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Emmalevine 03-02-2007 07:30 PM

Does anyone here suffer from ME/CFS and know of any useful treatments, especially relating to spiritual growth? I've had it for 9 years and although I did semi-recover for 5 years it came back in 2005 and I've been quite ill since. I'm really into holistic medicine and I'm treating myself with a healthy diet, and trying to pace my activities, and I'm seeing a homepath, but just wondered if anyone else had any tips or experience to share. I believe that there are strong energy blockages associated with my illness so I'm trying to address these issues in my life and clear the emotional and spiritual blocks. If anyone can help I would appreciate it. My main symptoms are flu like feelings, muscle aches and pains and weakness, headaches, nausea.

kundalini 03-02-2007 07:45 PM

Hi Starbuck,

I apologise but I do not know much about your condition.

However, I can perhaps offer a little advice regarding some of your symptoms. I am guessing here that flu-like feelings are related in some way to the state of the immune system which corresponds to the Sacral Chakra in the chakra system. A good idea may be to visualise orange light pouring into this chakra which is situated 2 inches below the belly button.

The crystals Red Jasper and Yellow Jasper are supposedly useful for tackling general aches and pains and should be used at the Root and Solar Plexus Chakra respectively.

As for the headaches, these are usually associated with negative energy situated in and around the Third Eye Chakra, so any healing work by yourself or another there may be of benefit to you. I have no advice with regards to the nausea, sorry.


Emmalevine 03-02-2007 09:38 PM

Thanks so much for your reply, that was just the sort of info I was looking for. My flu like symptoms are my immune system malfunctioning and staying on overdrive, so I will do the orange visualisation you suggested. I practice reiki on myself everyday (I'm trained in level 1) so I've got some knowledge of the chakras already, although I can't remember all the corresponding colours. I will look out for the crystals you mentioned too. There is a lovely spiritual shop near me which sells loads of crystals and anything else I could want!Thanks again for your help:smile:

Lapis 04-02-2007 04:06 AM


Kundalini (K) has offered some really helpful information on this but I'd like to throw in another possibility which may add a bit to this situation. I do so from many years (1998 on) of direct personal experience.

I've learned from what my physical body does, how severe the latest (higher frequency cosmic and also solar flares) energies are. If there's another severe solar flare happening my physical body has "chills" like from a typical fever but I don't always have one (physically I mean). I get what I call my "ice pick" stabbing pains only in certain bones and, also, severe aches and pains like having the "flu" all over my body. All this from solar flare activity alone!

Question is, what all is coming through the Sun that's making us feel this? :wink: From what little I know, much higher faster Light is and that has a lot to do with why our DNA and other things have been and will continue to be changing or evolving rapidly.

All of the physical symptoms you mentioned including CFS and Fibromyalgia (and probably more I'm unaware of) are indications according to some belief systems of what's being called the "ascension process". I started a thread awhile ago about this very subject because I've been living it down into the physical level since the beginning of 1998 and have learned a couple things about it....the hard way! :wink: If any of this rings true for you, you might take a look through this thread "The Ascension Process" on the Spiritual Development forum. There's links there to a great site that lists many of the common physical/mental/emotional symptoms of the ongoing ascension process. I hope this helps you somehow and lessens the strange pains. :smile:

kundalini 04-02-2007 04:18 AM

Hi Starbuck,

I am sorry, I had not realised that your immune system was actually on overdrive. Therefore, it may be actually better to use the colour 'blue' (as this will calm the energies there) with regards to the Sacral Chakra. However, I am only 99% certain about this and so I will request an opinion from another member who is very knowledgeable with regards to chakra work.


Emmalevine 04-02-2007 12:08 PM

Thanks again for your replies. I will definitely look into the chakra colours and see which would be best to use, thanks for your advice.

Lapis thanks for your info on the ascension - I had a look at that thread and it was really interesting. I didn't know there was a name for it, but in many ways that's been my line of thinking regarding this illness. I've always felt that it's provided me with tools to become more spiritually aware, and more conscious. It's fantastic reading that there is an actual process that we go through, in different ways. Are you recovered from ME now? If so how did you achieve your recovery? Was it being aware and achieving higher consciousness?

Moonflower 04-02-2007 04:04 PM

Hiya Starbuck

Cognital Behaviour Therapy is the most successful treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. CBT helps people identify how their thoughts affect their behaviour. It can help people to develop ways to cope more successfully with fatigue and other symptoms of CFS. If you can be referred to a psychiatrist for this & the treatment does not mean that the doctor believes it is "all in the mind" far from it although there's not a lot of information with regard to how some people get ME it sometimes emanates is triggered after another illness has been dealt with, it can also they believe be brought on by a shock to the system say a bereavement & sometimes by depression I don't know whether you have experienced any of these.

As for the Chakras it would be good to work on them the base chakra is red & resonates to the musical note c, the sacral is orange to the note of d, the solar plexus yellow to the note e, the heart green to the note f, the throat light blue to the note of g, the third eye indigo to the note a & finally the crown purple to the note b, if you can get someone to play the notes repetitively while you are lying down & placing your hands on the chakras you will be amazed at how it feels & the affects that it has on clearing/cleansing the chakras so that they are all spinning in the right direction, you can use a dowsing pendulum to test the chakras before you start to see if they are balanced or not & then upon completion of playing the notes check them again & they will all be balanced.

I hope this is of some help to you.

Love & Light Moonflower x

kundalini 04-02-2007 04:07 PM

Hi Starbuck, I have forwarded you a PM that may be of some interest to you. I personally think that the information given to you by both Lapis and Moonflower will also be beneficial for you, K.

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