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angelmine 14-12-2010 10:54 AM

can children see auras?
im sure i heard somewhere before, but cant remember where, that children can see auras easily because their eyes arent damaged/worn yet, and that its so normal for them that they dont even question it.

so i asked my 7yr old if he could see any colour round my hand, and held it up. he said he could see light green with flicks of dark green. but when i asked him to look at his own hand he said he saw no colour.... any insight on this? x

Uma 14-12-2010 01:22 PM

Hello angelmine,

If you google "Waldorf School" you will discover that there is an entire pedagogy devoted to keeping this kind of vision alive in children.

We are souls incarnating (living inside) a physical body. Our true form is energy (technically it's Consciousness) but coming into a physical body it takes the soul (ego) quite a few years to integrate into a new self-concept (body-identified-ego). So a child is naturally living between two worlds until they have become more rooted in this one and the spiritual one becomes like a fading memory. Peer pressure can also shut down a child's connection because they want to feel "normal" - ie., "like everybody else."

Enjoy your seven year old's insights - while he's still willing to see and share them!


iolite 14-12-2010 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by angelmine
im sure i heard somewhere before, but cant remember where, that children can see auras easily because their eyes arent damaged/worn yet, and that its so normal for them that they dont even question it.

so i asked my 7yr old if he could see any colour round my hand, and held it up. he said he could see light green with flicks of dark green. but when i asked him to look at his own hand he said he saw no colour.... any insight on this? x

I think it's harder sometimes to see our own aura. I think many children see auras and energy but either don't talk about it because they assume everyone sees it or because they've been told that not everyone is aware of energy and may ridicule them.

My daughter has been able to see fairies since she was a little girl and can see auras as well and she can communicate with animals. She has shared this information with only close friends.

iolite 14-12-2010 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Uma
Hello angelmine,

If you google "Waldorf School" you will discover that there is an entire pedagogy devoted to keeping this kind of vision alive in children.

We are souls incarnating (living inside) a physical body. Our true form is energy (technically it's Consciousness) but coming into a physical body it takes the soul (ego) quite a few years to integrate into a new self-concept (body-identified-ego). So a child is naturally living between two worlds until they have become more rooted in this one and the spiritual one becomes like a fading memory. Peer pressure can also shut down a child's connection because they want to feel "normal" - ie., "like everybody else."

Enjoy your seven year old's insights - while he's still willing to see and share them!



My family is a "Post-Waldorf-Survivors". We enrolled my daughter in a Waldorf school in second grade after a disastrous experience in first grade. Her experience in kindergarten (at the same school) was wonderful, though. Toward the last month of the school year, she was sent to the office on an almost daily basis. I finally pulled her out of school. She is an extremely bright and strong willed child and her teacher was an autocratic type and didn't know how to deal with her constant questions and interpreted them as threats to her authority.

Anyway, we sold our house and moved to another city so she could attend Waldorf. We were charmed with the pretty pastel classroom walls, the emphasis on handwork and the fact that they got 2 recesses every day. However, reading is not taught until 2nd grade and a concentrated math class is only taught twice a week. There are no workbooks or modern teaching tools. The curriculum is stuck in the early 19th century (the kids make their own workbooks!), and my daughter's academic skills took a nose dive. She was at grade level in math and above grade level in reading when she finished 1st grade. When we finally pulled her out of Waldorf at the end of the 1st semester in 3rd grade, she was tested at early 2nd grade for math and reading. Waldorf SOUNDS like a lovely idea, but there really is no emphasis in academics in the early grades. Although, Waldorf insists that that changes by 5th or 6th grade, I spoke to a local girls middle school admissions director that routinely accepts Waldorf girls and she told me that all of the incoming Waldorf girls "need catching up". So while Waldorf insists that children get an enriched education and go on to excel at high school and college when they leave is routinely not the case. The children that do excel, have parents that take up the slack and get them tutored to get them ready to matriculate. We had our daughter professionally tutored in math and language arts to get her ready for 4th grade.

Lovely 14-12-2010 03:52 PM

I don't know. All I can give from experience
is I have memories that go as far as being only
2 years old. Yet I don't remember ever seeing
any aura from then to now. Except for my own
and my dads but that was a few months ago
and I did that from learning, not naturally.

spiritfirst 14-12-2010 06:51 PM

Sometimes children will see the aura, they do read people a lot whether they actually see colors or not. Children will usually turn this ability down/off or just stop talking about it if you invalidate what they are seeing.

Uma 14-12-2010 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by iolite
My family is a "Post-Waldorf-Survivors". We enrolled my daughter in a Waldorf school in second grade after a disastrous experience in first grade. Her experience in kindergarten (at the same school) was wonderful, though. Toward the last month of the school year, she was sent to the office on an almost daily basis. I finally pulled her out of school. She is an extremely bright and strong willed child and her teacher was an autocratic type and didn't know how to deal with her constant questions and interpreted them as threats to her authority.

