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peteyzen 24-05-2006 08:24 AM

I have beentaught about karma, and have an understanding of this universal law , usually called cause and effect. I would be interested to hear what other memebers think about karma, if they have any experiences of it.
My understanding of karma (I apologies if it conflicts with anyone elses) is that when we act on our intent, (intent being the pivotal point of karma) we create a cycle of effect which will one day loop back to us. So, for instance, if we steal the last cookie from the jar, knowing others in the room want it and we are not next in line for it, then we start a small circle of karma that one day will return to us, and we will feel a similar loss to those we have just denied the cookie to.
My teacher describes the karma we creeate as either skillful or unskillful. I really like this description, it implies that we have it in our ability to create an easier or more difficult path ahead of us by our own skillful or unskillful thoughts /intent, and eventually our actions.

I look forward to peoples statements or questions on karma.
have fun playing with the spiritual play doh

dreamer 24-05-2006 10:20 AM

Hi Peteyzen,

everything you have written above is correct. The one thing I would add is that it is a lot easier than you might imagine to attract whatever it is you want. It is a lot easier than I ever imagined anyway. The things I wanted always seemed so inaccessable and mysterious and so it was they were kept hidden or away from me you get what you believe. My advice would be wish for what you want because you attract what you believe you are. I would also recommend buying the secret DVD - link on films part of forum for a full explanation of the law of attraction, you'll laugh when you understand because it's ridiculously obvious.

peteyzen 25-05-2006 11:11 AM

Dreamer, I understand about the secret, it works by forces of attraction and aligning yourself to what you want by mental focus, (very briefly) and it works , woithin certain parameters, Karma is a seperate law that affects things differently,
What I mean by this is that, if you have karma to be paid, (and we all have) then good or bad, it comes, sometimes the universe (or god) will link your aspiration thru something like the secrets techniques, to a favourable conclusion. But not always and this is the point, people believe that they can do anything when they come across messages like the secret and they become massively dissappointed when these aspirations fail to materialse.

Having said that the approach which I use , taught to me by my teacher many years ago and which is similar in application to the secret, I will give you now, free of charge!!! He uses three keys these are focus, aspiration and affirmation.
What this means is when you want something focus your mind on it, hold it in your mind as often as you can, then aspire to achieve it , want it strongly then finally affirm to yourself that you can do it, or you are already it. Keep doing this whilst you would normally be thinking ****, and the results are astounding. There is one further point to make, bearing in mind this is a thread on karma, which overseas all our intent, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WANT, examine carefully your intent.

Blimey that was serious, love and light to you all

dreamer 25-05-2006 01:01 PM

Hey Peteyzen,

all good points but I feel if you intend easy harmony the karma works itself out in an easy and harmonious way and you can't have harmony without the truth and isn't Karma just our shame at the truth. I'd say Karma is of our shames making rather than anything that is out there.

peteyzen 25-05-2006 02:50 PM

Well I dont claim to know exactly dreamer, and I could well be wrong, wont be the first or last time if i am. But.... I kind of see karma as an exact thing, nothing woozzy, If i intend to do this then thats what I get back and so on. Problem is, this bit that comes back, it returns at a point convenient for karma, not neccesarily for me. And it isn`t really allied to shame (if you follow my interpretation which may be wrong, see first two lines...) because it is dependent on our intent, that intent could be (should be) good, we may have for instance, helped someone in difficulty out of the goodness of our heart, this will return to us, no shame, just a circle of creation, instigated by our intent you see.???
But going back to your first point about intending easy harmony, then in my interpretation of the karmic law, you are right, as your intent is to be harmonious, then that is what you are creating for yourself, its just we don`t know when that harmony will return to us.
We are paving the path of our future by our intent and hence actions today, is the best way to put it

dreamer 25-05-2006 03:59 PM

Hi Peteyzen,

if you have an awakening and change fundamentally as a person so that you take full responsibility for all the wrongs you have done in the past and are truly sorry for them and you truly seek forgiveness for the consequences of these actions - kind of like confession at church except you really mean it, does that reduce bad Karma?

the other thing I was wondering is if you know about the law of attraction and how to use it, do you think there is anything more you need to know?

peteyzen 26-05-2006 08:28 AM

Sadly no,although, I add a maybe here though, I understand that the divine can alter any karma, so some people argue that it is [possible to offer up, as you suggest with a real sorrow and pure mind, to God, in what ever form you perceve the divine to be (jesus, allah, krishna, sai baba, the universe etc.) and that way some or all of the karma can be removed.
The important thing though, is not dodging what you have sewn because it may be upsetting for the human being you now are, but reaching the point that you have described above, where as a person, positive change has taken place, where you have developed as a being./ Sometimes it takes the effects of the winds of karma to make us look at our behaviour in the first place.
Personally although I understand karma, I think that for most people it is too obscure, if karmic payback was instantaneous, we would all get it and the world would be a better place, (maybe).
Thanks for asking the question dreamer, that is my answer, I could be wrong, probably am, but that is it as I was taught it.
Thanks buddy

dreamer 26-05-2006 03:42 PM

Was that a sadly no to the first question or the second one? I presume to the first because a no to the second would surely be gladly rather than sadly.

revpaulca 28-05-2006 10:51 PM

My sense of Karma is that it is directly related to Dharma. Dharma is the Plan; Karma is the result. Yes, cause and effect work well with this concept. The Plan is what I am supposed to be doing with my time, space and energy here on earth. Karma is the result that I get from how well/or not that I follow the Plan. This works for me. If I do not like the results/effect, I align more closely to the Plan/cause. By the way, the Plan works with respect to one's thoughts, feelings, words and actions -- a total embracing. PaPaPaul

eternity 29-05-2006 09:33 AM

Hello petezen,
I find your writing to be very accurate.You must be a very advanced soul.
Peace and light.

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