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HorrificHavoc91 25-01-2013 12:58 AM

I remember during last year in fall I sat near my open window with the curtain down, but I wanted fresh air so I pulled it aside then saw an orange cat starring straight at me while sniffing through the screen, tried to be silent and not move, but he or she left either way. Another unusal event which has been occuring more often at night I would hear a very loud cry judging by the sound it appears to be from a cat, one time I heard it during the afternoon and decided to check it out and went outside, but nothing would be there. I do own a cat and perhaps might be the reason to attract other cats, but I rarely let my cat go outside and when I do he won't be out for more than ten minutes. Any ideas?

Tobi 25-01-2013 01:58 AM

Why doesn't he go outside? Is there a garden? In which case he might like to spend more time outside?

The other cats might be coming around because they know a cat lives at your place. They are not stupid. They will get sounds and scents.

IsleWalker 25-01-2013 01:59 AM

Have you ever heard cats mating? It sounds like they're being killed, or screaming. Maybe that's all you're hearing? Are you feeling that cats are being attracted to you for a reason--as a totem or something?


HorrificHavoc91 25-01-2013 12:03 PM

Tobi - Well the reason why I don't let my cat go out often much this year he has been killing other wild animals and bringing them inside my home last year, and another reason he fought with another cat before and caught an infection which had to be treated quickly which was pretty bad, my cat doesn't get along with any other cats therefore very territorial but cats have been coming near my neighbor more often in this year than last year. Yes I agree with your last statement cats sniffing other cats scent which can be a problem.

Lora- Who would of thought hearing cats at night mating lol
I was kind of thinking the same, cats tend to be fond of me and content.

Tobi 25-01-2013 10:42 PM

I understand. It might be that there are other male cats in the neighbourhood who haven't been neutered. That would account for the cat-like howling sounds at night, (caterwauling) and also they probably view him as a threat because he's male and in what they consider their territory. I agree. If there's this sort of problem, a cat bite or scratch can get horribly infected.
But my bet is they are hanging around to "mark" their territory -or what THEY consider to be their territory.

Lucid68 25-01-2013 11:03 PM

Awwww he brings you his kills as little presents for you, its his natural instinct you shouldn't suppress him :)

Alice_1 04-07-2018 07:46 AM

My cat in the summer is always on the street. Winter home. Animals need to communicate.:wink:

MissCreativeSpirit 03-01-2019 09:28 PM

what? Cats mating are silent

Originally Posted by IsleWalker
Have you ever heard cats mating? It sounds like they're being killed, or screaming. Maybe that's all you're hearing? Are you feeling that cats are being attracted to you for a reason--as a totem or something?


When the female is in heat, before she is mated, yowels and cries over and over!

indefinable 07-01-2019 02:29 PM

cat's are symbol of evil

LilyTeal16 16-03-2019 03:17 AM

Can I contribute how I feel about cats?

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