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Dean1973 17-12-2010 02:28 PM

A Course in Miracles
Hi all,

Great to be part of this site again.

I've been working with the Course in Miracles for many years. I think it was essentially my past, as with many of us, that pushed me into growth. I feel I've reached a point where I've become so unbelievably sensitive to my thoughts and my lifestyle in general ...to cause and effect essentially.

It's interesting though, how I've come to this point after an ...interesting past, I have the tools, yet there's an enormous amount that's holding me back, or keeping me from jumping right in, with faith and trust, and the extreme's between the self destruction, terrors and anguish I move through, and the sense of frustration because I can see just how I repeat similar patterns and negative cycles over and over again.

It's very difficult to describe mental/spiritual/emotional makeup, as we've all got our own individual conditioning and mental habits and routines etc, so one can't simply respond with suggestions to simply whitewash these fears, but I feel I'm at a point like never before where the pendulum constantly swings very radically in two very opposing directions. Not at all easy.

Lots of other books and ..well 'confirmations' of what I do already know, that I love, such as the Pema Chodron books, Byron Katie, Jon Kabat Zin and mindfulness approaches, and so many other books I resonate with so much.

When I think of a more accurate way of explaining myself I'll come back to this ...

Just thought I'd put it out there as my first post ...

andrew g 17-12-2010 02:41 PM

Hi Dean,

I like Byron Katie and ACIM a lot too, though sometimes I find its helpful to come at all this from a slightly different angle and focus on becoming a conscious creator. Are you familiar with the Abraham-Hicks material? Their teachings might help you to train your mind to be looking consistantly towards that which you desire, and that which reflects your highest joy (rather than on your worries and fears and blocks etc).

I tend to think that this process is like a jigsaw puzzle and different pieces are relevant at different times. Byron Katie is one piece, ACIM another piece, Abraham-Hicks another piece, meditation another piece, Eckhart Tolle another piece etc etc... I kind of feel that looking ahead with positive feelings and thoughts might be a helpful piece to pick up right now. Just a thought.


Dean1973 17-12-2010 02:51 PM

That's great! Very true and inspiring. I'll look into some Abraham-Hicks.

It seems maybe it could be a deep lack of trust in the process ..perhaps a part of me feels that too much is required, that I don't have the strength to "do it" ..not sure. I know I also get caught up in a analyzing a lot.

Thanks Andrew

Dean1973 17-12-2010 03:04 PM

....oh yes I do know the Hicks material, that's what Lynn Grabhorn based her book 'Excuse me your life is waiting' on - what an uplifting, inspiring book! The central theme focusing on what you do want and taking your mind off what you don't want.

What I also enjoyed was that there was more to it than just the law of attraction principles, that toward the end she went into ideas on gratitude, forgiveness, surrender, all the good things that help build on this positive focus.

The book seems quite far out of my reach in terms of pumping oneself up with positivity, I tend to feel that all I can really focus on at the moment is being more self accepting, peaceful and mindful especially.

andrew g 17-12-2010 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Dean1973
....oh yes I do know the Hicks material, that's what Lynn Grabhorn based her book 'Excuse me your life is waiting' on - what an uplifting, inspiring book! The central theme focusing on what you do want and taking your mind off what you don't want.

What I also enjoyed was that there was more to it than just the law of attraction principles, that toward the end she went into ideas on gratitude, forgiveness, surrender, all the good things that help build on this positive focus.

The book seems quite far out of my reach in terms of pumping oneself up with positivity, I tend to feel that all I can really focus on at the moment is being more self accepting, peaceful and mindful especially.

Hi Dean,

Yes, I liked that book too! Yes, very uplifting and imspiring. I also found it, and the Abraham-Hicks material to be much more than just about the law of attraction. I think that a great deal of what they advocate is acceptance and mindfulness. I tend to keep some of their quotes handy, here are a few that I like.....Wishing you all the best anyway with the next step of your path


''Your only, and ultimate, responsibility is self-alignment. And when you've got that, EVERYTHING else takes care of itself.''

''When you decide to make your awareness of the vibrational relativity between you and your source of extreme importance, you will have made the most important decision that you could ever make, for you have now consciously activated your own Personal Guidance System, and you will never be lost again''

''If you were listening to the hypnotic voice of your Source you'd be constantly hearing the drum beating that says, "You are loved, and you are worthy, and you are valued and life is suppose to be good for you. You are worthy, you are valued, you are loved and life is supposed to be good for you." We want nothing more, than for you to begin listening for and train yourself into the vibrational hypnotic trance of Source Energy who knows your value.''

