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SpiritofZoe 21-06-2020 11:08 PM

Indigos Starseeds and transgender
I have a question for the Star children here... I myself am an early Indigo, 3rd wave of the 20th century, just prior to when some baby boomers started to notice their Indigo children and the term was popularized. It was hard for us, really hard..so hard I have a hard time understanding what it's like to be raised secure and fortunate and with a contemporary mindset of tolerance and compassion.

I was highly idealstic as a youth in the 80's. We were coming out of the 70's which came with a lot of idealism and few reality checks. But I came out of it all so completely fouled up that I can't comprehend what's worse and what's better for the youth of today.
I'm particularly interested in what Indigo, crystal or Starseed youth (say, under 30ish) have to say, assuming this forum has really no one on it who is under 30 and would not fit the characteristics of Indigos and Starseeds.
So I'm asking, what do you make of LGBT issues, and especially the struggles of transgender people in terms of spiritual development, past lives, old souls, karma, and the like? Do you have friends who are transgender?
How do you who are presumably more "enlightened" and informed than your more conventional peers, see your peers, your current generation as a whole on these topics? Are they far more tolerant, miraculously evolved and sympathetic? Or just a little more tolerant, just a little more awake? than 20 years ago or 30 years even.
I would love to read your thoughts 😉 on this.

SpiritofZoe 08-07-2020 11:23 PM

Well I really didn't think the topic would be that allergenic. I had the impression the new counter culture of younger and younger Youth is very open and accepting. I could go on a tangent about what I think of this whole "Woke" meme as of late, but I won't.

So what if I just tell you, it's about my son. What would you think and/or do if you were the parent of a transgender child?

John32241 09-07-2020 12:18 PM


I would give my child the love and support they desired from me.

Those who are truly awakened are kind towards everyone. It is not an intellectual thing. It is a way of being.


IndigoViolet 16-07-2020 06:45 PM

Religious people, especially the devoted ones will never hesitate to place their justice onto other people. Don't let them understand you. Don't attempt to be understood. Such thing does not exist. The only person who needs to understand each other is you towards yourself. It is you who strive to understand, not the other way round.

Otherwise, never ever share your views or your sexuality to others. Remember that humans are the most harmful creature in the world, who will degrade and harm each other for any reasons they can or cannot think of.

The world is full of traps. Every one you see and not see are there to harm you until you can prove they aren't. Hopefully, knowing this will save your life and status. I'm not exaggerating. I have seen a lot of these people around me, and is especially those who are close to me, including my own parents.

Nameless 12-11-2020 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by SpiritofZoe
Well I really didn't think the topic would be that allergenic. I had the impression the new counter culture of younger and younger Youth is very open and accepting. I could go on a tangent about what I think of this whole "Woke" meme as of late, but I won't.

So what if I just tell you, it's about my son. What would you think and/or do if you were the parent of a transgender child?

Sounds like we are in the same age range. I have a daughter who recently informed everyone on facebook she is gender fluid I believe is the term now. It was interesting to me as a parent. I saw this name pop up in my feed, and it was curious because her last name is a blend of her and her wifes names, and I was sure it was a made up name, but here was a name that the first name was different but the last the same. When I clicked on it and started reading, I knew of course who it was and when I got the jist from the first few lines, I stopped reading.

My first instinct was - hey, if she was going to go "live" with this sort of information, I would rather hear it from her (or him?), so I didn't read it. I did ask my son, you read it, what I am supposed to call her? He said I could call her by her given name and that wasn't a problem for her. As soon as I heard that, I was like, relief.

It has been many months, and the few times I've been allowed to speak to her she has never mentioned it. (That is a long story and mostly about scheduling and Covid - we all work different hours and they have a child who is homeschooled and its a whole thing to try and make a plan to zoom. She doesn't like talking on the phone because the phone messes with her energy field).

I find the transgender aspect of it interesting but not surprising. It is no issue for me, because I've know her since she was born. She was raised with boys until she was six. She has always been a tomboy. She is the most gentle of souls and always has been very feminine in certain aspects as well. So frankly I don't care what she wants to be called, because she hasn't changed. Just her name, apparently. She is and always will be my most beloved daughter. If she wants me to call her by another name, she can tell me herself LOL.

Sometimes her choices turn my hair grey, and I have to expand my belief system yet again, but on this one issue I have been doing a lot of research because I felt this was coming (a mother's intuition).

