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rayguy2 30-10-2014 03:48 PM

empathy is killing me =(
Hello All,

I usually just read these forums but decided to join and make my first post asking a question about empathy.

about 10 years ago I started having these weird headaches out of no where and boom an email would come from an old friend then sometimes feel like I am out of breath and boom a text message would arrive. Slowly I started to connect people to their associated energy. Now many years of practice and meditation trying to control my thoughts and emotions has brought me to this point. I am sitting at random times doing my stuff and all of a sudden get light headed or out of breath or start getting tired or the worst of all lose my entire appetite. Then boom text will come in from an x-girlfriend or a friend or even some family members. Not everyone drains me it seems its only people that are unhappy in life or having a rough day. One time when my father broke his hand I felt sick the entire day without even knowing why.

My question is *** do I do to stop this? Let me say this

1. I am very calm and relaxed and spent years and years on meditation and breathing
2. many of my meditations were grounding and exercises to protect ect..
3. there are many things to list but I tried every form of protection including saging, crystals ect..
4. asking angels ect..

Many times the person who is draining me is a very deep thinker they sit and ponder about **** not having any idea of the draining.

With all my research I found that energy senders usually have anxiety issues and are very stressful people in general while calm people are mostly energy receivers.

Ive had moments where I went for treatment of a toothache with doctor telling me nothing is wrong, heart burn treatment with doctor telling me again nothing is wrong.

After 1am I am usually feeling super calm and happy obviously because all the "senders" are asleep.

So any experts willing to give me any insight as to what to do?

KevinO 30-10-2014 08:12 PM

Let's say this universe is an engineered system and all issues within can be solved through an engineering approach.

The direct approach, the hands-on fix, usually works best.

Since these are your feelings, look at each, one by one. Start, beginning, end. Process the feeling, not events.

Stick your nose into it till you figure it out.

The answer will likely be something you did not suspect.

Move on to the next one.

There are folks who do this sort of thing as an aide so PM me if you want more info.

The answer lies with you, though, not the people you are involved with. My experience.

Smiler 30-10-2014 09:26 PM


When you pick up another's energy .. note it but do not absorb it ..basically push it out of your auric system.. And you can send it through to The Light 'Source'( God) to take care of.

See this part of your learning ..as you have said you have spent many years ..doing various learning's.
It also pays to check you have no gaps in your own energy field..both inside your body and 3ft all round ( outside). Check that all of you is bright light :)

Another thing to do (if you don't already do it?) is to double check or even triple check where it is coming from.

Hope that helps

dryad 30-10-2014 09:49 PM

Do you have this problem in public places or crowded places or only on your own from people you know? If its not a problem in crowds then you know how to shield yourself your just not doing it when you feel alone and secure.
If you put shields up they cant drain you. Next time your on a crowded bus or somewhere you feel the instinct to protect yourself from others getting in your personal space have a look at the outside edge of your aura. There is probabaly a shield there that your not aware of. See how it feels so you can control it. Check if its up at regular intervals and put it up if its not.

Raven Poet 31-10-2014 03:59 AM

This was a good point, dryad - public versus personal energy connections.

Welcome to SF, rayguy2!

As a recovering HSP-aholic, (highly sensitive person) I have found these methods helpful for me. But it took time trying different methods, because we are all so unique not one fix is gonna fit all:

- visualization meditations of a solid gold bubble forming a shield around me
- drawing a cloak of my Clan covering - Raven feathers - around me tightly. (I tried Bear robes and Wolf robes and none of those worked until I finally tried my own Spirit Clan, Raven. Go figure!)
- purifying my aura with the smoke from burning dried Prairie Sage and Cedar
- asking the Spirit of the water to cleanse residual energies from me when I take my shower (I shower a lot!)
- two books really helped me with protecting myself from unwanted energies: "The Art of Psychic Protection" by Judy Hall (lots of strategies; I especially enjoyed the one about cutting the ribbons that tied me to others psychically) and "Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing" by Barbara Ann Brennan. (tons of info on chakras, visualizations, crystals, oils, practices and therapies)

Good luck! keep yourself safe and clean! (PS - I am not an "expert", just going by lived experience)

rayguy2 31-10-2014 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by KevinO
Let's say this universe is an engineered system and all issues within can be solved through an engineering approach.

The direct approach, the hands-on fix, usually works best.

Since these are your feelings, look at each, one by one. Start, beginning, end. Process the feeling, not events.

Stick your nose into it till you figure it out.

The answer will likely be something you did not suspect.

Move on to the next one.

There are folks who do this sort of thing as an aide so PM me if you want more info.

The answer lies with you, though, not the people you are involved with. My experience.

I will spend few hours tonight on this to see if I come up with anything. Thanks!

rayguy2 31-10-2014 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Smiler

When you pick up another's energy .. note it but do not absorb it ..basically push it out of your auric system.. And you can send it through to The Light 'Source'( God) to take care of.

