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mikron 26-10-2010 11:38 PM

Core Spiritual Principles
Core Spiritual Principles

By Dr Joshua David Stone

Unconditional Love

Golden Key Number 1--Unconditional Love: The Foundation Of Life And All Spiritual Practice
Unconditional love is the premier golden key. It has been the heart of the manifestation of my healing, ascension and leadership. Sai Baba teaches that love is the most important spiritual practice of all. He says that the way to live is to "Start the day with love, fill the day with love, spend the day with love and end the day with love--for this is the way to God." This is the foundation of all spiritual practice.
Sai Baba also has said that our physical bodies are a house rented to us by God. We live in the physical body as long as God wills it, and we pay God rent by demonstrating faith, devotion and spiritual sadhana, or spiritual practice--and the number one spiritual practice is unconditional love. Sai Baba says that the way to immortality is the removal of immorality. Since being one with God is being one with all in love, this is the foundation of everything. Tied in with unconditional love are the qualities of generosity and graciousness.
There are spiritual teachers who have great information and who are great channels or psychics, but if love is not the foundation of everything they do, faulty thinking has entered in. If someone does all of the other golden keys in this book and does not demonstrate love, then they've missed the boat, and true God-realization will not be attained.

part 2 coming soon

mayancalendar 27-10-2010 09:06 AM

I have often wondered if there is any definition for love, something that explains exactly what love is. I have read so much about its benefits and about how great it is and how it should be practiced, but I haven't read any work dealing with its nature and essence. I know it is abstract, but I still wonder if anybody has studied love that way.

mikron 27-10-2010 09:08 AM

Thanks MayanCalendar

here is part 2

Golden Key Number 2--Transform All Attack Thoughts To Love The next golden key is an aspect of love that has been a guiding light for me from A Course in Miracles. This is to release all attack thoughts. I have made a vow to myself and God never to attack even when I am attacked by others. I will go to any lengths to maintain an attitude of love no matter how I am attacked or ripped off. This is not to say that I don't need to stand up for myself and stand in my own power. But I do it with tough love. This can be a challenging lesson for some people. It is tied in with the quality of humility and what Christ said about "turning the other cheek" and "loving your enemies." It also relates to seeing everything through your Christ mind.

mikron 27-10-2010 09:09 AM

part 3

Golden Key Number 3--Remaining In Love, Oneness And Peace In All Situations This golden key has been my commitment to remaining in love, oneness and peace at all times, in all situations. Remaining in love, oneness and peace is the guiding precept of everything I do. I try to maintain this attitude in dealing with people who are competing or comparing themselves with me, or who are dealing with me in an egotistical manner. This leads to an instant attitude of forgiveness at all times--forgiveness both of others and myself. I look at every situation in life as a spiritual test to see if I can remain in this state of consciousness.

mikron 27-10-2010 09:10 AM

part 4

Golden Key Number 4--Practicing The Presence The next golden key has been what I call "practicing the presence." This description came from a sweet book of that title by Joel Goldsmith. Every day I would get up and try to practice the presence of God. I realized that if I wanted to be God I had to act like God. Every person, animal, plant and mineral is God incarnate. I would practice greeting every person as if they were the Master Jesus or Buddha or Sai Baba which, in truth, they are. This helped me also to develop tremendous love for animals. Here I used the "Fake it till you make it" approach. I figured if I kept practicing being an ascended master that eventually I would be one. This turned out to be an excellent spiritual practice. It is not enough just to think about God or just feel God. We each must be God. This may be the most important sadhana or spiritual practice of all.

mikron 27-10-2010 09:10 AM

part 5

Golden Key Number 5--Holy Instants This golden key has been the understanding of the "holy instant" as described in A Course in Miracles. In this holy instant, I am the Christ, you are the Christ, we are all perfect and we are all one with each other and one with God. In reality all else is illusion. This is why A Course in Miracles says, "Nothing real can be threatened; nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God." You do not have to try and become God. You already are God. The spiritual path is undoing or cleaning off the mud on the diamond. Our own faulty thinking has identified with the mud instead of the light. In the holy instant this is all released as a bad dream that was never real in the first place.

7luminaries 27-10-2010 02:16 PM

Find love
Do love
Be love (Be loving)
Be Love

7luminaries 27-10-2010 02:19 PM

Very nice Micron...nice avatar too.
I just posted a quick ref. The order listed is very important...as we cannot skip to the last unless we already embody the first 4.

This is one of the things we need to be careful abt..."cutting corners"...LOL...everything in its time once the lessons are learnt. If we embody 1-4, then of course enlightenment and BEing can occur in the moment as true transformation, ie. occuring henceforth from that moment forward.
After all, it's about the journey, not the destination :)

Peace & blessings,

mikron 28-10-2010 12:59 AM

Thanks 7luminaries this one very important ~!

part 6

Golden Key Number 6--Holy Encounters: Seeing God In Every Person The next golden key has been what I call the "holy encounter." This also is a term from A Course in Miracles which states that every meeting with a brother or sister is a holy encounter. Every exchange between two people is Christ meeting Christ, God meeting God. This, in combination with what I call innocent perception--seeing the innocence in each person, that which is divine--has been one of my main spiritual sadhanas.
This ideal leads to unconditional love; for if each person is God and the eternal Self, then nothing but love can follow. This ideal is a commitment to seeing beyond the appearances of the physical, emotional and mental bodies and to seeing the true core of every person. The world is a mirror of our own thinking. What we see in our brothers and sisters is, in truth, what we are seeing in ourselves. To heal oneself one must see God in every person as well as oneself. This also applies to how one sees the opposite sex. Do you see a person as a physical body first--or as God living in a physical body?

Viewing All With The Christ Mind

mikron 28-10-2010 01:00 AM

part 7

Golden Key Number 7--Attitudinal Healing: Thinking With The Christ Mind This golden key involves attitude and perspective. It is our thoughts that create our reality, and there is always a perspective on life that will bring you inner peace no matter what your outer situation. This is the science of attitudinal healing. My commitment to thinking at all times with my Christ mind and not my ego mind has been, I would say, one of the major keys to my success in life.
When I would get unclear, I would write in my journal, for many hours if necessary, until I would get myself and my life in proper perspective. In earlier stages of my life I had to do a lot of journal writing. Now I have had so much practice that I can do it about as effectively with my mind. Thinking with the Christ mind leads to clarity, steadiness and stability. This mastery helps to produce emotional stability, for our emotions often are an outgrowth of our attitude.
Related to thinking with the Christ mind is the understanding that there are only two emotions, love and fear. Love-based emotions are expressions of the Christ mind; fear-based emotions are expressions of the ego. The ego perceives itself as separate, and, therefore, fear arises as it tries to protect itself. When you view all through your Christ mind, you see all as one and part of God, so love-based emotions are what arise. Therefore, your experience of life all depends on whether you interpret life from your negative ego mind or from your Christ mind. This is the foundation of all spiritual growth.

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