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TonySG 17-06-2012 10:57 AM

Healing Jealousy and resentment
Hi, I am a fairly spiritual person and I over the last few months I have been working hard to 'heal' myself, from my past conditioning. Just recently I had some strong feelings of jealousy and resentment come over me. I was aware of these emotions and tried to disconnect from them. Then I realized that I do suffer from feeling resentment towards others at certain times.

I am new to EFT but thought I would tap around resentment and jealousy. I tapped for about 20mins, for 2 consecutive days and the day after when I woke up, I felt like a massive weight had been lifted of me. I have since then felt lighter (its the only way I can explain it) and even though its only been a few days, I feel like it has also helped improve my relationship with others.

Since I am new to EFT, I wondered if I should continue tapping around this, even though I feel loads better? Can anyone recommended for how long I should tap for on a specific issue? A week? Month?

Thanks for reading!

MRDazzle 18-06-2012 05:06 AM

What I have found is I will tap for the amount of time that feels right for me. Also while you're tapping, say some affirmations to yourself like. " I accept that I am feeling this way and I love myself anyway" " I accept that jealousy and resentment are visiting me at this time, but it is time for them to go away" " I release these feelings into the air and I will draw in love and trust instead"
I have issues with that sometimes too and it can make one feel weighted down and ugly on the inside. I will send you some healing for your heart.

Aquarian 02-07-2012 12:13 PM

You should tap until you can no longer get the bad feeling back ie when SUDS goes down to 0.

If you don't, then the issue remains.

Silver 02-07-2012 03:31 PM

When I discovered EFT and how well it worked, this is how it went for me. I usually came up with different variations on the original tapping point and it just progressed almost with each tapping exercise - it just seemed to morph into something - it was like "Next..." and sometimes I got some really heavy emotions, yet a sense of moving on, like an issue had been resolved or improved. This reminds me, I haven't done it in a while and I should get back to it.

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