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Serenity69 03-08-2014 06:16 AM

Jesus Christ's Second Coming
He Will Be Born In 2020 At Phoenix, Arizona

In 2043 He Will Turn On All The Holounits/Radios/TV's For His Message To The World Bringing Peace On Earth

Then Prince George Shall Be Put On The Throne In England

The World Leader Will Announce Herself As The Founder Of Enlightenment

Everyone On Earth Will Do Meditation/Tai Chi/Yoga

There Will Be No More Money

People Will Learn New Skills That Contribute To Mankind's Advancement

L lawliett 03-08-2014 06:37 AM

Who told you this???
I dont think jesus christ will come again, but someone different might come!!!
Since world is in need of someone who can unite it...

Naddread 03-08-2014 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Serenity69
He Will Be Born In 2020 At Phoenix, Arizona

In 2043 He Will Turn On All The Holounits/Radios/TV's For His Message To The World Bringing Peace On Earth

Then Prince George Shall Be Put On The Throne In England

The World Leader Will Announce Herself As The Founder Of Enlightenment

Everyone On Earth Will Do Meditation/Tai Chi/Yoga

There Will Be No More Money

People Will Learn New Skills That Contribute To Mankind's Advancement

Scary. This sounds like the coming of the other one. You know... what's her name? Anne T. Krist?


Naddread 03-08-2014 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by L lawliett
Who told you this???
I dont think jesus christ will come again, but someone different might come!!!
Since world is in need of someone who can unite it...

No one is coming. The world is in need of people taking responsibility for themselves. Unity is the catch cry of the global village. A one season world full of smiling depressives.


StaroftheSea 03-08-2014 12:57 PM

Let All The Anger In The World Cease...

Let All Wars End And Peace Begin...

Let God's Unconditional Love Descend...

Let It Bless All Our Lives :-)

Kindest wishes Serenity

Volaju 03-08-2014 01:25 PM

Why does it take the coming of another man or woman to bring humanity to a newer level of consciousness?

Why does the world need one person to unite it, or to supposedly reveal the darkness of it - a darkness that is already quite obvious?

If unity is working together, then it shouldn't take one man - it should take many, it should take the love of all those who wish to bring humanity to higher state.

And who told you this? What makes all these people think they are oracles who predict these things? If I remember correctly, any such thing is considered witchcraft or dark magick so they shouldn't be trying to figure out when a Messiah is going to be born anyways. That's if Messiahs exist, I personally don't believe so, but that's just my opinion.

StaroftheSea 03-08-2014 03:33 PM

Jesus Himself during 1931 - 1938 said to the world thru Saint Faustina in His 600 pages of Holy messages on His Divine Mercy and in direct relation to His Second Coming of Christ Jesus here on Earth "soon":

"Write this down, that before My Coming as judge, I shall come first as the King of Mercy.

Before the Coming of that day of justice, there will be a sign in the Heavens. All light will be extinguished in heaven and earth.

There will appear in the sky the Sign of the Cross. From each of the wounds on My hands and feet will shine forth a light that will for a brief time brighten the earth.

This will be for a short time before the last day".

"Speak to the whole world about My Mercy and Love. Let it know how incomprehensible it is. It is a sign of the approaching last days, after which the day of justice will come. While there is still time, let them take refuge in the fount of My Mercy".

There was a delay in publishing Jesus' own Holy words to the world between 1931/38 until 1978 given prohibition by a few certain people. Pope John Paul II then allowed Jesus' Divine Mercy Holy Image and Jesus' Feast Day on His Divine Mercy at Easter to be granted for the Catholic Church.

Jesus' Divine Mercy Holy messages are separate and not contained within Catholicism ie the religion the Church itself. This is the saddest most upsetting thing that people have missed out on knowing and/or at least reciting Jesus' Divine Mercy Chaplet prior to dying which could have saved thousands or millions of people's souls had they just prayed Jesus Divine Mercy Chaplet just once during their lives (if they had not been sorry for their sins from their heart to Jesus/God) - instead facing the wrath of God the Father the Most High. However, one can pray for their own relatives - I have posted the prayers for the Holy Souls in Purgatory on another Thread.

Jesus has explained in His handbooks on His Divine Mercy (hundreds of Jesus' Holy messages) that those of whom have not repented of their sins turning to Him with the option to recite or pray His Divine Mercy Chaplet at least once during our lives in order to be taken into His "Divine Mercy", before He appears on earth, (above us first) then mankind will not then be able to receive "Mercy" - His Divine Mercy and it will be too late eternally.

Because, Jesus is establishing His own new Earth with His Flock of whom have turned to Him throughout their lives and those of whom have either repented sins, believed and trusted in Him. As Jesus said while on earth:
"One is either with Me or against Me".

Jesus explained His Holy Rays that shine from His Holy Gown/Vestments, that He requested Saint Saint Faustina to paint of Him. On Jesus' Holy Image on His Holy vestments/gown are two rays with many Holy rays illuminated in Red Ray(s) which gives blood new life to souls and the Pale White Ray(s) symbolises water which cleanses and purifies the soul.

"Tell ailing mankind to draw close to My Merciful Heart and I will fill them with peace. Mankind will not find solace until it turns with confidence to My Mercy and Love"

"Write, the greater the sinner, the greater the Mercy. Summon all those to confidence in the incomprehensible depth of My Mercy for I desire to save all. The well of My Mercy was opened wide with a lance on the Cross, for all souls. I do not exclude anyone".

