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Chrysaetos
He is still the same man but he was in an aggressive mode.
Our vices are still a part of us, we can change them but I think externalizations don't deal really with the issue.

of course. but shepherd wanted to drop the labels. i am asking how, when you say we can change, is the improved version of our self make the the wife beating ma the same man or he can acquire a new title, say a loving responsible man?


In the end all those inner demons and angels are just false characters we have created.
It's not that we don't have good and bad parts, the problems lies in thinking that's it's some force outside of you.
Some of these demons and angels could have evolved in bigger ones/concepts?

in the end these things define the self. the self is the reflection of all these going ons. it's not that there is a self that all these things is happening to it.

iow, we can't avoid labeling the self because it has a qualitative aspect. the quality of it as an activity.


John32241 03-01-2011 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by shepherd
True self?

It seems some members are chasing a goal to be their true selves through various practises. You can see this on various threads where some members even gloat over others with surperiority as their meditational or spiritual ways have led them to now being their true self.

Which is what exactly?

Is this another ploy to get people to not accept who they are right now, this very moment as being true regardless of judgement from themselves and others through conditioning of what is supposed to be spiritual.

Joy, happiness, zen like behaviour? Is this really the true self or is just who you are right now which is ever evolving...the true self you had all along?

There is a danger too which comes with trying to be this spiritual zen like person and that is it has to be maintained and as we know, life isnt like that as it comes with dips, bumps and highs and lows and suppressing how you feel in favour of being spiritual has consequences which just creates anxiety and stress.

Is chasing the idea of a "true self" fruitless? Maybe not as the intention to be better in someway helps us evolve but there has to be a level of acceptance with who you are right now doesnt there?

Would love your thoughts on this elusive true self :wink:

It is my understanding that the true self is All That You Are. The good, the bad, and the ugly. To embrace all that you are is to experience self love.

Other than the conscious self, there is the higher self and the subconscious self. These three aspects of us are equal to each other with very distinct sets of responsibilities.

Each human person is a unique expression of All That Is. As a result, each person is equally knowing and empowered at the higher self level of awareness. The conscious and the subconscious reflect the particular service we offer to the collective community. By design, the conscious awareness is never very well informed about anything. Those that can appreciate this are both humble and confident at the same time. That is because they have experience the trinity effect sometimes called co-creation. This experience is self love both given and received.

I hope this over simplified description states my perceptions accurately.


Ciqala 03-01-2011 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by shepherd
True self?

It seems some members are chasing a goal to be their true selves through various practises. You can see this on various threads where some members even gloat over others with surperiority as their meditational or spiritual ways have led them to now being their true self.

Which is what exactly?

Is this another ploy to get people to not accept who they are right now, this very moment as being true regardless of judgement from themselves and others through conditioning of what is supposed to be spiritual.

Joy, happiness, zen like behaviour? Is this really the true self or is just who you are right now which is ever evolving...the true self you had all along?

There is a danger too which comes with trying to be this spiritual zen like person and that is it has to be maintained and as we know, life isnt like that as it comes with dips, bumps and highs and lows and suppressing how you feel in favour of being spiritual has consequences which just creates anxiety and stress.

Is chasing the idea of a "true self" fruitless? Maybe not as the intention to be better in someway helps us evolve but there has to be a level of acceptance with who you are right now doesnt there?

Would love your thoughts on this elusive true self :wink:

In a psychological aspect, and trust me, I have overcome many psychological disorders and mental illnesses, it is not about suppressing your feelings, it is about become self aware of the thoughts, and the obstacles, highs and lows, that come up in life, it is self awareness that leads to positivity, and silence eventually, to the point obstacles in life no longer hinder you. We always have a choice, no matter what brain disorder anyone has, and it is always our fault on how we react. Obviously, suppressing does lead to an eventually exploding bomb inside of ourselves. That’s not how this works.
But self awareness, leads us to be able to first view these situations and negative thoughts, without adding on any unnecessary anxieties that will build up the situation, next step is to make the firm decision to deal with, and let go. This process, over time, becomes very quick, whereas happens in a few seconds of dealing with, and moving on. Eventually self awareness leads to the amazing ability to not have anything in life bother you. It’s as simple as that. It’s a choice. If something bothers you, change it. Obstacles are not meant to be bothering, they are meant to help us grow.
At first it can take a person a very long time. Naturally I was born with Borderline Personality Disorder, extreme black and white thinking, inability to deal with the smallest of obstacles in my path, horrendous thinking patterns, and then one day I realized, I had the control to not let one situation **** me up for numerous of days afterwards. It starts with self awareness. Then it leads to coping skills of how to deal with and move on.
You see, no one can find their higher self if they just jump into it, without first learning self awareness, and letting go. And eventually quieting the mind. The higher self, is a true place in the mind, or in the heart, in the center of us, if you call it that, where we can be thoroughly honest with ourselves, and we find real truth. It is a beautiful and relaxing place in ourselves where one can eventually find after much hard work, and in that place is vast love, peacefulness and the higher self, which is the true us that is connected to the universe.
Battling life obstacles and negative things is exhausting, and very unhealthy, people need to learn to let go, and move on, and coping skills to deal with things. You can’t access higher self, until you know how to do this.
There is a huge difference between what we want, and what we need. When we meditate and access the higher self, it simply means we are on key to what we need for our highest good, and our intuition, and this can heal mental illness and everything, when we can finally access the power within ourselves to heal ourselves. The power of the mind is greatly disregarded, even psychologists know that. It is coming to an understanding of our inner truth. Spiritually, you can even go as far to say, once accessing this understanding, you can connect to the divine source, you can begin to live your life on your true path, that humans usually live with their own selfish wants and needs, and completing their own desires only leads them down the wrong path into unhealthy things, but when accessing the higher self, you only go forward, and communicate to Spirit, and that all people have Spirit within themselves, it’s just finding it, is the hard part.

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