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SpirituallyConfused 07-01-2022 02:55 PM

Is this safe?
I started to channel a few months ago, just hearing little pieces of guidance when I asked for it. It was very subtle and honestly quite hit and miss whether I’d hear anything at all, it’s hard to do because my mind is so noisy.

A few days ago I was meditating for over an hour, just focusing on trying to feel my body, which I’ve been doing to try and help with my dissociation. I got into a very sleepy state and I think this is why so much happened at once. I’m a little concerned/confused by what happened because I’m used to it being so subtle.

So after about an hour focusing on the body I focused briefly on each chakra and asked for connection with my higher self, then saw light being poured into my crown. Then a male voice (I don’t usually hear distinct voices) said “tell Oriah thank you very much” and I found out later that Oriah means “light of God” in Hebrew.

Then I saw two men talking and joking together, like a memory that wasn’t mine. This kind of thing does happen when I’m tired but I usually dismiss it. This time it freaked me out and I got in my head trying to work out why I’m seeing memories that aren’t mine. Then someone told me “this is very worrying for humans, there’s so much they don’t understand” and this is the part I’m worried about. I could clearly see who was speaking to me and the environment they were in, which I’ve never seen before, as well as clearly hearing his voice. It’s usually a lot more subtle for me, almost like hearing through thought rather than a new voice.

I do want to be able to channel properly and I know that my guides have been trying to speak to me. What he said was obviously meant to reassure me but I just got freaked out by the experience and I don’t know if it’s safe. I’ve heard about people being hurt by false light beings. How do I know that what’s happening is safe?

Thank you in advance!

John32241 07-01-2022 06:54 PM


Your channeling is working well for you. I like this insight “this is very worrying for humans, there’s so much they don’t understand”.

It is best to Not Worry. What people say who are frightened and ignorant it is best to ignore. Trust your own feeling, intuition and instincts more than what your brain will say.

Work with your guides and your higher self. These divine aspects of you have a high vibrational energy. Any spirits you encounter which do not match that energetic level can be ignored.

Your discernment will keep you safe.


SpirituallyConfused 08-01-2022 07:34 AM

Thank you, John. I really appreciate your help 😊

Native spirit 08-01-2022 01:06 PM

I would agree with what john told you


SpirituallyConfused 08-01-2022 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
I would agree with what john told you

Thank you 😊

Ewwerrin 21-01-2022 06:13 PM

They are not hurt by false light beings, except that their perspective of the being is filtering the actual information and distorting it in such a way that causes an emotional energy motional realisation of misalignment and misunderstanding of something that they actually really care about and deeply know to be true, and thus using the conditional manifestational reflection of the realisation severely unintentionally as an excuse to believe the complete opposite of what is known to be true and the goodness of it, for variety of reasons, mainly habbitually practiced negative thought patterns and believe systems such as unworthiness and such.

In the same way, if someone were to give you a diamond and you are very happy even while before you were unhappy, as you have been practicing unhappy habbitual perspectives of unhappiness, and you suddenly think this being is looking very angry at you and you think they are evil and you run away in fear. And you fall down and hurt yourself. Even tho the being had no evil intentions. Because you are sooooo not used to something good happening to you it often results in many negative believes / resistant thought patterns to pop up.

This is why you have to feel your emotions to help you become aware of your believe systems and not denie your emotions, for denying them may cause harm unto you. Ans higher frequency beings will never force goodness upon you, you can only allow the goodness to berealised by you from within yourself and then suddenly again disallowing after allowing can cause discord and disharmony and discomfort and negative experience of a harmful like experience. But that doesnt come from the light being. It is just your recognition of something you care allot about and are out of harmony with.

In a sense like the idea of "they know so much not." viewed from a negative angle may seem very bleak. But their perspective may be that that is a very joyful opportunity to share knowledge. And enjoy thus such a cocreation with you or anyone. For the benefit of anyone's experience if they truely do wish to have that kind of an experience. But this does require you to be honest with yourself about your emotions to know the difference between what excites you and what does not and what you are focused upon in thought perspective when you are feeling the emotions that you do, which always will result in the emotional energy motional manifestational life experience if that energy motional perspective is allowed to continue to be practiced and held by you for the gaining of momentum of it to allow for such manifestational experiences to be had, enjoyable or not.

