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002 Cents 19-07-2011 07:38 PM

What are Angels and Guides?
I am finding as I peruse the site that there is so much I do not know.

What do you mean by Angels and Guides??

Are these people or spiritual entities?

What are their purpose or function?

nightowl 19-07-2011 07:53 PM


Sometimes what they are depends on what you believe. There are so many threads already on SF about both spirit guides and angels. Try reading through some of them and I am sure your will find a lot of info on both. Have fun. :smile:


Coming2 20-07-2011 08:45 AM

Hi 2 cents!! What a great SN!!

I agree that this forum in and of itself is full of reading that will tell you what their functions are based on that persons experience with their Guides or Guardian. If I might there are 2 great books that really helped me when I first started my journey and wanted to learn how to connect. They are both full of daily meditation, ceremonial exercises or rituals(not like hood doo or anything!! lol) and lots of helpful prayers.

The first was "Ask Your Guides"....by Sonia Choquette. Great read!! Couldnt put it down..she has so much information to share. The second book was called "Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians" by Richard Webster. I also know that Xan wrote a wonderful piece on the subject and is a great person to go to( Hi Xan!! lol) for info....(hope you dont mind Xan but you are always so helpful and you do really motivate growth when I read your posts....)

May the Love and Light of God be with you ALWAYS!!

John32241 20-07-2011 09:38 AM

Angels and Guides are multidimensional aspects of You.

Your godly essence is a fragment of All That Is.


Zoclora 20-07-2011 07:28 PM

Its true. lol There is alot of threads about this on here. :D

And it is true about how you veiw them and your experances. Many people know about guides and angels and there is alot of diffrent things that people would say about them. Some will agree on some things and there is other things that posably only happen to that person so the other may disagree.

But to brake it in simple words what alot of us believe what they are is...

Guides: They are here to guide us, teach us and help us. Alot of us have diffrent relationships with them. There are diffrent types of guides. Some will stay your hole life, others come and go. They had at least lived one life here as we are right now.

Angels: They are our protecters, and helpers to. They may teach some things but mostly is here to help us out when we need them most. They never (most likely never) lived a life. Theyare in a higher level then us and our guides. They also come when we need healing. They will aslo save you from a dangerus sechuation.

Thoughs are the things Iv noticed what most belive in or is part of their belief. Mine goes a tad deeper into it, but thats the genral things that people have told me and have read. ^^

002 Cents 20-07-2011 07:33 PM

Thank you so much. That is really helpful.

AnuChandra 20-07-2011 10:46 PM

Angels and Guides

Im new to this forum! I love the discussions here! =)

Angels are pure light beings, usually Angels have never had any physical incarnations however, they might sometimes feel they can help more by being in a physical body. However, there are many types of angels. Every person has their own guardian angel by their side throughout their entire life and beyond. Most people tend to have three around them. Angels are the best friends that can make things happen, help you in fulfilling your dreams, comfort you if you are sad, guide you to the right direction and dance with you when you are happy.
Guides on the other hand are used to describe usually a soul of a person that works for your Highest good and always guides you and helps you. Like your great grandma or a wise Native American, even an Ascended Master like Jesus/Sananda. Of course if a soul was not very advanced in their life time, they make poor spirit guides. Guides (or Angels) never tell you what you should do but they show you options, and give you ideas you can use by listening to your own heart and judgement.

Guides are usually more "practical" Ive noticed. Like when something happens and angels say: "All is well, Don't worry, be at peace" =) which is absolutely wonderful and great advice but Guides may have a more practical solution, since they understand more what its like to be in a physical body and face the challenges of this type of existing.

Personally I communicate mostly with the Angels and I absolutely love their company. Communication is actually easy, just ask and you will receive! Close your eyes and let the Angels find a way that works for you to hear their loving messages.


Anu Shi Asta

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