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lostsoul13 28-11-2021 08:50 PM

Unrequited love v twin flames
I’ve been thinking about unrequited love and it’s similarities with twin flames connections: you hear a lot about how the flame is some how unavailable or immigration or some other flaw… the pangs are similar…

How do you feel about it with regards to unrequited and the twin flame connections….???

John32241 29-11-2021 10:35 AM

My understanding and my experience has been that twin flame relations are for soul growth and not romantic harmony.

I have observed that this conclusion seems to apply in every twin flame connection. Those who are happy in a relationship have a soul mate not a twin flame in their life.


Miss Hepburn 29-11-2021 11:45 AM

Ha, I would agree with John. :wink:

FairyCrystal 29-11-2021 03:42 PM

Unrequited love means one loves, the other doesn't reciprocate.
TFs is not the same. Both love the other but there are other obstacles that hinder permanent reunion.
TF relationship IS romantic, but it's of an entirely different vibration than any other connection. This is also the reason it doesn't always go smoothly. Both parties have to really be ready in their own personal and spiritual growth -and thus on their Soul path- to be ready for this high vibrational connection.
What you see in most cases is that at least one is not.

I guess people come up with "it's not a romantic relationship" because it doesn't always work out. Then it's easy to get to the incorrect belief that it's not supposed to be romantic. It IS!

There are plenty of real TFs in a romantic relationship, thing is you won't really come across them online. Happy people have other things to do. They're happily living life.
And I don't mean to offend anyone, but what you see here are the people for whom it didn't work out, and many of those aren't really TFs either. And I know I don't make myself popular by saying that, but you can simply tell by what they are saying.
High vibrational (TF) comes with being happy on your own, not needing a connection at all, wisdom, being stable and aligned etc etc.
What you see and read here tends to be a far cry from that.
Again, no offense.

kundalinikid 29-11-2021 05:49 PM

I use to think this for a long time. I went back and forth between unrequited love and it being something greater. I tried to push it all away because of the shame I felt over how things transpired, but it continued to stick with me for years and years.

After years of my feelings just not going away I had come to find that my twin knew me before our "first meeting" (online friends). She snuck up on me when I was out somewhere. I never realized this when we were still speaking, and thought it was just a chance first meeting that seemed to go tremendously well with a random person. She never said anything back then because I guess she was embarrassed or she thought I'd be mad? Anyway, after years of praying for it to work out, I finally prayed one day to only know the truth of things. I finally came to learn everything that really transpired. It turned out my strong feelings for what I thought was a random person were already for someone I cared about. So, it was a very confusing situation for me too because I was empathic and picking up on how she was feeling as well. I'm now glad I am out of the dark, and I have a better perspective. However, the truth did not really bring her back into my life. But at least I don't feel like some clinging stalker any longer as I once did.

I think if I had any advice to give someone in this situation is to stick with your gut, and trust your feelings. If a person keeps entering back into your heart space it could be for a very good reason that your rational mind may not know or realize at the moment.

lostsoul13 29-11-2021 07:28 PM

Great explanations… it just termed up with a lot of information regarding hostility in the connection… id say the connection is unrequited in its self- as a partnership in coining with proof of latency and it’s urgency in management of its manifestation… always getting in the wrong postures when flames are co-signed into urgency… the merging is unrequited- in that the longing of it winces with population of the growth- its attitude is unrequited…so to speak..

Jainarayan 04-12-2021 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
Unrequited love means one loves, the other doesn't reciprocate.
TFs is not the same. Both love the other but there are other obstacles that hinder permanent reunion.
TF relationship IS romantic, but it's of an entirely different vibration than any other connection. This is also the reason it doesn't always go smoothly. Both parties have to really be ready in their own personal and spiritual growth -and thus on their Soul path- to be ready for this high vibrational connection.
What you see in most cases is that at least one is not.

Or, regarding the first sentence maybe the other person returns a different level, type, degree of love.

I’ve told this story before, way back. I have a friend, Tom. I say “friend” because that’s what the world sees. I believe that’s how he sees it too, though he once told me, rather emotionally that he’s loved me like a brother. It was a time he didn’t want me to get hurt in a particular situation.

For my part I love Tom in a romantic and sexual way. I fell in love with him, fell hard, not long after we met over 36 years ago. My feelings haven’t changed. I don’t see him very often (we text and talk on the phone) but when I do see him I get butterflies in my stomach, a warm rush, I see nothing else except him.

The obstacle is that he’s straight and I’m gay. And we’re both married to other people... me to another guy (whom I would never hurt), him to a woman (second marriage). His ex-wife and his wife know my feelings for him, as does my husband. It hasn’t caused a problem because my husband also thinks the world of him... Tom can do no wrong.

So yeah, I think there are degrees and levels.

Izz 04-12-2021 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
Unrequited love means one loves, the other doesn't reciprocate.
TFs is not the same. Both love the other but there are other obstacles that hinder permanent reunion.
TF relationship IS romantic, but it's of an entirely different vibration than any other connection. This is also the reason it doesn't always go smoothly. Both parties have to really be ready in their own personal and spiritual growth -and thus on their Soul path- to be ready for this high vibrational connection.
What you see in most cases is that at least one is not.

Thanks, FairyCrystal. This resonates and makes a lot of sense

FairyCrystal 04-12-2021 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Jainarayan
Or, regarding the first sentence maybe the other person returns a different level, type, degree of love.
The obstacle is that he’s straight and I’m gay.

Sympathy for your situation, but why do you conclude you're TFs?
TFs are meant to get together as then they create what's called 3rd energy and this is the whole reason of TFs existence.
If you are gay and he is straight you couldn't possibly come together. You may feel a strong bond, have some sort of higher Soul connection but based on the whole purpose of TFs... that couldn't be it.
But feel free to believe what you wish.

FairyCrystal 04-12-2021 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Izz
Thanks, FairyCrystal. This resonates and makes a lot of sense

You're welcome and glad to hear it resonates!

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