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bartholomew 09-01-2021 09:56 AM

A Little About the Constitution of Man
Before we can realize spiritual truths we must first have a basic understanding of spiritual structure. This channeling is as regards the specifics of a human being.

Everyone will perhaps agree that the physical is the lowest of the observable realms. It is not self sufficient however. The spiritual universe is that which lays behind and energizes it. Physical matter, all of it, is a combination of physical and ethereal. This includes the simplest of biological life forms. At some point in which animal life develops emotional expressiveness these first two are joined by the next highest level, the astral/emotional. Observe any animal which can be emotional and know that it is expressing through the first three levels of existence.

Then comes the higher of the animals, what we call the mammals. These, in addition to the first three, now are capable on the next higher plane, the mental. The lowest expressiveness of the mental in animals is seen in those animals which seem to have to ability to think. Domestic canines and felines for example are among these. Next comes humanity. We humans are capable on all the lower levels but in the mental we reach higher than even the top tier of the animals. Most of us are functional on up to the fourth subplane of the mental. We have the capacity for abstract thought. Now a word about the existence of souls. Souls are universal. The word refers to that bit of "spirit" which sustains a lower expression. Souls ARE "life". Animals have animal souls. Humans have human souls. These are NOT interchangeable. We will set the lower aside and talk about human souls. They are constructed of mostly mental matter. High mental matter. Too high for the typical human being to use while incarnated in flesh. The human soul does "inform" the body but only by connecting to it with a small amount of it's energy. Now the stage is set to take a close look at humanity.

We are souls with temporary bodies. The personality of a man is nothing to do with the soul but rather is a product of the physical brain through genetics and experience on earth. The personality lives ONCE. The soul is much different as it resides on the high mental plane. An important point follows. The soul is not in any way subservient to the personality. There is nothing a personality can do that will cause a soul to be "lost" or "forever condemned" to flames forever. It follows then that there is no hell. There is only the spirit world where we came from and where we return to we return to after physical death. There is no punishment. There is only life, lessons to be worked through and eventual "forgiveness" of sins.

Thanks for reading...

Miss Hepburn 09-01-2021 12:00 PM

Thank you, B.

ketzer 09-01-2021 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by bartholomew
Before we can realize spiritual truths we must first have a basic understanding of spiritual structure. This channeling is as regards the specifics of a human being.

Everyone will perhaps agree that the physical is the lowest of the observable realms. It is not self sufficient however. The spiritual universe is that which lays behind and energizes it. Physical matter, all of it, is a combination of physical and ethereal. This includes the simplest of biological life forms. At some point in which animal life develops emotional expressiveness these first two are joined by the next highest level, the astral/emotional. Observe any animal which can be emotional and know that it is expressing through the first three levels of existence.

Then comes the higher of the animals, what we call the mammals. These, in addition to the first three, now are capable on the next higher plane, the mental. The lowest expressiveness of the mental in animals is seen in those animals which seem to have to ability to think. Domestic canines and felines for example are among these. Next comes humanity. We humans are capable on all the lower levels but in the mental we reach higher than even the top tier of the animals. Most of us are functional on up to the fourth subplane of the mental. We have the capacity for abstract thought. Now a word about the existence of souls. Souls are universal. The word refers to that bit of "spirit" which sustains a lower expression. Souls ARE "life". Animals have animal souls. Humans have human souls. These are NOT interchangeable. We will set the lower aside and talk about human souls. They are constructed of mostly mental matter. High mental matter. Too high for the typical human being to use while incarnated in flesh. The human soul does "inform" the body but only by connecting to it with a small amount of it's energy. Now the stage is set to take a close look at humanity.

We are souls with temporary bodies. The personality of a man is nothing to do with the soul but rather is a product of the physical brain through genetics and experience on earth. The personality lives ONCE. The soul is much different as it resides on the high mental plane. An important point follows. The soul is not in any way subservient to the personality. There is nothing a personality can do that will cause a soul to be "lost" or "forever condemned" to flames forever. It follows then that there is no hell. There is only the spirit world where we came from and where we return to we return to after physical death. There is no punishment. There is only life, lessons to be worked through and eventual "forgiveness" of sins.

Thanks for reading...

Hello Uncle B.
Interesting reading. You are quite the builder.
Question for you:
What then, is the role of the personality?

bartholomew 10-01-2021 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by ketzer
Hello Uncle B.
Interesting reading. You are quite the builder.
Question for you:
What then, is the role of the personality?

