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Visitor 09-06-2014 01:22 PM

Awakening to the Truth

Lets just talk about our personal awakening experiences, and how has the Truth changed your life for the better of self and others.
How did you awaken?
What amazing Truths have you awoken to?
Or anything else related to your 'awakening' to the Truth.

Baile 09-06-2014 01:25 PM

So these must be Christian truths right? Otherwise why wouldn't you post this in the General forum?

Visitor 09-06-2014 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Baile
So these must be Christian truths right? Otherwise why wouldn't you post this in the General forum?

There are many threads about awakening in other forums, but not in the Christian forum.
I am referring to Truths that are related, or identified with, Christian beliefs. Even though many of the Truths can easily be seen as universal, or identified by anybody.

Baile 09-06-2014 01:34 PM

I came to the understanding three decades ago now that Jesus was an ascended master and initiate - a good old human being just like you and me - who united his consciousness with the Christ or Universal consciousness. No god in other words, just a man who raised his enlightenment level to the highest degree. This was the end of my mainstream understanding of Christianity and beginning of my metaphysical understanding, and the springboard of my current journey regarding the self-realization path - the enlightenment path of Christ/Universal consciousness open to every human being and soul. Jesus is like my big bro who went to college ahead of me.

Jatd 09-06-2014 02:01 PM

Actually, I think the Christian forum is perfect for this question.
Seeing as I was raised a Christian, brought up from the time I was 6 weeks old.. until one day when I was 35 years old, I woke up and realized that its all nonsense. Or rather people have it ALL wrong.

I mean the Old Testament? Really? Its absurd. The way God is portrayed?? This is man's egotistical, desire for power and control and its sickening.

I ran around thinking I knew the truth, and calling myself a believer, when actually I was just a follower. A follower of man. NOT a follower of truth.

One day.. I was humbled. One day the floor fell from under me and I went through the most transformational painful change one could ever imagine. I lost my life and gained life. The TRUTH set me free.

I love Jesus and the message he came to share. My heart hurts that he was treated so ugly for being so loving. ANd that he was murdered for this love. THIS GREAT LOVE.
But, I would do the same. I do the same daily in a less violent way. "The world will hate you in my name."
The world hates me because so many do not understand the actual truth. They have sucummed to a false truth. Sadly. ANd they walk around with thier noses in the air, with closed minds and tell me and those like me that we are going to hell.

THIS IS NOT the message Jesus came with, and this is not the message I will ever share with any human being.

We have been lied to, tricked, programmed, brain washed and lead astray.
God is Love. We are Love. We are eternal and no God will ever "send" us to any "hell." Hell doesn't exist the way most Christians think it does. Thay have been misinformed. We do not need a book written by another human being that "Claims" it was God Breathed. What we need is to connect one on one with God. To have an intimate relationship that no book could ever give you.
That is my truth.

Baile 09-06-2014 02:07 PM

Here's another biggy for me: I could never come to terms with the "Live life well to avoid hell" mainstream Christian belief. It never sat well with me. The angry malevolence of it was bad enough, but what I really couldn't get past was the idea that we live a one-and-done existence and then that's it. That just never seemed right. It was around the same time (three decades ago) that I came to a soul depth understanding regarding a series of truths that truly opened my heart to life for the first time.

Reincarnation: We live many lives, and have many opportunities to learn to "live life well." No more fears and worries about being judged according to this one life only.

Karma: We choose to incarnate and work on whatever personal karma we decide is best for that particular incarnation. Nobody or nothing tells us or judges us. We judge ourselves and evaluate our own soul progress.

The Universe: Is entirely benevolent. It is pure love, and pure love only. No hell, no devils, no demons. And no burning in fiery pits for eternity, just continuous soul progression on this plane, leading to whatever benevolent reality the next higher plane of spirit evolution has in store for us.

PeteC-UK 09-06-2014 02:10 PM

Hi Folks..

Visitor; Well,I already did a long long post elsewhere aboutmy own personal awakeneing,so I`ll not bore you all again here with details..

Truths learned though.?..Interesting phenomena - we each seem to see a different unique "truth",and yet behind them all,there is indeed a universal truth..

