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AngelBlue 02-05-2024 09:36 AM

I'm just thinking how many tears can one human possibly produce when they cry ?

I cry every single day. I never used to , but I do now. If it's not one thing it's another and I'm so sensitive that I cry at everything.

Some are sad tears , but mostly they are happy tears and my tears come from seeing others so happy.

So how many tears do we cry? Must be millions upon billions .
What makes you cry spontaneously ??

Redchic12 02-05-2024 04:35 PM

Now that’s an interesting question. Never thought about that before.

Well I have to say I have t cried for years. In fact I dont think I can cry anymore.

In my fifties I cried and cried and cried for days over a situation that really affected me and since then I havent cried at all.

Dont get me wrong, I have felt extremely sad about certain things that have happened in my life from time to time but didnt shed any tears.

I think I’m all cried out lol

AngelBlue 03-05-2024 09:34 AM

Haha... And I don't even know why I think such things !! I often wonder that if we could collect every single tear that we ever cried in large containers , what the volume of water would be by the end of our life.
Would it be a bucket full, a large puddle, a pond, a lake ?
And of course it would differ from person to person.
I'm a bit the opposite of you Red, as I never cried much at all during the first few decades of my life , but in more recent years I cry all the time.
As I said on a daily basis , and it can be at the most stupid things like "say yes to the dress" ( yes I do watch that rubbish)....
I'm just surprised I've still got such bad water retention with all the crying I do LOL.

Redchic12 03-05-2024 04:40 PM

Nothing wrong with crying as far as I’m concerned.

When ya need to cry, ya cry! End of story. Lol

AngelBlue 04-05-2024 10:00 AM

I've looked it up and it claims that a study shows on average , women cry around 6 times a month, 72 times a year, and about 4,680 times over a lifetime .

This can only be a very loose average , as I can cry 6 times a day, never mind a month, and Redchic for example , hardly cries at all !!!!
This study of course only shows how often we cry and NOT how many tears are produced over a lifetime !
( I mean what's wrong with them...you ask a simple question and they can't answer ..) ( The internet I mean )...
The study also said that on average , women cry twice as much as men...

green1 04-05-2024 03:18 PM

I cannot judge a being that has "tears".

AngelBlue 04-05-2024 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by green1
I cannot judge a being that has "tears".

Oh really , why not ?
Are you one of those people that cannot produce tears ? Because I was going to mention that some people have problems producing tears and need to use drops and artificial tears in order to keep the eyes moist .

green1 04-05-2024 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by AngelBlue
Oh really , why not ?
Are you one of those people that cannot produce tears ? Because I was going to mention that some people have problems producing tears and need to use drops and artificial tears in order to keep the eyes moist .

Tears are so cute!

Yes I can produce happy and loving tears.:hug:

AngelBlue 04-05-2024 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by green1
Tears are so cute!

Yes I can produce happy and loving tears.:hug:

Oh sorry....I misunderstood your message ( bit simple me sometimes !!!..)...

Ahhhh that's nice , happy loving tears :hug3:

green1 04-05-2024 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by AngelBlue
Oh sorry....I misunderstood your message ( bit simple me sometimes !!!..)...

No problem. :hug2:

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