The personality is the very essential means through which we are able to learn, experience and attain eventual wisdom. It is the mechanism without which we would not be able to achieve self consciousness.

ketzer 10-01-2021 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by bartholomew
The personality is the very essential means through which we are able to learn, experience and attain eventual wisdom. It is the mechanism without which we would not be able to achieve self consciousness.

I can go with that. Integrated into that personality is the cause and effect of every event that affects us throughout a lifetime. Though many a personality, my own certainly no exception, bares the scars and deleterious effects caused by some of the least pleasant of those events, it also bares witness to the joys and beauty of many other events as well, and the hope that comes from them. It is nice to think that it is not all for naught, and somewhere in that jumbled model of me there is some wisdom budding that may yet bare fruit. :hug3:

bartholomew 10-01-2021 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by ketzer
I can go with that. Integrated into that personality is the cause and effect of every event that affects us throughout a lifetime. Though many a personality, my own certainly no exception, bares the scars and deleterious effects caused by some of the least pleasant of those events, it also bares witness to the joys and beauty of many other events as well, and the hope that comes from them. It is nice to think that it is not all for naught, and somewhere in that jumbled model of me there is some wisdom budding that may yet bare fruit. :hug3:

I feel the same as you. Earth is called a "Karmic planet" for good reason. Cause and effect, action and reaction (sin and punishment) rule. There are other worlds were human souls can go where things are much easier but here we have greatly increased opportunities for quick growth. It hurts, I know just like you know, but it's worth it. And, as you say, it is not for naught.

bartholomew 10-01-2021 02:41 PM

The flip side of a personality imperfection is "opportunity". I know this as well as anyone. I get reminded of it quite frequently. Lucky for me I'm at the age where I can see myself as others do. It wasn't always that way. Thank goodness for souls like Bartholomew who are not only capable but willing to spend time with others, we wee folk toughing it out, moving from one mistake to the next, down here on Earth. Channeling him is a great joy. But he doesn't belong to me. I know three others who likewise channel Bartholomew and there is room for anyone else.

ketzer 10-01-2021 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by bartholomew
The flip side of a personality imperfection is "opportunity". I know this as well as anyone. I get reminded of it quite frequently. Lucky for me I'm at the age where I can see myself as others do. It wasn't always that way. Thank goodness for souls like Bartholomew who are not only capable but willing to spend time with others, we wee folk toughing it out, moving from one mistake to the next, down here on Earth. Channeling him is a great joy. But he doesn't belong to me. I know three others who likewise channel Bartholomew and there is room for anyone else.

Interesting. I have come to suspect that Ketzer doesn't really belong to me nor does the ego that generates him and any other names he goes by. The story of Ketzer, in all its myriad versions, and all the other alter egos in his group, simply exists as they always have and will. I think perhaps my soul just borrows a book in the collection for 'a time', or chooses a piece, a top hat or race car, a vehicle with which to play the game through.

bartholomew 10-01-2021 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by ketzer
Interesting. I have come to suspect that Ketzer doesn't really belong to me nor does the ego that generates him and any other names he goes by. The story of Ketzer, in all its myriad versions, and all the other alter egos in his group, simply exists as they always have and will. I think perhaps my soul just borrows a book in the collection for 'a time', or chooses a piece, a top hat or race car, a vehicle with which to play the game through.

Souls, on their own plane, have access to libraries in which the story of every person who ever lived is available. Sometimes, through Bart when I do a reading, I get a glimpse of one of these. Wonderful.

tommylama 14-01-2021 08:05 PM

For what purpose?
This discussion is all well and good to describe the constitution of man, but what is man here for?

I personally believe that we are here to elevate our consciousness from the human personality to that of our more spiritual and more refined soul awareness. We accomplish this by learning to love our fellow humans.

Hatred of any kind interferes with this upward progress we make through this journey. Love is, in the last analysis, an expression of selflessness, because to truly love someone else in any measure we must sacrifice some of our time, resources and energy which we could have used for our own selfish experience.

Racial hatreds, or family or clan hatreds can all be boiled down to continuations of reactions in the past to moments when we placed ourselves above someone else, for whatever reason, and felt justified in so doing. Nobody is better than anyone else in truth, so hatred is just plain ignorance.

Look inside your heart and honestly admit where you may be guilty of the sin of hatred. "We're only human" is an often heard excuse for rationalizing this kind of ugliness, but perhaps we are more than human and in order to raise our level of awareness to more lofty perspectives, all we need is love.

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