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Tobi 19-01-2013 06:12 PM

Signs from our animals who passed away?
...Some are subtle, and some are "in your face".
Look out for them. I cannot SAY how they work, but I know they do.
Today I went to a big woods, where my dog and I used to walk. It has snowed hard here, at least 4 inches, and everything is under a blanket of deep snow.I came to a clearing, where we always used to stop for a while and play with frisbee or "dog sticks". Some areas here were so deeply carpeted with snow it came over the top of my Wellies.
I had been feeling attuned to my deceased dog's Soul all day. Anyway I thought "There is no way I would be able to find one of those old sticks she played with. The last time we played here must have been last March.
I couldn't ever find one before even though I looked hard...and it won't be likely now under all this snow..." So I decided to move away from the clearing and continue my walk. As I did so my foot snagged against something under a foot of snow. I bent down, retrieved it....guess what it was?
One of the dog-sticks we used to play with.
I recognized it because it was stripped of bark. I used to do that so she wouldn't get things stuck in her mouth.
I had to laugh. It was a special moment.

How does that work?? No idea, but it was still a special moment.

Teal 19-01-2013 06:41 PM

awe that is nice. I believe our pets are waiting for us on the other side. It is a sign that shes is still playing sticks with you.

I had this cat that his heart was to big for his little body. He was such a loving cat.He was barely a year old. It hurt so bad to have to put him down. There was nothing to save him. He wasn't functioning near the end.

At the vet they put him in this cadge I went and signed paperwork. They vet told me to say good bye. I went to his cage and he got up like the frisky kitty I remember him to be.He came over to me nudged me and purred I knew at that moment he understood why he was there and I was helping him. He went back to the spot he was resting at and I left.

That was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. Now I will hear purring or here small thuds that sound like him coming to find me.

Tobi 19-01-2013 10:31 PM

Oh poor little cat. I am sorry you went through this. His spirit is free now and I bet he's frisking about in a lovely place. My dog comes to visit me sometimes. Your little cat probably does too.
Blessings tealtwist.

LPC 26-01-2013 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Tobi
I had to laugh. It was a special moment.

I know just what you mean!

LPC 26-01-2013 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by tealtwist
Now I will hear purring or here small thuds that sound like him coming to find me.

Sorry to hear about your dear cat. You will get visits if you really need them, be sure of that!

A peaceful mind. 26-01-2013 03:03 PM

My mom's dog passed away "Jago" it was the most adorable western highland terrier I have ever meet in my whole life.. so faithful and loyal to the end... well I were so broken when he died and after some months I were fully over it.

Well I joined a cause concerning spirits and while we talked about spirits we were toughed that we could contact our dead pets... I immediacy thought off him and tried to contact him.. and suddenly I felt him (in some strange way) as he had jumped up on my lap as he used to and liked me in my face as he used too. I knew he were happy because hit tail were going from one side to another.. I couldn't help myself I cried and cried.. after 30 second he became calm and it was like he said goodbye and jumped down from my lap...

Well this took me a long time to write.. I think I must stop now.. to many tears.......


A peaceful Mind

╰☆╮ Will-‘๑’-The-Wisp ╰☆╮ 26-01-2013 03:24 PM

Wow this thread had me crying, I could see the picture as I read each and one of your stories and it is an overwhelming experience. My condolences to you all who lost their little furry friends. :)

Tobi 26-01-2013 10:06 PM

A Peaceful Mind,
That is a truly beautiful experience. It does show you that love never dies. They give us such love. Blessings to you, and thank you for sharing such a sacred thing.

A peaceful mind. 27-01-2013 11:42 AM

Tanks for you nice words.. I were actually regretting writing so personal information here on this board. :redface:

I still cry when I read what I have wrote.. well love never dies it still lingers in memories..

I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to say goodbye this way... and I remember this experience as it were yesterday...

I have never experienced anything like the faithfulness this dog showed me.. when he were sick it couldn't move and it kept on try to come and lie at my feat as it used to when I visited my mome.. we had to move the basket where it were sleeping in, down under the table where my feat where before it were calm again..

Well this lesson have thought me well... to be faithful and loving at the same time is pressures beyond words.......


A Peaceful Mind

Tobi 28-01-2013 01:03 AM

Dear Peaceful Mind,
I know. It feels like a sacred secret when something so beautiful comes from a deceased loved one. When things happened with my dog and myself, I didn't know what I was supposed to do....tell others? Or keep it secret? I felt the boundless all-encompassing energy of the love my dog was capable of radiating (I wished I could have spoken to her in telepathic English, and asked her, but I couldn't.) But I had an empathetic appreciation of what she was showing me. And it was Love. And awareness. So to share it seemed the right thing to do, after I listened to intuition. These things could possibly help others in their painful grief, and help them see some joy.
Blessings to you. You sound to me like a very lovely Soul yourself. Your love for him is so beautiful.

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