For instance - Christ Consciousness - itself is a very very real phenomena - valid and authentic,known throughout the enitre world under varius names and atributes,but essentialy the same process - and indeed,it is the "destiny" of mankind to awaken self to this level of awareness..

Along the way though,all mannerof litle "truths" may be revealed,as and when apropriate..As an example - Baile - you belive Yeshua/jesus was JUST a man first and foremost,and that He "discovered" his Self in the normal way such as you or I..

HOWEVER,in my journey,I encounter directly,a Being who told me specifically,that He took that form in full awareness of who and what He was - fully aware of His Divinity - planned and instigated the mortal life of Yeshua with specific purposes to fulfill..

YES then,for sure,behind it all,there is a "god" - the Father that Christ speaks of..Amazingly I found at first - PERSONAL TRUTHS - you know,pertaining to my life and circumstances - things revealed BEFORE they happen n life - these came thick and fast - a kind of "proof" that it was all authentic,that i could trust this communion..Thus,when these same Beings tell me metaphysical truths of the greater universal reality,I find I can intuitively trust them fully,for they HAVE shown me this personal proof many times and therefore I know they are real and valid..

Hence,when such a Divine being explains the Father first in a metaphysical way - then shows me,points the way here in t emortal world,so I can look around at the wolrd and see if indeed it applies - I find yes,they were correct..The knowledge and insgiht gained CAN be trusted,proved time and again..See,the EXPERIENCE comes first,then if and when needed,Iam literally led to a "mortal proof",knowldege or testimony,or even circumstance that shows me clearly..even here - we are not here "by accident",but simply because our Soul,is continually seeking and sharing this "truth of Self" - itis the PURPOSE of existance..

Is there a true Father source of ALL CREATION..?..Yes - this is universal truth..When Christ explains what the Father is - a Divine MIND - and how it creates reality,causes the world to become apparant - well,it is explained fully and intuitively,and I can see it clearly working in my life - within my own mind even,as I examine first just WHO AM I..?..

Universl truth : I/WE ARE the Divine Mind..We are this god we search for..I and the Father are one - always were always Will Be..

I`ll stop there for now I think - as it occurrs to me directly here,if I allowed the valve to open fully,I could no doubt fill this enitre thread with little snippets of information,wisdom,insight,possibilities and probabilities - and a few outright absolute certain statements..I will just say this - in all our experiences,here or spiritual - there are only TWO pheomena at work...There is this Dvine Mind that causes all else - and there is this abstract force - "energy" - that is used to form structures and objective reality..Universal truth: The mind and the energy of creation are one and the same thing...Realise this first,the rest falls into place quite naturally.. And indeed - realise this basic truth - no seperation - I and the Father are one..With it comes the full realisation,thateys,the Father,and I,ARE pure love - itis all any human seeks,constantly,to be loved and to express Love..:wink:

Baile 09-06-2014 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by PeteC-UK
Along the way though,all mannerof litle "truths" may be revealed,as and when apropriate..As an example - Baile - you belive Yeshua/jesus was JUST a man first and foremost,and that He "discovered" his Self in the normal way such as you or I..

HOWEVER,in my journey,I encounter directly,a Being who told me specifically,that He took that form in full awareness of who and what He was - fully aware of His Divinity - planned and instigated the mortal life of Yeshua with specific purposes to fulfill..

I'm aware of the metaphysical explanation regarding the All incarnating in human form by uniting with the body/consciousness of Jesus. I'm not saying that did or didn't happen with the Christ Jesus event. I'm simply saying Jesus is an ascended master and human being, as opposed to the son of god. We are all daughters and sons (souls) of god with the same enlightenment potential as Jesus.

PeteC-UK 09-06-2014 03:12 PM

Hi Folks..

Baile; And thats exactly what I mean abut perspectives of individual truth concealing a larger and universal truth..See,the way you have it explained - uniting with the body - thats slightly different to my truth,in that Christ was never actualy mortal,but was indeed,a direct manifestation of the Father..This oculd get very complicated indeed - but see that human souls,are kind of "grown" - taking many many incarnations to mature to that level of Self realisation - and indeed,before Yeshua,it ws not even possible to ascend so "high",or to attain the true Father at all..

