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Izz 18-04-2022 07:34 AM

What if the key is Allowing?
I was thinking... What if the most essential ingredient is actually just allowing? This is because "allowing" rather than "wanting" has that state of least resistance

For example, I was not attached to the idea of astral projection. I honestly saw it as just something to be curious about. What I remember was reading some posts about astral projection and feeling a sense of curiosity. I had this thought "wouldn't it be nice if I could do that" in a rather curious, "allowing" way but I neither thought of the outcome nor even did any effort to try it. In fact it did not cross my mind that I would be able to astral travel and I did not think it was something important that I should make any effort for it

Consequently, what happened was - I astral traveled accidentally to a friend's (I've known since 2006) space. At first I was puzzled and baffled. But then later I realized it has a really good impact on me. Later in my dream world I saw more of my friends and it made me wonder generally about how to approach them about the subject of astral travel. I could just text them about astral travel but that's a subject for another time

What if the best manifestations come from simply being in the state of allowing them? What if the very first step, to be in least resistance, is just allowing?

Because of the experience I feel comfortable now setting intentions to ap again. Albeit I am not attached to the outcome. I'm going to mark 2022 as the year I first had pleasant and enlightening experiences in the astral plane

lostsoul13 18-04-2022 08:17 PM

It’s more than coincidence that it happens without you trying~ that fate always happens to me: but no joy in sleep walking yet.. when I really want to dream of something or someone it seems to happen but I’m bias to soulmates { ps5, cars, gold} all in my dreams- they pretty much mundane… not that I’d like to forget about them but that’s what happens lol

But really not trying, just casual thoughts seems to manifest things for me also~ but I’d just say that’s a strong attraction force: magic, teleportation (it’s happened to me) I’m thankful for the manifesting to happen to me..

There’s nothing I’d like to dream about apart from: my twin flame and information on entanglement atoms… maybe in the next couple months it will happen..

I can dream of soulmates but can’t dream of twin flame recently

Great your having things happen …

Izz 20-04-2022 04:45 AM

information on entanglement atoms = quantum mechanics

I receive information like that via my third eye :smile:

As for the astral plane I was comforted just to see platonic friends

inavalan 20-04-2022 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Izz
I was thinking... What if the most essential ingredient is actually just allowing? This is because "allowing" rather than "wanting" has that state of least resistance ...

Allowing and wanting aren't the only options, and it matters what you mean by those words too.

The best way to try to figure out what to do, why do that, how to do that is to learn to tap your own inner source of knowledge and guidance, your own inner-guide.

When you succeed in establishing that connection, you have to make sure that you put aside ALL your beliefs and expectations when you make inquiries, and not to interpret what you get through the filter of your beliefs.

There is a good number of people that succeed in establishing a connection (prayer, meditation, channeling, cards, sticks, leaves, ...), but most of them greatly distort whatever they get that makes it almost useless, even misleading.

I advise against following all gurus or dogmas. Surely, you can listen to or read them, but you have to very carefully interpret their output with the help of your inner guidance. Better than that interpret your dreams, the daily events, ...

inavalan 20-04-2022 05:21 AM

Regarding entanglement ... You know that consciousness creates matter, and not the other way around. Everything there is in the physical-universe is connected at non-physical level, so everything is entangled. :)

SamiManifests 04-11-2023 10:05 AM

What if the secret is just letting things be?
Instead of desperately wanting something, what if we simply allow it to happen?

This means being open and accepting, without feeling too much pressure.

This approach might lead to smoother progress in different parts of life. So, consider:
what if the first step to making things easier is just allowing them to happen?

This way of thinking could be the key to a more balanced and fulfilling journey.


Miss Hepburn 04-11-2023 04:42 PM

Izz, this is so funny I never noticed this Thread before.
There are a few 'Keys'...Allowing is a MAJOR key, yes!
No 'what ifs' about it! :tongue:

Traveler 04-11-2023 09:51 PM

If you watch any of the Ester Hicks videos, this is exactly what she says. She says to get out of your way and allow it to manifest. More recently she rephrases it as just enjoying the idea of what you desire instead of focusing on manifesting it. By just thinking about how fun or pleasant it would be to astral travel or have x, you're not focusing on the lack of, but instead of the idea. Remember, everything is made up of energy including thoughts.

cattowitch 04-11-2023 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Traveler
If you watch any of the Ester Hicks videos, this is exactly what she says. She says to get out of your way and allow it to manifest. More recently she rephrases it as just enjoying the idea of what you desire instead of focusing on manifesting it. By just thinking about how fun or pleasant it would be to astral travel or have x, you're not focusing on the lack of, but instead of the idea. Remember, everything is made up of energy including thoughts.

Yes, Esther was saying we should focus on how we feel, not the details of our situation. We need to feel like we already have what we want. The truth is, it does already exist somewhere (the car, the career, the perfect partner). But we have to let it (allow it) into our lives. We have to feel like it's ours, then it can become real for us too.

cattowitch 04-11-2023 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by SamiManifests
What if the secret is just letting things be?
Instead of desperately wanting something, what if we simply allow it to happen?

I believe the key is to let go, not of your dreams and goals, but of being too attached to how they'll happen. You gotta stop stressing about how, when or where things will work out. Instead, feel like what you want is already here. Don't question everything so much..

This took me a long time to learn. And I know, it's not always easy, especially if you're always feeling like you don't have enough. That's why sometimes I'd go get coffee somewhere fancy, just to sit and breathe it all in. I'd imagine what it would be like to be rich. Spending time in places like that helped me picture my goals as already being real. It helped me feel less attached to specifics about how it would happen and more like it was just going to work out however it was supposed to..

This happens in relationships a lot. If one person seems too eager or desperate for the other, it has the opposite effect. The more you chase after someone, the more they'll want to pull away..

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