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FairyCrystal 15-01-2024 09:37 PM

New Fairy/Elven thulite skull
I happened to come across a new carving of fairy/elven skull. I wasn't looking for a skull or anything really. I was actually just nosing around out of boredom, hihi.
But yeah... one was gorgeous, really did something to me, had an Egyptian feel to it. Most did by the way.
Unfortunately that one, from bronzite, was already sold.

But there was another one from thulite that I also loved. I didn't buy it right away. I wanted to think on it.
At night I kept thinking of her, and I kept seeing her face. I guess it was then that I'd decided to purchase her. And I did the next day.
She should arrive tomorrow :)

I Googled for the heck of it to see if I could find these new carvings elsewhere and I did. But the shape of the noses was different. More aquiline then the ones in the shop I bought from which have more of a delicate upward curve. I like that much more.

FairyCrystal 16-01-2024 05:52 PM

She has arrived!! And the first thing I thought when I saw her was, "My goodness, you're beautiful!!"
Her face looks so incredibly real!
Very happy :hug3:

FairyCrystal 16-01-2024 07:57 PM

Still no name, but I held her for a long time and had her in a semi circle with 6 other crystal skulls so they could get acquainted so to speak.
I always like to have new crystals and/or crystal skulls to have a time to get used to the energies of the rest in my home so they fully blend in.

Native spirit 16-01-2024 08:02 PM

Im glad you are happy with your crystal skull.
They dont appeal to me at all


FairyCrystal 17-01-2024 06:32 PM

Thulite is supposed to be great to have in the bedroom or under your pillow so I took the beauty with me last night. I put it under the cushion that's on the empty side of my double bed. I always have 1-2 skulls there, the cushion is to make sure they don't fall out of the bed and break.

In any case, I put her there and I slept like a baby! For the first time in yonks. Sometimes my sleep is a tad chaotic due to either energies like full moon or other stuff that's going on, or hormones. Then I dream a lot, clench my teeth etc.
But last night I just enjoyed deep sleep. Can't recall dreaming nor teeth clenching. Absolutely wonderful!

The thulite she's made of is different from the larger thulite tumble I already had. That is darker red with pink and some white an black spots etc.
And... it also smells?
The smell is familiar but I cannot quite put my finger on it what it is. But it's too unpleasant to hold the stone as then I have to wash my hands afterwards as the scent lingers on my skin.
The skull doesn't have this at all. She's a beautiful deep pink.
Maybe both are from a different location?
The seller of the skull also said he's not entirely certain what thulite is as some sell it as Indonesian petrified wood, others as rhodonite.
I Googled it myself, could find pink Ind. petr. wood, no need to look at rhodonite as it's not that. I've got that, love it, and that looks different.
What I did find is that thulite is also called rosalite (I have a thing for roses, hihi), and sometimes called pink zoisite as apparently it's a pink variety of that.

I was told thulite is mined in Norway, but when searching online I find this pinker version being mined in other places.
Quite confusing.

No matter what, I'm very happy with my beautiful Fairie skull!

Bubbles 18-01-2024 08:21 AM

Thulite looks like a crossbreed of pink quartz with rhodocrosite :redface:

Never even heard of it to be honest, and I have heard of plenty.

Thulite makes me think of the energy of a beautiful healthy Mother and Wife. Nurturing and Passionate. Also compared to rose quartz, this Thulite seems to inspire also a sort of confidence. Interesting crystal...

FairyCrystal 18-01-2024 10:20 AM

Bubbles, it is interesting indeed. It's nothing like rose quartz though. It isn't quartz and it's totally opaque.
And the oddest thing that the one I've had for years has these darker parts in it which the skull doesn't have at all. The smell is some metal I think. I don't like the smell of metal, hihi.
I guesstimating this comes from those darker parts as the skull doesn't smell of it at all.

To illustrate the difference I'm talking about:
The darker thulite tumble I already had is like this:

The skull on the other hand side is more like this:

You can clearly see the first type has no specific lining, is just spots while the last pink one does have clear lining. Not as obvious as in some types of agate, but still.
Somehow it's like two different types of crystal, or maybe form a different location.

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