Yeshua was never actually fullymortal,but rather was ALWAYS fully ivine,just inhabitng a mortal shell..HE is the FIRST emanation of the Ftaher - the comlete Sentient Will in an individualised form..We mortals work at it backwards - are the individualsed form first and foremost,and must then raise our self to encompass the greater paradigm..Christ though,already encompasses the greatest potential,and this mind was imbued fully within the mortal form..All that was needed was for the boy yeshua,to survive to puberty,physical maturity,and then the process was complete,and Yeshua the mortal effectively "remebered" who He actually was..

And see here,this is the same for all of us,but on a much lesser level of Self awareness..We are ascending to His realm,His level of awareness - matuing INTO that miind..When I speak here for instance of "opening a valve",I say that fully relaising that deep with in me - in the secret silence - there is the "gateway" to the cosmos out there and the Divine Presence it holds..For Yeshua the mortal,that valve was fully open,always,even from the first Self reflections of early adulthood..Its all about MIND..

There is a whole level of Self that is fully eternal,and fully seperate from this mortal pardigm..This "energy" here that power our mind and body,is not our complete Self..We have just funneled a tiny portion of our Consicous faculty,our potential,and have enclosed it withn this form temporarily..Accessin gthe extra resources then,the higher mind,is to BECOME Christ - but of ocurse,that level of Self WAS there first anyway,becaue it quite literally,CAUSED the mortal life an dit circumstances - there is no seperation,and the higher presence was indeed fully present always - without it,there is no creation,no mortal,no life..

Be absolutely cerrtain then,that this god,this source,Our Father,must exist,for He is the cause of it all..Imagine the creation as a SPIRAL - a funnel - We approach the funnel,from the tiny end,workng up to the greater and wider reality..As we progress our Conscious perspective of Self,our ability to perceive and understand,naturally grows to fill our new boundaries,and the Soul becomes wiser,spiritually knowledgaable of Self and predicament..

Christ came directly from the greater reality,and funneled downwards into th elesser mortal realm..His MID though,is sponsored FROM that greater reality,the first and froemost emanation of the source itself..Literaly,He held the mind of the Father always,for He WAS the Father originally,IS fully aware of All that He is..Literally - I and the Father ARE one..

And just to confuse things here - and for a little amusement perhaps - I will say here that actually,NO MORTAL MAN,is EVER going to become Christ..And yet that is indeed our aim.. :wink:

And Yeshua said - "Whoever discovers the understanding of these sayings will not taste death." - theres a clue - He never died because He was never born - yet ALWAYS EXISTED - eternal formless spirit - the true Father :wink:

Visitor 09-06-2014 10:34 PM

"This awakening implies a kind of death to our exterior self...
It takes faith to make the choices that deliver us from our routine self and open to us the door of a new being, a new reality." - Thomas Merton

The world must be looked on from a different angle, a spiritual angle.
Jesus Christ, as far as I know, always spoke from a spiritual reference point, not a worldly one.

It is rare to come across a person with such awakening.
Many years ago, while working as a counselor, I watched a video tape interview of a man who was regarded as a spiritual person.
He looked like a middle aged surfer, or a bit of a hermit that lived along a coastline. (sorry, my stereotyping)

During the interview he did not say much. He used a one to five word sentence, to each question.
At first, he seemed naive, fanciful and innocent. For a moment I thought he was a simpleton.
As the interview progressed, I noticed something else, the interviewer, seemed very critical of his stance on life.
I studied this man's facial expressions and eyes. There were no micro body-language or facial expressions of the ego, I saw nothing contrary to whatever he said.
He responded without pride or ego, without fear of judgement, he was humble yet doubtless. His face became one of love.
His reference point was not one would expect from a person with a mental disorder, or from any academic, (insanity/genius), but from some other reference.
This was contradictory of any person I have ever met.

As the interview progressed, I gave up looking for psychological explanations.
As soon as I put my critical self aside, his words were like a two-edge sword. My heart sprung open.
Everything he said made crystal clear sense. He never wasted a word. He only spoke of the Truth.

Much later, it occurred to me that his reference point was the Truth.
Instead of looking in for the Truth, he came from Truth - looking out.

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