Ewwerrin 21-01-2022 06:42 PM

So in a sense your channeling is always succesful, if you look at it that way, when you do understand that it brought up fear based believes within you that you can look at and examine and release. If you so choose or desire to or feel you can and know how to allow your emotions to help you reconnect to your creating of your own reality through the perspective that you most believe to be true for yourself or about yourself, including the perspective of something that cannot be you. Which may require a very negative experience to realise the desire for connecting with your god source, to understand that all negativity serves its purpose also in the light of creation. And that it does not have to be experienced in a negative way or expressed at all in any ones reality if they simply do not have the desire or intention to do so. But that has to be relevant and to recognize what is relevant for oneself requires descernment and this requires self honestly and openness to self and ones own emotions and thus believe systems.

and the ability to recognize the value in the emotions. The duality that allows the expansion of realisation of personal preference perspective and experience of consciousness for the personal freedom of creating ones own reality. For this is not an obligation. It is just the consciousness simply having the desire to experience something as opposed to nothing. And that experience is recognized to be optional and never unchanging, but just relative and ever changing and ever changable. But it does require deliberate focus to create ones own reality. To shift from negative to positive. And if this seems exciting then go for it. and if it does not seem exciting then you will find other ways in your experience of being and becoming or maybe even just being. As all as one as all as one.

There really is no limitation, its all up to you. It's so much up to you that you can even decide that it's not all up to you. And that is thus how you create a physical reality to begin with. Using limitation in a positive way.

For without the experience of seperation there could be no experience of any reality at all. Not to say that you have to create more seperation when you are already experiencing physical reality, meaning you are already doing that, but usually not so consciously or rather, not so deliberately. But that is relative as you are if you are like most humans, pretty aware of seperation and limitation. But that can always be experienced in a positive way if so chosen, such as the ability to recognize more choices and options in how you wish to experience these limitations you are on some level of your being always choosing to create for the joyful purpose of this ability to explore endless many different perspectives and experiences that continually hellp you clarify evermore and more if you allow it to, your prefered experiences. but never because the unwanted is bad. Rather, because it is the recognition that the unwanted exists because the wanted has in that moment already been naturally and effortlessly realised. And the emotion can help to consciously focus and expand on the realisation of what is already preferred, naturally and effortlessly with clarity of focus deliberately and emotionally feeling no insistence but allowing expansion of awareness of natural realised preference. and to simply move forward with the enjoyment of the realisation. that is never ending and ever expanding. and always perfectly tied to you and your unique eternally ever expanding point of view.

pixiedust 22-01-2022 08:38 AM

Wonderful @E

Angel lite plus 28-02-2022 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by SpirituallyConfused
So after about an hour focusing on the body I focused briefly on each chakra and asked for connection with my higher self, then saw light being poured into my crown.

This is very good and indicates that you've made some serious progress on your path. I probably shouldn't tell you this, but do not enter the light as you'll exit this incarnation to be reborn into another. Whenever the light of your crown starts to build up, "duck", then you'll go out of your body into the etheric part of the place you're meditating. When this happens, try to stay in your house or app. the first time. This is your next step, to astrally project. but as i said, i shouldn't have to tell you this. You seem to be smart enough. Besides, they're watching after you.

Originally Posted by SpirituallyConfused
Then I saw two men talking and joking together, like a memory that wasn’t mine. This kind of thing does happen when I’m tired but I usually dismiss it. This time it freaked me out and I got in my head trying to work out why I’m seeing memories that aren’t mine.

These are probably your incarnations that usually come up. These are the first things you'll see. You also say that the memories aren't yours. This is also possible as it could be (most probably) an etheric probe into the minds of your students or disciples which you have inside of you. You've got people to take care of spiritually.
But, i'm saying this again, you're alright. :hello2:

SilentDrum 02-03-2022 11:00 AM

1- I have never seen anyone able to channel perfectly. I my experience, even the most advanced channels receive false information among a bunch of useful stuff. Even Neale Donald Walsh, the famous channel who wrote three volumes of 'Conversation with God' later admitted he wasn't sure he really had been talking with God. I am pretty sure he didn't.

2- Even if you think you can become a perfect channel, please consider that channeling keeps you in the mind. Your first post on this thread is a good example of that but, more importantly, channeling cannot help going through the mind. You receive information via the mind and you forward it. Now let's say you become so spiritually advanced that you reach manonasha (Sanskrit word for destruction of the mind). What will become of your channeling ability?

As a matter of fact, spiritual masters don't channel, they simply spontaneously speak truths and they discover them as the words flow out of their mouth.

I have three friends who are 'lost' in this channeling thing. Two of them are spiritually awakened but they still get tricked.

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