Anyway, we sold our house and moved to another city so she could attend Waldorf. We were charmed with the pretty pastel classroom walls, the emphasis on handwork and the fact that they got 2 recesses every day. However, reading is not taught until 2nd grade and a concentrated math class is only taught twice a week. There are no workbooks or modern teaching tools. The curriculum is stuck in the early 19th century (the kids make their own workbooks!), and my daughter's academic skills took a nose dive. She was at grade level in math and above grade level in reading when she finished 1st grade. When we finally pulled her out of Waldorf at the end of the 1st semester in 3rd grade, she was tested at early 2nd grade for math and reading. Waldorf SOUNDS like a lovely idea, but there really is no emphasis in academics in the early grades. Although, Waldorf insists that that changes by 5th or 6th grade, I spoke to a local girls middle school admissions director that routinely accepts Waldorf girls and she told me that all of the incoming Waldorf girls "need catching up". So while Waldorf insists that children get an enriched education and go on to excel at high school and college when they leave is routinely not the case. The children that do excel, have parents that take up the slack and get them tutored to get them ready to matriculate. We had our daughter professionally tutored in math and language arts to get her ready for 4th grade.

Hi Iolite,

I've heard similar horror stories about Waldorf, but personally I wouldn't "throw out the baby with the bathwater." I homeschooled my children and used many of their ideas, although not the strict curriculum. From what I understand, they deliberately hold off growing the intellect of the child because that's what puts a stop to spiritual experiences in most cases. I did actually study Rudolph Steiner's anthroposophy and I think because his language is not exactly easy reading, a LOT of people teaching Waldorf don't get it. He himself was able to turn a "mentally retarded" child into a doctor...so he was definitely on to something. I won't get into a discussion about that here though.

I take a more balanced approach - as spiritual beings in a human experience I believe we need to be rooted in both worlds and so I have tried to parent my children with that in mind. I don't think that ANY of the educational institutions out there are doing an adequate job nor even if they can because, like the African saying goes, "It takes a village to raise a child." Community, media, culture, peer pressure etc...all influence our kids. My oldest is nearly 19 and I have three kids so I've seen for myself what works, what doesn't work....plus they are individuals with their own interests and agenda.............

BTW, my teacher is really interested in taking education into higher consciousness. The development of the brow chakra in a child is paramount to how well they will do in any endeavor - spiritual or worldly. And as he says "the messenger is the message" - meaning the one teaching/parenting the child needs to live what they are telling the child...because the child will soak that up more than what is said.

Sangress 14-12-2010 08:08 PM

In short, yes young children can see non-physical things like auras, energy and spirits until that skill is dulled or ends from disuse as they age.

Just like most prophets cannot see their own future, most people cannot see their own aura. (But with practice it is easy to do in adult years.)

Another reason for not seeing his own aura could be because children are still finding their own identity so it could be that his aura is undeveloped or that his mind does not let him perceive it because it could cause problems with his understanding of who he is.

Just some suggestions, I can't be sure.

Enya 14-12-2010 10:13 PM

Yes, kids can see auras but they will take it as natural sight and not mention it unless an opportunity arises. I saw auras all my life but didn't know that's what it was until I was an adult and learnt about them. Then I realised what I was seeing! (not colours, btw, but the etheric field)

My daughter told me about the energies (elementals) she saw when she was 9/10 and I carefully didn't tell her what they were, but asked her for her opinion on them. She continues to see auras and makes connections to people based on them and her empathic ability. She's now 19.

LightFilledHeart 15-12-2010 05:18 PM

Speaking from my own experience, I can tell you with certainty they can and do! Even babies see the colors of auras swirling around humans, animals and other life forms. I saw they as child and assumed everyone did. It was my granny who took me aside one day and explained that these things were quite real but not everyone could see them, and that it might be wise for me not to make reference to them for that reason. She said many of the
once-born (that is the terminology she used) did not have the sight and could not see such things, and that if I spoke of them, they would become envious and attack me. I held it in, and over time the visuals became less pronounced and bold and began to fade until finally I no longer saw them at all. It was the same with the elemental spirits (fairies, gnomes, elves, sylphs and undines) I both saw and interacted with in early childhood. When I began to be concerned with peer pressure and accpetance, my gift for seeing and interacting with such things faded and it wasn't until years later in young adulthood that I was able to reclaim them, and only after much work on my part.

A funny little story that illustrates how children (babies even!) can and DO see auras! I was working at a children's bootery ... a store that specialized in selling children's shoes... and had just gotten off the phone from an arguement with my boyfriend. I was spitting mad, but I heard the door open and knew I had a customer, so I composed myself and stepped out from the stock room to pleasantly greet the mom and her toddler with a smile and the words, "Good afternoon. How can I help you?" The mom returned my greeting and started to say she wanted me to check to see if her little 18 month old son had outgrown his shoes when he turned in her arms to look at me. His eyes roamed above my head and shoulders and three or so feet out from my body, his eyes widened and, alarmed, he broke into hysterical crying!

Guess what? As composed and inviting as my demeanor and voice were in speaking to his mother, HE saw my aura... and it had to be filled with firey, angry red... not at all pleasant!! His mother never did understand what was going on, but I knew full well that the expression "out of the mouths of babes" should also read "through the eyes of babes"!!! :wink:

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