All I can say is, I have learned more from my children than my children learned from me.

I know I am not the generation you were hoping to speak to. From my perspective, her generation and younger are fine with it. Of course, I don't know anyone or relate to the religious community and haven't for many years so that could be why I think that.

For me it is a non-issue because she is the same person inside, no matter what she wants the outside to look like.


SpiritofZoe 28-11-2020 05:34 AM

Thanks for all your comments. Its just like what you describe, Nameless. I can't help but worry about him, but I am very comforted by the younger generation's openness and acceptance, I think at least that is not as bad as I feared on that front. He is a lot happier now, and I am excited to see him grow.

PsyKeys 01-12-2020 10:59 PM

Well I would ask, where did your child learn about all of these things?
Because in the real world its very rare to come across these ideas. To me it rings, Tumblr and these online chatting websites. As well as online games.

Do you have information and should your child see a therapist? It's probably necessary.

edit: and I don't mean to be mean. heh.

Origins, and Identity is a struggle, it can be a knowing and a feeling that you dont belong, stressed by the yearning to be accepted.

Sethra 05-12-2020 03:40 PM

I was born in December of 1984. As I was stuck in religion and followed the instruction I was given... I didn't have many friends at all, fore I would normally be around the adults. They never listened to me much at all, so all I did was listen and learn from them for twenty plus years of my life. Of course I went to school and had interactions with my age group and so on.

So, I say all this because it has left me in a weird area. I have all the lessons and experiences given to me by the Generation X and those before them (the elderly that I would spend alot of time with in those ole' days) Though my school years (due to that December birthday) put me in the classrooms full of Millennial's. ---By choice, I don't even own a phone these days:)

So I have a unique perspective as a star-seed / star-child myself. The choice of others will benefit them or hurt them, personally IMHO, that is their own burden to carry, I have two daughters out in the world and maintain that position. As for myself.... I dress in leather pleated mini-skirts, even in winter time. My body has an Extreme woman's figure, buttocks, curves; from behind I am seen as female. My face is youthful as a male, but not a "man" looking.
I have embraced my body and at this degree in my life I do not believe clothes should be classed by gender. We are human and the Shamans and Many Holy people of the past had an androgynous nature about themselves. As far as a personal gender preference, as long as it is in the human category, I'm good. My looks confuse myself, so why, oh, why would I ever expect someone to properly "Classify" myself? If I did, I would be the fool. Plus, I like being a question mark to others. It encourages people to approach and speak with me. People, especially our youth are being mentally and emotionally attacked every-day.

Everything from books, movies, every media platform, and social interactions are causing mass confusion to these young ones whom are not being given the totality of truth before their hormone treatments and loping off or adding something to their physical body. The bible covers Mutilation to the body as something with red flags all over it. Now I just heard there are pills being given out which post-pones the bodies ability to go through puberty>< WOW! That made me really sad for the youth of today.

As far as tolerance goes... while I personally employ it, on the other thought;and this is an example, not application to the subject matter here: A parent cannot allow an unruly child to persist in their behavior. The loving parent must employ the correct and tailored discipline or even speech, so as to teach the adolescent how such behaviors are not acceptable at any time to any individual. Why? Because it will hurt themselves and others. I believe in that correctly employed behavior, more than I do in tolerance.

As I have chosen my own path as a connected star-child, I provide the following as my path to clarity without future confusion or regret:


Many people have many terms to identify either their gender or their sexual preference. In place of all that, UhmnaH’loom describes what is most important when I think upon this subject material. I am confusing in appearance. When I go out, I like to dress up, and mostly I am wearing female-like attire. Honestly, maybe I do it because I enjoy receiving, however I have not and am not interested in such acts with a man. I want to see a female every day, therefore I dress like a male bird, seeking to attract that one female confident enough to seize the opportunity with me. She is usually the one who is into what I enjoy.

I just don’t enjoy dividing things, unless I am doing so with an intent to increase the positive. In what I am as having a male body, I accept this. In what I am as in growing up with and around women, I accept this. I support women and my role as a male is to empower those whom are weak to re-member that they are strong. That is my ministry.

I have more than a hundred and twenty-nine aspects that create's who I am and I embrace the weakness that fuels my strengths (Aeyst). I keep the good out of anything I have ever learned and I discard the bad. Simply because the Jehovah’s witnesses have many horrible attributes that I have chosen to not repeat, the Love within me does not forget the beneficial elements they instilled into my life.

