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Angels444 29-08-2006 06:53 PM

Re. Mediumship & technical question...
Hey Daisy, Biyu Wolf 77 & Mother Goose

Thanks for the replies. I agree...I think fear holds us back a lot of the time and the more we try, the harder it is. I also believe that we are all gifted psychically, we just need to develop the ability.

I'm new to chatting on forums, so I wonder if someone could kindly tell me how to "reply to all" without selecting a new thread? I'd like to be able to acknowledge responses but I imagine there's an easier way than replying to each person individually?? How "new" am I?!


daisy 29-08-2006 07:07 PM

hey you're very welcome, i wouldn't know how to do that though i'm incredibly thick where computers are concerned lol

kundalini 29-08-2006 07:08 PM

Hi Angels444,

Can I ask why you chose those 3 numbers as part of your name? Anyway, to answer your question, just do what you just did in the threads that you were already talking with biyu_wolf_77, daisy and Mother Goose. It's that simple. I imagine every one of the members here usually revisits the threads that they post in to see if there have been any responses or additional information added since their last visit, so your acknowledgements will be noted!

Thanks for reading, Kundalini.

biyu_wolf_77 29-08-2006 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Angels444
Hey Daisy, Biyu Wolf 77 & Mother Goose

Thanks for the replies. I agree...I think fear holds us back a lot of the time and the more we try, the harder it is. I also believe that we are all gifted psychically, we just need to develop the ability.

I'm new to chatting on forums, so I wonder if someone could kindly tell me how to "reply to all" without selecting a new thread? I'd like to be able to acknowledge responses but I imagine there's an easier way than replying to each person individually?? How "new" am I?!


well you know my thoughts so yea another way is reeplyin then copy in it back button paste reply type (origolal/1st aboe 2nd missle 3rd at end ok ive been around tech fer too long)

theres also a quick reply option that ya can use

Angels444 29-08-2006 08:07 PM

Hi Kundalini,

Thanks for getting back to me. Re. "444" - the angels sometimes communicate with us through number sequences. It's a pretty handy way of getting our attention. I know from personal experience that it's all too easy to totally miss the signs our guides / angels are giving us when we're distracted by everyday concerns.

I heard about the number sequences through Doreen Virtue (author of numerous angel books), when she gave a talk and a course in Dublin a few years ago. Actually, one of her books (aptly named "Angel Numbers") lists all of the number sequences and their meanings.

At any rate, and to FINALLY answer your question, 444 means the angels are with you and surround you now with blessings. I talk to the angels on a daily basis and I see 444 when I really need a "sign" from above. On many occaions where I'd be mentally communicating with them about something, I'd glance at the digital clock and see that it was 4.44. Or a car would pull out in front of me that had "444" on the licence plate. More recently, 444 came to me on the back of a very unelightened suggestion of mine to those on high. I'm almost ashamed to share this....

I was telling the Angels about how wonderful it would be if I could quit my day job to engage in more fulfilling work. Despite the fact that it has always been my hearts desire to do this, I couldn't see how it was possible, given the fact that the mortgage and bills have to be paid and spiritual interests rarely put bread on the table...you know the score.

At any rate, the Angels assured me time and again in meditation that I WOULD be handing in my notice at the end of August and I WOULD be pursuing my hearts desire in September. Despite their assurances, I simply couldn't see how this was possible, and wondered how such a situation could be manifested in such a short space of time. Every time I asked about it though, I kept being told that it would happen and that I didn't need to do anything to force the situation. So they were totally laid back and I was totally in my ego going "but how?"

Anyway, thinking that they might just need a helping hand with the manifestation, I decided to go out and buy a scratch card - yes a lottery card (how embarrassing)...

I suggested to the angels that they allow me win a small amount - not the jackpot. Just three matching numbers that would keep me going for a couple of months till I'd find my niche..... Well I got my three matching numbers allright. You guessed it! Four Four Four...

There was a real sense of mischief in the air as I stood staring at my windfall of 4 quid! At any rate, that was all just a few weeks ago. In the space of 2 days, a miracle took place (a whole other story) and I got to hand my notice in YESTERDAY and I am leaving work at the end of September.

Moral of the story - never doubt the angels!!!

Kundalini, I don't know if you're still awake but that's the story behind 444. If it sounds like it might be pure chance or coincidence, please know that it happens far too often for anything like that to be the case. Besides, I stopped believing in "coincidences" a long time ago.

Thanks for the "technical" information... :-)

Angels444 29-08-2006 08:08 PM

Thanks a million...appreciate it!

Angels444 29-08-2006 08:10 PM

Thanks Daisy - just noticed your location - love it!

Angels444 29-08-2006 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by biyu_wolf_77
well you know my thoughts so yea another way is reeplyin then copy in it back button paste reply type (origolal/1st aboe 2nd missle 3rd at end ok ive been around tech fer too long)

theres also a quick reply option that ya can use

Still getting the hang of this....the "thanks a million....appreciate it!" note above was supposed to be my reply to you Biyu Wulf 77. Should have mentioned your name to make that apparent. Still...I'm learning!

Mother Goose 29-08-2006 08:46 PM

angels444...if you hit the QR button and then click in the 'Quote message in reply' block under the quick reply box...it will quote the person you'd like to address. :)


Originally Posted by Angels444
I got to hand my notice in YESTERDAY and I am leaving work at the end of September.

Congrats!!! I'd love to hear more about how this came about. I was 'forced' to resign last week....I didn't listen when I was told that I shouldn't be going to the new building when the place I worked for moved to a new location. So I worked there for 5 weeks longer than I 'should' have. lol

biyu_wolf_77 29-08-2006 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Angels444
Still getting the hang of this....the "thanks a million....appreciate it!" note above was supposed to be my reply to you Biyu Wulf 77. Should have mentioned your name to make that apparent. Still...I'm learning!

its ok many more then the realise it are learnin(heack its pretty often that i sould like one of the elders of old--the wise leaders and such--but im perfectally ustd? ta it) i know im learnin i mean gifts can seem easy and yea often fer my theyve gotten to be but ive gotten usted ta be able to use the right amount of effort

have you ever been sorrunded by pure energy??

also anyone if its easyier just call me biyu(corse im open to whatever long as both of us know its me)

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