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Likes2Read 15-02-2013 02:53 AM

And speaking of cleansing with sound...
I just picked up an inexpensive iPhone app called Chakra Pro. It has tones for each chakra, or for the whole series from Root to Crown, or from Crown to Root. There are tones and pitches that are associated with each chakra, and this app will play them for a set amount of time that you choose from a list.

It also has a routine marked as "Cleanse", which you can use to clear unwanted energy from yourself or anything that you determine needs a cleanse. This will come in handy when I want to clear tools or a workspace, too. I'll be playing it in my studio to help keep the workspace clear. Between that and the Zenergy chime, I should be in good shape.

I don't know if the app is available for other types of device.

StoneWhisper 15-02-2013 02:49 PM

Good info.. I was asking around (other whom are more knowladgeable with creating apps) to create something like this..

Likes2Read 15-02-2013 06:52 PM

If you have an iDevice, go into the App Store and search on the word "chakra". There are various free and paid apps that will offer guided meditations and/or tones to help align the chakras and do cleansing.

I don't have access to a current Android. Windows Phone, or Blackberry device, so I can't speak for what apps might be available for those smartphones. But it shouldn't be too hard to do searches and find out. I'd search on terms like "Chakra" and "Meditation" to see what comes up.

mom 15-02-2013 08:26 PM

I have an iphone- and that sounds awesome! I will look it up.

Likes2Read 16-02-2013 08:29 PM

This morning, I cleansed my new Fluorite cabochons with the cleansing tone. I put them in a small box with the ear pieces of my earbuds, plugged the orher end into my phone, set the app on Cleanse, and let it run for 15 minutes. They came out bright and happy. :smile:

No fuss, no muss, no cleanup of water or salt, no smoke, and nothing that will harm, fade, dissolve, or corrode a stone. I am a very happy camper today.

goldendragon 16-02-2013 09:56 PM

I don't have an Iphone or any type of cell phone and the only technology I have is my PC...i wonder if there is a cd somewhere I could get to play on my cd player to aid chakras and my sweet stones.

Likes2Read 17-02-2013 05:10 AM

If you google "Chakra tones" you'll get some information and at least one YouTube video. Those are tones for helping to balance Chakras.

Long before smartphones or internet existed, I had an energy chime. I've seen them with a brand name of "Zenergy chime", but mine hasn't got a brand name. It looks exactly like this. Even the mallet is made the same way.

There are also singing bowls and tingshas (is that the spelling?) that are specifically designed to make clear, lasting sounds that will help with meditation and metaphysical purposes.

If it's any help, my Zenergy chime has a pitch of A 440, also known as Concert A. I used it to clear and dedicate my studio by ringing it into all parts of the room. I have also used its sound to clear negative energies out of stones and as a carrier for intention.

I'm not sure what pitch the cleansing tone is on the app. But the pitch is less of an issue than the INTENT. When we hold a clear intent to make something happen, there are multiple different tools that we can use to accomplish the task. Sound is just one of those tools.

mom 17-02-2013 07:26 AM

Good to know about the pitch of those. I've been wondering. Unforunately i couldnt get the app on my iphone...apparently my phone is now too ancient for most apps to work on my iphone anymore. I love how they are doing that now to get people to toss away their still good working phones to buy the new. Grrr. I cant even use the facebook app anymore, even though i used it on my phone for a long time! Owell. I am thinking i will just find something around he house to make the clearing/cleansing sound. I have a string instrument, keyboard, and several penny whistles lying around the house. It will be fun to figure out what works well for me. : )

goldendragon 17-02-2013 12:50 PM

Thank you for the information Likes2read. I will definately look for an energy chime. So very true that the intent is what matters most. Blessings to you.

xiola_bleu 17-02-2013 07:51 PM

I recently bought a singing bowl online. I cant wait for it to arrive :D

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