See this part of your learning ..as you have said you have spent many years ..doing various learning's.
It also pays to check you have no gaps in your own energy field..both inside your body and 3ft all round ( outside). Check that all of you is bright light :)

Another thing to do (if you don't already do it?) is to double check or even triple check where it is coming from.

Hope that helps

Many times I know exactly where its coming from as over the years Ive studied the vibrations from my friends and family and certain people have a unique energy that is just spot on. Ive tried to look around my own Aura never have issues when I am not bothered by outside energy if I am not bothered for 4-5 days I actually start to feel extremely great. As for sending it to the light I have tried

1. Sending it to the light, sending in in the ground, many grounding techniques the problem is when the energy comes through it does not leave me for the amount of time it takes the sender to relax.. If they are angry at me it will be days until they relax its almost like a leach that keeps on sucking.

The only thing that really helps me I noticed is going outside, fresh cold air is like a cure especially towards my third eye or a fan it heals me right away. When energy takes over my body heats up I can be standing in a shirt in 10 degrees and be boiling hot but when energy leaves me I will be freezing LOL..

I have studied and kept journals of everything spent 8-12 hours a day in meditation to pin point how the energy enters and breathing patterns to try to send the sender light but still comes through no matter what.

rayguy2 31-10-2014 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by dryad
Do you have this problem in public places or crowded places or only on your own from people you know? If its not a problem in crowds then you know how to shield yourself your just not doing it when you feel alone and secure.
If you put shields up they cant drain you. Next time your on a crowded bus or somewhere you feel the instinct to protect yourself from others getting in your personal space have a look at the outside edge of your aura. There is probabaly a shield there that your not aware of. See how it feels so you can control it. Check if its up at regular intervals and put it up if its not.

Public places.. Ive thought about this many times. I think my issue is mainly with deep thinkers although when I go in to certain places I will feel drained very quickly. I went in to a store that sells crystals few years back felt like I was going to faint almost immediately and even hours after. Movie theaters do give me headaches too but again not sure if its the place or a sender and coincidentally i am at the movies at that moment. Reading your comment is making me wonder now maybe I am telepathic and feel the emotions within my body like an empath would? As I dont feel drained in crowded places at all.

Reason I say I am telepathic is about 3 weeks ago I was at work feeling "I need money non stop the entire day a feeling as if I am running out of money, I even went as far as applying for a loan" that night I get a call from a friend and I asked "are you by any chance stressing about money problems?" and I get "YES, how did you know" I really did not need a loan but my mind created an illusion based on another persons emotions that forced me to act on it. This happens all the time to me.

rayguy2 31-10-2014 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Raven Poet
This was a good point, dryad - public versus personal energy connections.

Welcome to SF, rayguy2!

As a recovering HSP-aholic, (highly sensitive person) I have found these methods helpful for me. But it took time trying different methods, because we are all so unique not one fix is gonna fit all:

- visualization meditations of a solid gold bubble forming a shield around me
- drawing a cloak of my Clan covering - Raven feathers - around me tightly. (I tried Bear robes and Wolf robes and none of those worked until I finally tried my own Spirit Clan, Raven. Go figure!)
- purifying my aura with the smoke from burning dried Prairie Sage and Cedar
- asking the Spirit of the water to cleanse residual energies from me when I take my shower (I shower a lot!)
- two books really helped me with protecting myself from unwanted energies: "The Art of Psychic Protection" by Judy Hall (lots of strategies; I especially enjoyed the one about cutting the ribbons that tied me to others psychically) and "Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing" by Barbara Ann Brennan. (tons of info on chakras, visualizations, crystals, oils, practices and therapies)

Good luck! keep yourself safe and clean! (PS - I am not an "expert", just going by lived experience)

Thank you for your answers and support. I will order the books as I enjoy reading a lot.

002 Cents 31-10-2014 03:48 PM

Energy flows in many directions. It is in us and all around us all the time.

If it were happening to me I would probably start experimenting with developing an energy flow. You realize your energy is being drained so you know someone is energetically seeking something from you, you could open that channel to allow the energy to also return to you and/or start creating places where you can recharge your energy.

A while back I started allowing myself to become energetically aware of plant consciousness. I would allow my minds eye to see the energy flowing in the plants around me. I would send out good, positive energy vibrations to the plants in the space. Sort of my own way of interacting with them kind of like flashing a smile at a stranger. This is how you would smile at the plants. Only I had come to find that at times when I would be going through something particularly difficult, I would pass through that space where I had cast out positive energy to the plants and it was as though they were returning it to me. I suddenly felt recharged and full of great energy again despite my troubles.

Energy is a beautiful thing and much simpler than we make it. When we have a surplus of good energy it helps to share it with all things in our space. That euphoria we get when we just feel amazing in life is going to pass. I hadn't expected to get anything back when I started sharing my energy I just thought it would be nice to do and to my surprise the energy came back at a time when I really needed it.

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