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entenmanns 09-05-2023 10:12 PM

Reincarnation another Angle

I listened to a lot of thoughts on this subject, but the metaphor I like the most is the one offered by Swami Tadamandada a Hindu Monk who gives two examples the one I like the most compares our transition in death to rebirth like the computers we have that is an entension of our minds etc. etc...and when the computer starts to reach the point
that its no longer upgradable .you go out and by a new computer and take all the old data that gave that computer its personality and transmigrate to the new machine, some of us even spend time trying to eliminate the manufacturers programming to introduce our own, the same way we seek out the right spirituality throughout our lives and learn to meditate to re program ourselves and get rid of the hidden programming that is there to control us! This that link to the teachers explanation


Also I was thinking to myself I believe Baba Ram Das said we are like islands in an ocean of consciousness .
And again in my thoughts the metaphor expanded ….we plug our devices into the wall or an energy source so that no matter where we are ,we share this connection we are non dual in that sense its only a thought that comes in and out of my mind like clouds floating by .

so I had the same vision of what WiFi or saving to the CLOUD could be ! Its not my vision its The Author and what many of his colleagues call a Heretic Screw the materialist..
Rupert Sheldrake on his theory of Morphic Resonance and other interesting stuffff

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d6_...ollyhockLi fe

Miss Hepburn 09-05-2023 11:52 PM

Cool! I relate! :icon_cool: I hope I'm not offending Busby.

Busby 10-05-2023 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Cool! I relate! :icon_cool: I hope I'm not offending Busby.

Let me just say that Sheldrake's Morphic field theory was actually first suggested by Rudolf Steiner in a very basic form. Steiner wasn't, as is Sheldrake, convinced that everything is in some way conscious.

My personal opinion (and one that is slowly becoming apparent to all D & R programmes) is that we do not reincarnate - not in the sense that is understood as a general principal nor in the sense that any kind of rebirth has to do with 'karma' or learning. That we will 'appear' again is pretty conclusive but with completey new attributes.

Entering any long discussions about the state or condition of consciousness and its extensions into other spheres is only worthwhile if ideas are exchanged in depth.

No-one seems to have the time any more.

entenmanns 10-05-2023 04:06 PM

i agree with you completely! about certain aspects, and its all speculation as i see it , And i am not a follower of panpsychism, either although a lot of atheist move in that direction.can we see mark twains data on how he reached that conclusion and mankinds intellect has put this world in such a terrible state of madness and that is nothing to boast about IQ= what we see now. Without consciousness materialism does not exsist plain and simple!
And to me this is a good explanation on the why...Rupert Spira


entenmanns 10-05-2023 06:06 PM

So to be clear about this, I do not pray to any one alter of spirituality or science nor do i dismiss them. somehow, someway my feeling is that it is all tied together and to say material science has gotten it wrong would be untrue, Good or bad we would not have advanced this far without it but its only one tool in the toolbox.
I was following Hal puthoff for years now firstly because of his research into remote viewing at Stanford University in the 70's than later on i found out about his research on UFO's my favorite topic by far. Its sad to say if you Wiki anything about anything that's not approved by The University Political Police you will be banished to the land of Woo Woo and will get the same treatment as Galileo in i think the 16th century, talk about Corruption So here is an interview with Hal Puthoff and Eric Weinstein who is a skeptic on UFO's Talking at one point how we might have actually missed something when it come's to physics.


lostsoul13 31-05-2023 04:47 PM

I think each person is different, not set for everyone- I’ve been in a few body’s since my observable self came into existence.. and have photo proof.
I think I will reincarnate ~ due to fact like computer program, I’m fully birthed as I would be 1 million years into the future just I need to evolve my base band to unlock certain features- that’s my journey alone though- I can’t speak for anyone else- when people debunk reincarnation it really makes me mad because I know I will reincarnate- it’s just different people different futures- what they really saying they doubt THEY WILL REINCARNATE!!!

entenmanns 31-05-2023 11:00 PM

Reincarnation is probably as common as passing kidney stones its just a normal function of biology a scientific fact

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