Dean1973 17-12-2010 05:16 PM

Thanks, any quote that confirms the safety and strength from constant practice always makes me feel excited, because I know it's so true.

My mind immediately starts getting into parts of the "how" though - the main thing with me is always this constant anxiety around not knowing what I want to do in life work wise, always battling with really trying jobs (possibly because of my anxiety around this). I wish I had some goal in mind or something I could work towards that would make any present job seem more bearable - 37yrs old with no direction. But I also know suspect that maybe once I'm more peaceful and clearer, what I'd like to do might become more evident to me, I might become a bit more unstuck.

I love the lessons from the Course in Miracles, and they don't ask much in terms of how often to focus on them. I think I really let go of every single worry or fear and do them as much as possible.

Thanks Andrew, your ideas are really supportive.

I like this:

''Your only, and ultimate, responsibility is self-alignment. And when you've got that, EVERYTHING else takes care of itself.''

andrew g 17-12-2010 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Dean1973
Thanks, any quote that confirms the safety and strength from constant practice always makes me feel excited, because I know it's so true.

My mind immediately starts getting into parts of the "how" though - the main thing with me is always this constant anxiety around not knowing what I want to do in life work wise, always battling with really trying jobs (possibly because of my anxiety around this). I wish I had some goal in mind or something I could work towards that would make any present job seem more bearable - 37yrs old with no direction. But I also know suspect that maybe once I'm more peaceful and clearer, what I'd like to do might become more evident to me, I might become a bit more unstuck.

I love the lessons from the Course in Miracles, and they don't ask much in terms of how often to focus on them. I think I really let go of every single worry or fear and do them as much as possible.

Thanks Andrew, your ideas are really supportive.

I like this:

''Your only, and ultimate, responsibility is self-alignment. And when you've got that, EVERYTHING else takes care of itself.''

Hi Dean,

Im close to your age and went through something similar a few years ago. I had sold my apartment, was back at my parents house, no job, had mental/emotional difficulties....and could see no way out of the situation. Then suddenly everything changed totally unexpectedly. I met someone on a spiritual forum and within a few months was living with her and her children in America (I am British) 3 years on we are now happily married and I love being a step-dad. We had our own healing business for a while but we ended up giving away the healings for free because it just didnt resonate with us to be charging money. Currently we have no income and are living off our savings, but I strangely wouldnt actually want more money that we've got right now.

One of the things that I have learned with regard to the 'how' is that there is just no point in focusing on stuff that doesnt reflect my highest joy. I dont have an issue or problem with money but neither do I have an interest in it, so I dont bother trying to manifest it - it just wouldnt work because it doesnt make me feel joyful. Neither do I have an interest in owning my own house or having a job so I dont try and manifest those things. I might focus on a life of abundance though, or a life of play, or a life of joyful expression. I think its really important with this stuff to get as honest as we can with ourselves about what our highest joy would look like. Even setting the goal of becoming a joyful person might be helpful.

I guess what Im saying is that it might be helpful to look at your most joyful vision, even if that vision seems unrealistic right now. Things may not change immediately ( but on the other hand they might do), but be patient, and they will do. In the meantime, it sounds like you are doing a great job with the mindfulness and acceptance, and I absolutely agree that these are very important pieces of the jigsaw, along with compassion, forgiveness, gratitude and appreciation, questioning our beliefs etc. These are things I work on every day too.

Take care,

Dean1973 17-12-2010 06:24 PM

That's brilliant. When I read what you wrote, it makes me think that perhaps I do look for those things such as a car and house for instance (and nothing fancy in those terms), because I would like that, but for the most part my fears around work are feeling that I need to "get somewhere" with it, do better at it, which stems from a sense of insecurity.

It's so interesting, because of all the 45 spiritually minded books sitting on my shelf, every single one of them seems to point to the same goal of inner peace, all coming from very different perspectives and angles, and I know that whether it's because "external circumstances" will then reflect that mindset or whether it's just peace without the fear with where you are and what you have, the ultimate goal is peace.

I loved one of Joseph Goldstein's talks where he compares it to a movie (you've probably heard this analogy before) - where we're constantly trying to alter the images on the screen (effect), not realizing that the only way to change things is with the projector (cause).

But when you say a life of abundance or play for instance, do you not visualize certain "things" associated with this? I have absolutely no care for money, car, house etc, but feel I'd like this, and I'd also love to share my life with someone. I think for as long as I'm so tightly bound up inside myself and my fears, nothing good can really come my way.

