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Grantinberg 23-05-2022 08:31 PM

What is best Remote Viewing protocol(s)?
I've been sort of lost for many years about my personal spiritual growth. I've stopped meditating for the most part (as meditation used to be my nightly routine since high school, back in 1998), and my mind stop thinking about the "big picture" about the world and what we are in terms of the universe. There are some reasons as to why I had to stop, as astral projections and other few things became uncontrollable... mind you, I started to drink quite a bit towards the end of that phase.

I'm slowly building up myself, my confidence to hopefully return to my spiritual path and aspirations someday.

All that being said above, when things were a bit out of control -- meaning, if I wanted to try one thing, something else happened. Like, I used to (actually, now it's one of my primary goals to return to) meditate in bed every night to execute an OBE/AP; however, there were a lot of times when once I closed my eyes I was remote viewing. It was fast, it was right away as I closed my eyes with no meditation.

I viewed people watching tv while they sit on their couch, or waving bye to kids in a classroom as the door closes, or observing Greys in long corridors...

The Greys seemed to always detect and respond to me, with their gestures "you're not supposed to be here" and they would take some type of action that would make me lose focus and break the RV connection.

Sorry for rambling, I feel like I have to introduce myself every time I write a post because I haven't written much.

So yes, what are the preferred RV protocols that work best? I've visited some sites but not much is explained and there are no practice targets.

Just hoping someone out there can help me out. RV, I feel is secondary to my AP and channeling goals, but I believe it's a very important skill that may be all related. Thank you

WildHairedWoman 24-05-2022 05:45 PM

I think you have to find what works best for you. The remote viewing protocols are good if you want proof of what you view, and it is a good place to start. Russel Targ has written some books that I think are really good, as well as Joe McMoneagle. Avoid "Major" Ed Dames, he is a disinformation agent. You can set up your own targets, just need someone to help you with that. Any one you trust can choose a few targets, give them random numbers. Then a third friend who knows nothing about the targets choses one of the random numbers for you to view. You write down and draw what you see, then tell your friend and see if it matches the target with that random number.

FraZZleD 29-07-2022 04:14 AM

I have a few ways, that have worked for me, and things changed as I grew. When I was a young child, I would picture me running 3 steps really fast and land on both feet and shoot up just like superman. I would fly all over town watching the night lights. It reminded me of Christmas time. That worked through my childhood.

Then I tried Edgar Cayce's way, that worked the best. Just laying on your back with your hands flat on your stomach and think about where you want to go every night when I went to bed. I would fall asleep thinking where I wanted to go. Then I got to the point where my body went to sleep, and my mind didn't and would take off. Took a year to get there but once I got there it was great.

Other times I would feel like I was floating like someone was softly rocking me in the air. Every time I got that feeling, there was a big earthquake the next day. That feeling left once I moved away from California.

And other times that worked, I felt like I was shrinking so tiny I felt like I was
in-between my thumb and index finger. That's when I would float out like a bubble. It's a strange but good feeling.

One night I was trying to go to sleep but kept staying awake. I had to get to work earlier the next day. Well, I kept seeing everything in the den. TV. I could see the entire room. I kept telling myself shut your eyes. But I kept seeing everything. I finally put my finger over my eyes and was shocked to find my eyes WERE closed BUT I WAS SEEING EVERYTHING WITH MY EYES SHUT. (That has only happened to me one time)

I told my boss at work, and he said he has experienced that also. He also saw 911 before it happened. Once we met, we always compared notes for future events till he passed away.

Don't know if any of this will work for you but thought I would give you tips on what works for me.

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