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Lavender Moonchild 16-11-2022 02:45 AM

I keep dreaming over and over of Tornados and dark clouds in every kind of scenario. But they never hit - we just all scramble and look for shelter and honestly the shelter ALWAYS sucks - so if we would have gotten hit I feel like we would die - I just wonder - None of the interpretations I looked online made sense... for me... ?

Has anyone else experienced this? Do you have some insight perhaps?

Yaoughta 16-11-2022 08:41 PM

What do you see in these dreams? Do you see a pattern that reflects your everyday thoughts?

These types of dreams reflect your feelings on situations in your life. When they hit, tornados can bring destruction. That is what they do. You're lucky to find shelter, but even that isn't good enough and you feel you wouldn't make it through the storm had it actually hit you. This reflects your thoughts and beliefs about your life. Are you a positive person that feels things always workout for you in one way or another or do you worry a lot? These dreams seem to be showing you that even when things "look" bad or that they could possibly be bad, that you're okay. You'll be okay. You just have to get your thoughts right to get rid of the storms.

Lavender Moonchild 16-11-2022 11:38 PM

Hello Yaoughta,
Thanks for replying. The thing is these dreams are never upsetting - nor are the humans in it distraught.
Sometimes We are wearing white flowing clothes because we were having a picknick and then we have to seek shelter in an old house...

Or I am in China on the Chinese bridge- like structure and many people around me and we are just wandering around and then the tornadoes come - but that time we never actually looked for shelter - we just stood and looked at them...

And other times I am on ships - on the ocean or lakes or rivers (not travelling but docked) and we hide inside the ship (which I used to live on a ship and storms never worried us because well - ships are made for storms, aren't they :))

So I never feel threatened by them I am just so baffled by the reaccurence of them lol

And in everyday I suppose I have never lived on my own - currently I live with a friend and I do the houseworkd in exchange for rent and we get along a lot - like family (Neither of us has family).
But he is kinda old and I live in fear honestly of his death more than anything - because I worry what would happen to me if he did die suddenly.

That is honestly one of the main worries i have and it doesn't really come up too often - but when I pass his room and I can't hear him breathing I feel a piece of me die... Not just from worry but also because He is honestly like a dad to me - more than I ever had before.

So the fear of being alone again - it is big. Abandonment is a huge trauma factor in my life I think...

Yaoughta 17-11-2022 03:04 AM

The additional information is helpful as "how" you feel in these dreams is very important. Since you're not concerned about the tornadoes in your dreams, they probably have a different meaning. It's interesting that you were wearing flowing white clothes in one of them, because white usually means purity, spirit or service. I don't know what you do for a living, but this could indicate that you try to be of service in what you feel is a chaotic world. Keep in mind that whenever someone has reoccurring dreams, that they're reoccurring for a reason, typically because the dreamer is obsessing on something or a point of view or they represent a lesson that must be learned or something the dreamer is not accepting or seeing clearly. The easiest way to change these dreams or to stop them, is upon awakening from one of them and realizing it was a dream, recreate the dream in your mind and change the outcome or have the tornadoes turn into rainbows. You're the power, so you can change them anyway you wish.

Also, air is known to represent wisdom and knowledge . In the form of tornadoes, it "could" represent using your power or wisdom in a destructive manner or something along those lines. Are you using your wisdom wisely? Or it could just be manifested fear of the possibility of instant change in your life as you suggested above. The good news is that you're always okay in them.

Lavender Moonchild 17-11-2022 03:36 AM

This might make more sense.

I am an infp - the humanitarian... I have been taught that we all have to serve humanity and somehow leave our mark on the world... LIke... I struggle with the fact that I am currently just healing and learning to live and thrive vs survival.

I feel like I need to jump in and make a huge difference.

I guess I haven't really thought about it in a while... But I feel like that would still be festering down there somewhere.

My aura is often described as white, light pink or light purple. So I guess that makes a little sense.

Thanks again for this insight - that is why the traditional explainations of Tornadoes did not sit right with me. There is no destruction happening around me and I have had these dreams for years. I just never thought about it - they were always different' but always are there weird weathery things - storms, tornadoes sometimes weird shaped clouds.

It is odd. BUT never do I feel threatned.

Well I will keep this all in mind next time I wake up I will do as you suggested and try and reimagine the ending :) Thanks for that!

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