Thanks, really inspiring reading what you write .. really great that those unexpected, new and happy things have happened for you : )

I always think it's all very well to speak about these things, but it's really just actively not listening to any fears or any questioning on the 'hows' or 'whys', but just doing it, practicing it more and more.

andrew g 17-12-2010 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Dean1973
That's brilliant. When I read what you wrote, it makes me think that perhaps I do look for those things such as a car and house for instance (and nothing fancy in those terms), because I would like that, but for the most part my fears around work are feeling that I need to "get somewhere" with it, do better at it, which stems from a sense of insecurity.

It's so interesting, because of all the 45 spiritually minded books sitting on my shelf, every single one of them seems to point to the same goal of inner peace, all coming from very different perspectives and angles, and I know that whether it's because "external circumstances" will then reflect that mindset or whether it's just peace without the fear with where you are and what you have, the ultimate goal is peace.

I loved one of Joseph Goldstein's talks where he compares it to a movie (you've probably heard this analogy before) - where we're constantly trying to alter the images on the screen (effect), not realizing that the only way to change things is with the projector (cause).

But when you say a life of abundance or play for instance, do you not visualize certain "things" associated with this? I have absolutely no care for money, car, house etc, but feel I'd like this, and I'd also love to share my life with someone. I think for as long as I'm so tightly bound up inside myself and my fears, nothing good can really come my way.

Thanks, really inspiring reading what you write .. really great that those unexpected, new and happy things have happened for you : )

I always think it's all very well to speak about these things, but it's really just actively not listening to any fears or any questioning on the 'hows' or 'whys', but just doing it, practicing it more and more.

Hi Dean,

I can very much relate to much that you said here, and I very much resonate with what Goldstein said there about the nature of mind. I used to be totally focused on inner peace, and like you, have a whole load of books, and I think they are fantastic. But I got to a point where I realized that I was missing a piece of the jigsaw. I came to realize that if inner peace is about authenticity and honesty, then part of that meant owning that in my highest dreams Im not in prison, Im not living on the street, Im not single, Im not unhealthy and Im not living with my Mum and Dad. I realized that in focusing on inner peace only, I was detaching myself from the outer world, when actually there is no separation between the inner and the outer. At that point I looked at my life and could see that if I carried on doing things the same way that I had been doing them, that I would keep getting the same results. I realized that in a strange way, that in focusing on the inner peace, I had kind of forgotten how to be happy. I was recommended the Abraham books and it connected some of the dots for me. They forced me to get honest about my highest dreams and take responsibility for the feelings that I was creating through the thoughts that I was believing. In this way, its actually very similar to Byron Katie, but rather than question the belief, we consciously choose to change the thoughts and feelings. We choose to be happy. We choose to be grateful. We choose to be joyful. Why? Because it feels good to be happy, grateful and in joy.

Im not saying at all that this tool is the only relevant tool, but once I got honest about who I wanted to be (I wanted to be a joyful, loving, playful, happy person...and still do!), then I could start looking at some of my limiting beliefs and releasing them. I found EFT to be a fantastic tool, and the Sedona Method was another one that came in useful. These days I find that I fairly and naturally shift between the different pieces of the jigsaw at different times. There are times when I might question a belief, there are times when I might bring my attention fully to the Now, there are times when I forgive or make a conscious decision to see through the eyes of someone else, and then there are times when I focus again on my highest dreams.

What I notice about my highest dreams is that I am not the only one in joy. In my highest dreams my family are in joy, the people are around me are in joy, the whole earth is in joy! In these dreams its all play. I may be doing some healing work with someone but its playful. Or I may be on a beach with the kids swimming in the ocean and its playful. Even the dolphins are playing. Im pretty sure in my dreams that we have a house, but its not 'ours' as such, there is no possession, there is just 'stewarding'. Its all very light and easy. The thing is that obviously the earth isnt like this right now, maybe it will be one day, maybe not. The funny thing is that it actually really doesnt matter much to me either way. Im happy for the most part just to keep doing what Im doing because the honesty in each moment is enough. The honesty IS the peace and the happiness.

Dean1973 17-12-2010 09:02 PM

Yes, I like it how you speak about being with things in different ways at different times ..nice. I often feel I'm too hard on myself, to rigid in thinking I need to be IN the lessons of the course, but yes at times when I don't stick with the lessons, I could possibly come back to just being mindful of my experience then and there. And so true, focusing on inner peace can become at the expense of just being with it all.

And to have more fun with it all, light heartedness, which I'm far away from ..always far too intense.

I do like experimenting with the quality of my feelings and circumstances ..I label them 'fear' or 'pain', 'love', 'happiness', 'discomfort' etc - it's interesting exploring all of these concepts ..going in, around, above and through them all. Not engaging in them, transcending them, and most of all not valuing them as much.

Chat soon I hope, off to bed : )

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