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AstralJosh 25-12-2012 07:50 PM

Music and Vibration
Hi All,

It is only recently that I became aware of how music was affecting my vibration.

Throughout this intense period with a relatively high vibration throughout the day,
I would listen to these songs and feel my vibration lowering, the fear associated
with them and how a large proportion of modern music seems engineer in a way to flood
the body with low vibrations.

My question comes in several parts, what do you think are the links between
music and your vibrational-self?
And what genres have you found in particular
that raise or lower your vibration? How to you shield yourself from the vibrational
effects of negative music?
(when unwillingly exposed to it of course)

Also, i would like to enter into a brief discussion about basslines if anyone takes
to it. IMO genres like dubstep significantly lower my vibration but my favourite genre,
prog house, uplifts me. The enquiry is about the inherent nature of basslines being
of a low vibration, would that suggest that all music with basslines operate at this
low vibrations pass them on to their listeners?


Henri77 25-12-2012 08:41 PM

Cool topic

I used to create electronic music, though other genres that these, and have become increasingly sensitive to the effects of music.

IMO basslines and drum based music goes directly to the heart, and entrains the heart-emotional body.
It's emotional (and in that sense one might say "low" I guess, yet great for dancing, where one fully expresses, releases the energy)

Yet Amer indian, Tibetian, African music uses loud drums for sacred ceremony-dance, though the intent, rhythm seems different, and emotion is channeled in worship-celebration. Yet all music is celebration of one sort,,, so who can say.

Everyone is wired differently, and what energizes one may emotionally disturb.distress another.

Basslines coming from a car or neighbor jar my entire being, and entrains my emotions, not in a good way. And aggressive rap is such an example.

For me , devotional music is the highest vibe,
Be it sacred choral music, some Hindu/Buddhist sacred chants or Tibetian/Amer Indian flute music. I love this for meditation, or just before,
Much ambient music feels similar, but electronic sounds don't feel quite as nurturing as organic acoustic instruments or human voices, to me, these days.
But the mood,more than instrumentation is key.

I used to create lots of electronic space/ambient music, as well a some classical.jazz/pop flavored tracks.

Lately I have real trouble listening to classical (radio) music, as it's very emotional, too dramatic, and disturbs a peaceful mood. But that's just me.
Even pop music I'd loved, feels that way ,,,, Madonna, Gaga, others, unless I'm working out and need the stimulation,

Protection.... good luck with that... other than good earplugs or yogic practices

I've found doing a short chant-aum, almost instantly centers ,aligns , raises me... at home when I need a quick tune up

Henri77 26-12-2012 03:12 AM

This vid is pretty amazing ,regarding raising ones frequency.
what Teal covers in 14 minutes is like reading a book

Since bass heavy music directly entrains ones emotional/physical body & heart, it seems tough to ignore it, for me at least. As it rattles my soul.
There's nothing inherently bad about low vibrations. If one can find enjoyment in a situation, the joy overrides everything else, I'd assume,

sesheta 26-12-2012 05:13 AM

I have always found it interesting how certain instruments/tones/pitches in music can affect us. There are pieces of music where sometimes a single note from an instrument will seem to simply "vibrate" straight through me and make me smile...and others that will make my head hurt or almost feel like a minor skin irritation!!
The music that seems to soothe/uplift me the most is Native American flute, or Gregorian Chant. I also love the harmonica, and the saxophone...


Tobi 27-12-2012 12:18 AM

The music I find raises my energy frequency is either classical, particularly Baroque, or Mozart, and I also am very fond of Jan Garbarek (Jan Garbarek and the Hilliard Ensemble) This isn't to everyone's taste, but I listen to it without judgement (such as why is a saxophone singing like this in the midst of this beautiful religious music...? I don't ask those questions, but just listen.)
Twelve Moons is so beautiful too, particularly "Psalm". My "vibrations" feel like helium balloons someone accidentally let go of when I listen to this stuff.