Many choose to forget. In forgetting does one leave the opportunity for repetition. If I remember, I both remember what to do and what not to do. I also recall what works in certain situations as I also know what is certain to fail with other situations. If fairness in equality is real in what is wanted, then learning to accept what is natural of self is the early stages of UhmnaH’loom.

The fifty-third principle, UhmnaH'loom

- Acceptance of power –

Male and Female qualities cooperation in perfect harmony. Using all elements of strength from each of the sexes, becoming embodied within oneself.
In life does our higher self (Kahluhahna) compose itself of elements that they have collected during many multiple lives lived. We see in some higher beings, that male and female qualities are present within those single complex beings. Our inner desires to reflect whom the being within, creates the being of UhmnaH’loom. Fore an advanced wisdom does not discriminate a gender, however embodies the strengthening qualities that is inert.

May we as a species evolve beyond the separation of attributes based upon what “category” a human body may be “classified” as. May we widen our thoughtful perception that a “male” fleshly body may have a dominant-Female Kahluhahna and that a female fleshly body may have a dominant-male KahLuhahna.

UhmnaH’loom is the acceptance of inner desires expressed through the active lifestyle of self. To break the confines of what modern culture has deemed to be “acceptable” always upholding awareness to influence love that is true. Learning to observe and appreciate all aspects of life that we see, is the first step to loving oneself, as we did when we were once children. May the species become united as a whole.

I have become exposed to many scientific understandings and the brain operates with different priorities, depending upon either male or female. I have payed attention and upon the male characteristics; there are few mental processing qualities which I use and many others I have greatly changed. The female direction and abilities of the brain; for the most of them, I use. My mind does not process like a male nor does my mind process like a female. I process as UhmnaH’loom.

I reconfigured my brain, according to changing my perceptions of everyday normality. I have used every word in this book and more, to develop beyond what I was born as. I refuse to mutilate my flesh to look different. Instead and not by choice my mind was tortured and mutilated. Break the mirror and find everyone standing there observing you.

Our minds have become blocked and to escape that blockade, one must use more abilities then is offered as a single gender. Take what is positive and leave the negative. We will become a being of light or darkness, it just depends what we choose to gather.

lostsoul13 20-06-2021 09:28 PM

I once had this avartar that was androgynous neither present female more likely male- appearing to it's (good books ) was a biquiler or nature had pre meditative collections in its race and was a good artist with it- I'm mentioning that- being transgender meant the body wasn't correct for the spirit that was controlling the avarta(including the self) had issues regarding that- ever present was the female side of things( getting into an avarta -things can go wrong) and it just happened the account threw off a female avartar instead of a male...the avartar was transgender and thought about having surgery - due to the nature of the situation was bicurious to the androgynous natures.. ( Plainly put it- reached a male avartar - but the spirit had been touched by female-as far as symmetry goes was a blunder; and reached male avartars countless times... It just so happened out of spirit and in spirit it happened...as far as twin flames go( it's twin flame decided- these things happen and as far as the ideal taking its ideal had been given an ideal- thought better had been there and saved it, and no one took it apart from me... The reincarnation was a night- mare & the process of being transgendered ran smoothly as far as hormones went- and emasculated well... Ran into a flew blunders half way in the treatment- but all was sorted and processed treatment...

Nameless 23-06-2021 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by SpiritofZoe
I can't help but worry about him, but ... He is a lot happier now, and I am excited to see him grow.

In a nutshell, that has been my experience with being a parent.

Managing my worry is my problem / challenge and has nothing to do with my kids. Hard as it is to say, my first knee-jerk response to any "outside the box" choice they make is - what will everyone else think about it, which is really boiled down to - will they be safe in this world? And because I cannot control that, (and control is my middle name) I have learned to have faith and believe they will be safe. I have learned not to care or even contemplate what other people might think about anything - which is a gift my child gave to me. It has made me a much stronger person to live this way. That belief changed my world.

And, the bottom line, we just want our kids to be happy. And when they are, you get to interact with them in such a fun, happy, mind blowing way. There is nothing better as a parent than when their child is happy.

I am beginning to believe that, because my kid has come out of so many closets, there may be no end to the closets she/he has yet to explore. Just when I think, OK - now I know who she/he is, she/he is busy smashing another closet door and I have to grow again and come to a place of embracing that closet door.

Nothing says a mothers love like acceptance. Changing one's belief system is not for sissies.

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