"For now I prolong My Mercy. But, woe to him who ignores the time of My Mercy".

There has been 40 years (of which Jesus/God the Most High/The Holy Spirit is of course aware) lapse in time since Jesus delivered His Divine Mercy (Wisdom/knowledge of His Divine Mercy) to mankind through Saint Faustina before appearing here on earth again for the last time eternally.

Our Heavenly Mother Mary says at 1:06:

"Further My Children, prepare your souls for the Second Coming of Christ Jesus who comes not as the Merciful Saviour but as just Judge. Repent sins, from hearts My Children, for in doing this, one can be forgiven before Jesus My Son appears here on Earth".

"Turn to Jesus My Son your Saviour and His Mercy".

"That is all"

Praying Jesus Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm daily while focussing on Jesus Himself and His Stations of His Cross assists Jesus in cracking open hearts to Him - in order to receive His Love and Holy Wisdom Guidance and Enlightenment and speak to one's own heart profoundly. A profound experience and uniting in ONE with Him while being taken into His Divine Mercy Sheep Fold for "Eternity".

It assists if one asks Jesus to call to mind and heart our sins during our lives prior to reciting His Divine Mercy Chaplet. LOL! ...and Jesus definitely does call to mind and sight all sins x 4 years daily in my life!! It is a serious matter however the ways in which Jesus has shown me my past sins, while speaking to my heart, has involved a great deal of humility and the stripping of ego, pride and vanity in recent years to become more His Child - back to being a Child in fact. A young child will generally "Trust". A young Child will Love and give Love from his/her own heart. A young Child is not with corruption in his/her mind or heart.

This is what occurs during the repentance of sins from one's own heart in genuine remorse and contrition to Jesus; one is again a young Child able to receive in trust, Jesus' Love and Mercy IF one turns to Jesus opening up one's own heart to Him. This takes the sacrificing of one's own time, sacrificing one's own leisure time, sacrificing one's own focus on financial gains, one's own focus on material things, one's own focus on ego and pride - instead trying to walk in Jesus' righteousness, trying to Love and think through our hearts as opposed to our minds.

Most confronting yet one's heart soul mind and body.......after being forgiven by Jesus/God on each mortal or venial sin is like a heavy backpack taken off one's back during a day's Forest trek! Well, not undertaken one of those however on my wish list one day before dying here.

Our Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God appeared to Saint Faustina on the Feast of Her Annunciation in 1936. Our Lady Mary Mother of God said to Saint Sister Faustina:
"I gave the world a Saviour. You must make known His Mercy and prepare the world for the Second Coming. He will then come, not as a Merciful Saviour, but as a just Judge. Oh how terrible is that day of justice! Determined is the day of justice. Angels tremble before it. Speak to souls of His great Mercy before there is still time. If you remain silent now, you will have to account for a great number of souls on that final day. Fear nothing. Be faithful to the end.

God The Most High determines the day of justice.

No-one other than Jesus Christ our Saviour, The Holy Spirit and our Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God knows the exact date, month, year or time - with the exception of another couple of people.

From generation to generation we have all been warned or were supposed to have been warned through Jesus/God The Most High's Revelations of which were imparted to mankind through His Apostles and Disciples.

Mankind is living in the last days of what God The Most High prophesied in His Old Testament. Jesus/God The Most High decides without warning when Jesus appears here on Earth in His judgement and as Jesus indicated in His New Testament "Like a thief in the night without warning".

typed from my own Jesus Divine Mercy Booklet.

Kindest wishes

StaroftheSea 03-08-2014 03:49 PM

Many of Jesus own Divine Mercy Holy messages - for Jesus is "Divine Mercy -the Unfathomable Divine Mercy Himself - can be found at either:

Divine Mercy

The unfathomable Divine Mercy

The Saint Faustina Diaries

Jesus Divine Mercy

When one sees Jesus own Holy Image painted with His Holy Rays and looks deep into Jesus' eyes - one knows in their own heart that Jesus did indeed appear to Saint Faustina with His Holy words fully credible.

Kindest wishes

GOLLY GEE 03-08-2014 04:41 PM

the second coming has several levels i think
when one meets jesus in the air
the air being symbolic of the conscious mind..
the renewed matured believer
who has ceased to be a baby believer on the milk
and has moved on to the solid food of the word...

Morpheus 03-08-2014 05:01 PM

People feel the need to translate the prophecies into symbolism. Why?
They dismiss miracles.
They, along with the "inured", regard the physical world as the greater reality, in contrast to both what the scriptures say, and modern science, today.

Meanwhile, these same ignore the signs in the heavens, today, in the environment, and with respect to the day we are in regarding technologies, and what is occurring in human affairs.

It disturbs their ego, and their 'comfort zone". It contrasts their preferred world view, and such.
It clashes with the survival instinct, related with their ego. They ignore and dismiss the historical record of humanity, on Earth. And, not just humanity, but in all the organic realm, of which a fallen humanity is a part. Re: "The Reptilian Brain... the oldest part of our neuro anatomy.

They are under the illusion.

They are, "The Material Girl", after all. "Living in a material world".

Meanwhile, Biblical prophecy is true, and accurate. But, you still have a choice you can make.

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