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psychoslice 27-03-2012 01:23 AM

Then, Who Are We ?.
Beliefs are for the weak, their your crutch, and just like a crutch it does have its place, but why do we use a crutch, of course so as to get better, like if we had a broken leg, the crutch helps us to keep the weight of the broken leg, so as healing can take place. When healing does take place what do we then do with the crutch, we of course throw it away, we don’t need it any loner, we are now well enough to walk on our own. Now this is what beliefs do to us, we consciously or unconsciously use them as we would a crutch, many are drawn to religion when things in their life are at an all time low, we are at a stage of life when we need help, and religion seems to be able to supply us that.

But the thing about most belief systems, and mainly religion is that it keeps us chained to the belief that it offers, members huddle together feeling secured, they forever learn the very things that keep them there, over and over each week, or whatever. Any member who feels the need to adventure outward is seen as a heretic, a fool, a devil………

But I am here to tell you that you do not need your beliefs, use them to get back on your feet from whatever caused you to tumble over. If you feel that you cannot walk away from your beliefs, then know that your beliefs have a hold on you, I am not saying to walk away from your beliefs and take up another belief, I am not offering you anything to cling to, as I said I am here to let you know you don’t need them.

So if we drop our beliefs what are we going to do now, well why do you need to do anything, isn’t the life that you already have enough ?, for the first time why not look at the life that you have, have you ever done that ?, have you ever looked at all that there is surrounding you, have you ever taken notice of the trees , the flowers, the stars, have you ever even looked at who you are ?.

So many go to their graves never really knowing who they are, they know everyone else around them, they know their children, their family, but they just don’t know themselves, how sad is that.

Then who are we ?.

Take away our belief systems, our ideologies, our conditioning and programming, and again, who are we ?.

Do we really know who we are, can we know, do we need to know ?

So I’m just tossing these questions to whoever wants to have a go at trying to answer, or point to what we truly are, of course we can never really know who we are, as they say, the Tao can never be named, but still we can offer pointers, so what is your pointer to these questions, or is it really one question, who are we ?.:confused: :confused: :confused:

P.S....I myself don't have a clue who we are, I have had a so called Awakening experience where I had an intense inner Awareness of being all that there IS, but that was an experience, the actual what IS, was beyond the experience, but in this experience there is also an inner Knowing that i cannot put into words, so this inner knowing known by no one, is who I think we all are, but that's just my interpretation. :hug3:

psychoslice 27-03-2012 02:08 AM

Buddha has said

“Watch and disconnect
yourself from the body.
You are not the body.”
And the same has to be
done with the mind.
Then watch again
-Are you the thoughts?

How can you be the thoughts?
Thoughts come and
go and you abide.

Thoughts are like reflections
in the mirror;
clouds passing in the sky,
but the sky is not the clouds.
Desires, Memories ,Imaginations
they all come and go.
you are not your mind either,
so say
“I am not my mind.”
and thirdly
“I am not my heart either”
The feelings,
the emotions which are the subtlest.
Then who am I?
When you have cut these
three identities almost
nothing is left.
You have cut the
very root of the ego.
Then you cannot even say ‘I am’.
You can only say
‘There is a certain amness but
There is no ‘I’.
‘I’ Consists of body, mind, heart.
These are the three components
of the body of the ego.
Once these three are dropped
eliminated the ego disappears.
Then there is only
‘pure awareness’
The body is a form,
The mind too is a form, and
The heart too is a form, and
the ego is the hold all,
the bundle of all the forms
When everything has been taken out
The ego becomes
empty and flops.

psychoslice 27-03-2012 02:47 AM

As the mind body organism we can never Know who we truly are, I as Robert cannot know who i truly am, and the only way that Robert can ever know is to get out of the way, to let so called Enlightenment take its course, and still then, it will be only an experience, not what IS.
We have to achieve enlightenment all by ourselves. Religions cannot help us. Religions are only doctrines left behind by past enlightened masters. We can only take reference with it, refer to it, to compare it with our enlightenment now. To see if we are in correct accord with the ancient masters, if our method is correct, and if our enlightenment is like theirs. That's the good of the doctrines.

Shabby 27-03-2012 03:13 AM

I don't believe that we can be completely without beliefs. I do agree that we exist beyond beliefs, but that we would loose our ability to walk this plane, partake in this so called life without beliefs.

You said once that we can still go about our every day tasks like eating, sleeping, brushing our teeth and so on without beliefs.....and I agree...but why would we? Why would we do anything? Anything???

It is one thing to know your self....but another to disappear completely body and all.

psychoslice 27-03-2012 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by Shabby
I don't believe that we can be completely without beliefs. I do agree that we exist beyond beliefs, but that we would loose our ability to walk this plane, partake in this so called life without beliefs.

You said once that we can still go about our every day tasks like eating, sleeping, brushing our teeth and so on without beliefs.....and I agree...but why would we? Why would we do anything? Anything???

It is one thing to know your self....but another to disappear completely body and all.

Hi Shabby, so why do you feel you need to have beliefs, of course I am talking more about the so called spiritual side of life, of course we need to keep so called time and the rest so as to function together in this world, such as working and doing daily task, but to believe in something that will bring us to our true identity, what good can that be ?.

psychoslice 27-03-2012 03:19 AM

“Knowing others is Wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment”
― Lao Tzu

xebiche 27-03-2012 03:22 AM

We are one part organic.

We are one part quantum essence body - cosmic royalty.

We are 2 parts.

To undersand who we are,
we must seek to understand the quantum field,
and we are beginning to understand her,
and we are beginning to understand us.

psychoslice 27-03-2012 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by xebiche
We are one part organic.

We are one part quantum essence body - cosmic royalty.

We are 2 parts.

To undersand who we are,
we must seek to understand the quantum field,
and we are beginning to understand her,
and we are beginning to understand us.

But do you think this knowledge will have the answer to who we truly are, wont it just be more knowledge, more concepts, haven't we had enough of them already ?.

psychoslice 27-03-2012 03:33 AM


The ancient adage, "seeing is believing" may seem to hold a key to objective truth, but does it? Of course anyone can believe anything they see, but beliefs hold no requirement to objective reality, nor does seeing, by itself, necessarily point to something "out there." Moreover, seeing does not require a person to believe in what they see, as the adage seems to assert.

Although vision certainly gives us information about the world, scientists now know that biological eyesight involves a complicated energy-matter and neurological network that, unfortunately, can also give us false information at times. Although our eyes detect light, only the brain can "see," and when we get caught believing what we see, we also fall prey to falsehoods.

psychoslice 27-03-2012 03:36 AM

Outside, or Inside.

I see something outside there, but is it outside there or am I outside there?
I feel something inside of me, but is it outside of me or am I outside of me ?
What is outside and what is inside is it really there at all ?
And if there is no outside and there is no inside, then where am I ?.

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