However I once had an interesting experience. (quite a while ago now)I was feeling drained, weary, exhausted, and my vibrations had gone a little "low". Then I visited a friend, and he was playing Heavy Metal (so not my thing) Well at first I couldn't bear it, the noise was just wrecking me!
Then I gave up any normal ways of viewing this music, and any normal barriers to it I had, and just listened. Something strange happened. I felt the rhythm of the music go in me, and I used it. As a basic energy-source, and used it for my own purposes. And gradually, strangely, and most unexpectedly I began to raise up out of that weariness, and low vibration! I then rose on the energy I got from the (din??.... sorry Metal fans!) Until I felt energized and back to my better self again!
Now here I am admitting I have once been a music-vampire!:D

Neville 27-12-2012 12:42 AM

I read something on this subject to do with something called the Solfeggio frequencies, I found it interesting enough to actually listen to some.

The main six Solfeggio frequencies and their purported properties are:

396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order

I think if you key in "Solfeggio frequencies" on youtube you will find some examples to listen to.:smile:

Deusdrum 27-12-2012 01:33 AM

I agree about some dubstep, to me it has a sucking or dragging down effect.

One style i like for good vibes is mellow downtempo eletronica. Stuff that is light yet helps to stimulate a meditated state of mind.

I also really enjoy the right kind of drum n bass, but in smaller doses typically. Listened to my entire Utah Jazz playlist one day at work and it almost literally kept my energy up all day and kept me going, very energizing and uplifting for me.

I tend to go on a song by song basis. Some groups or artists/musicians have a more positive feel than others in general though i find. I think one's musical tastes are a reflection of their inner state or mind or energy to some degree.

Also find that i will change my listening habits depending on my mood. But also when just listening on shuffle to random songs pop up, their is a definite effect i notice it has on my mood at times.

One time a friend and i were at work and the radio was playing sappy unrequited love songs all day, then finally i said "enough! I can't take it anymore!" and shut off the radio. My friend commented to me how he only realized how it effected his mood once i turned it off, because he was thinking of sad romantic things the entire day up to that point for no real reason. His words not mine also, (paraphrased) but that was sort of illuminating to me.

I think the power of sound may be capable of amazing things. You have the theories of harmonics used for the building of monoliths, which may of course be completely untrue, but still i think sound can be powerful in terms of healing, raising vibrations and things of that nature. Not that i have much of a handle on how exactly could it be used in such an optimal manner.

I do know how much i love music though, and that is a lot.

Peace. ~

Mr.Whitmore 29-12-2012 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by AstralJosh
Hi All,

It is only recently that I became aware of how music was affecting my vibration.

Throughout this intense period with a relatively high vibration throughout the day,
I would listen to these songs and feel my vibration lowering, the fear associated
with them and how a large proportion of modern music seems engineer in a way to flood
the body with low vibrations.

My question comes in several parts, what do you think are the links between
music and your vibrational-self?
And what genres have you found in particular
that raise or lower your vibration? How to you shield yourself from the vibrational
effects of negative music?
(when unwillingly exposed to it of course)

Also, i would like to enter into a brief discussion about basslines if anyone takes
to it. IMO genres like dubstep significantly lower my vibration but my favourite genre,
prog house, uplifts me. The enquiry is about the inherent nature of basslines being
of a low vibration, would that suggest that all music with basslines operate at this
low vibrations pass them on to their listeners?


Sound is the key........sound is creation.......

"In the beginning was the word....and the word was with God"

and the word........was sound.

In some songs...you will find examples of "god tones"

I am playing some songs i've heard them in...."what are you listening to now" thread

Bud 04-01-2013 10:12 PM

Music is a wonderful way to effect so many of us. Music can pick you up so much with it's sound. For me, spiritually, Mary Youngblood the Native American Flute Player and singer touches me with her music. Loreena McKennett also has some music that does it to me as well. "The Mummers Dance." I love music and could be talking about it forever.

Mr.Whitmore 04-01-2013 10:54 PM

Yes...exactly....you can even find those "sounds" in what some may call...."pop"

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