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kralaro 13-02-2021 03:38 PM

What's ur moral/philosophical unpopular opinion?
I've 24 and i plan to share some of them gradually on this thread. What is/are your moral/philosophical unpopular opinion(s)? Not necessary spirituality related. If you agree with someone's unpopular opinions then you can say so; that way someone may discover a like minded person.

kralaro 13-02-2021 03:39 PM

People think that every healthy adult should be generating income or be involved in similar materialistic productive work, instead of being dependent on others. I disagree. I think that sadhus have their own role. I think that in an efficient society, only few persons should be involved in making the society materialistically run; others can be involved in spirituality, religion or whatever they think is the best use of time.

inavalan 14-02-2021 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by kralaro
People think that every healthy adult should be generating income or be involved in similar materialistic productive work, instead of being dependent on others. I disagree. I think that sadhus have their own role. I think that in an efficient society, only few persons should be involved in making the society materialistically run; others can be involved in spirituality, religion or whatever they think is the best use of time.

I assume you accept comments on your "unpopular opinions" (?).

Everybody should be able to do whatever they want as long as they do not harm others. On the other hand, nobody is entitled to be taken care of as long as they can take care of themselves.

The case when one chooses not to take care of themselves, they aren't entitled to support (even when they believe otherwise).

But, if the community considers such individuals good for society (e.g. spiritually), or if it determines them insane, that community can take action, in the limits of the law and constitutional rights of the individual, to provide them with living means, respectively lock them up.

PureDevotionGirl 14-02-2021 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by inavalan
I assume you accept comments on your "unpopular opinions" (?).

Everybody should be able to do whatever they want as long as they do not harm others. On the other hand, nobody is entitled to be taken care of as long as they can take care of themselves.

The case when one chooses not to take care of themselves, they aren't entitled to support (even when they believe otherwise).

But, if the community considers such individuals good for society (e.g. spiritually), or if it determines them insane, that community can take action, in the limits of the law and constitutional rights of the individual, to provide them with living means, respectively lock them up.

Ooh, this thread is fun. I also agree everyone should be able to do what they want so long as they harm no one, but I have some opinions on the other things mentioned.

I think.. people are entitled to a certain amount of "care"; not from individuals, but from the government they live under. I believe that in providing a universal basic income, universal health care, and free education, a society will have a foundation for every adult starting their life to have a fair shot at creating a decent life for themselves and then contributing back to society.

I do not believe you have to work for everything; it is OK to be provided for and helped to a certain extent. It's hard to make something of yourself if you are coming from a background of poverty and have very few resources, so I think you should be guaranteed some basic necessities when you come into this world. If we take care of people, they will have more to give back to society.


I also wanted to comment on some of my personal philosophy unrelated to what was posted above. I am a firm believer that all forms of corporal punishment should be universally banned and I am a firm believer that infant circumcision should be universally banned outside of medical emergencies in which it would be required. Both corporal punishment and any form of cosmetic infant modification are cruel violations against the bodily autonomy of children and I believe there is no reason these two practices should continue to be legal and accepted in modern society.

I also believe we should stop seeing animals as "food" and recognize them as life being taken and living blood being shed every time the decision is made to slaughter one. If we recognized ALL animals as life that feels pain and suffers and not just cats and dogs and had laws protecting them from inhumane treatment, factory farms would not be able to get away with the insane and mind shattering cruelty they commit every day.

kralaro 14-02-2021 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by inavalan
I assume you accept comments on your "unpopular opinions" (?).

Comments in agreement to my unpopular opinions, Yes. In disagreement, please avoid. I started this thread to find a like minded person. And also others can find like minded persons. You're welcome to share your own unpopular opinions.

kralaro 14-02-2021 05:55 AM


I agree with you that gov should provide basic necessities to everyone. The natural world has been replaced. Rivers used to give us clean water so in cities gov should provide clean water to everyone. Also i think Neem Karoli Baba used to give importance to feeding people. We've polluted the world so gov can pay at least partially for consequences of the pollution i.e. for healthcare.

Yeah i'm against animal torture too. Not only meat/egg industry, but like fishes shouldn't be confined in aquariums, all zoos should be banned.

kralaro 14-02-2021 06:01 AM

More unpopular opinions
In my country we've reservation in colleges for physically handicapped. I think it shouldn't be there.
People think that a 25 year old person should be more respectful towards a 40 year old than towards a 10 year old. I disagree.
People think everyone should be a nationalist. I disagree.
People think it's a weakness to Not reply to verbal insults to oneself. I disagree.
I disagree with "charity begins at home".

Altair 14-02-2021 12:27 PM

I guess I have many ''unpopular opinions''. For starters...

(1) I believe slaughter of farm animals should completely cease (chickens as an exception I guess, our pets need meat. I am a pragmatist! But no mammals).

(2) All elements of religious fundamentalism should be eliminated from society (fundie Islam and Christianity, others with monotheistic tendencies). They destabilize society and brainwash people.

(3) People are free (if mutual agreement) to sleep with the sex they want, and express their gender how they want. If your name if Sarah but you want to be referred to as 'he' than I will honour that request (Yeah I learned this actually IS an unpopular opinion).

kralaro 16-02-2021 12:44 PM

More unpopular opinions
I think:

It's okay for physically fit persons to never stand for their national anthem.
Saying "happy belated birthday" makes no sense, as one can't change the happiness of a past day.
It's ok to write 'you' as 'u' in an official email.
Folding one's blanket every morning is a waste of time.

blackraven 20-02-2021 08:11 PM

Listen diligently to questions of children and as long as they keep asking "why" after an adult's explanation, keep answering more and more. They are the minds of the future. No question is a question that should remain unanswered.

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